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Everything posted by Shoojah

  1. Sent package to Phoenix lockbox on 6/5. Got text on 6/9, check was cashed on 6/12. Case Tracker says case is being actively reviewed. Now waiting for receipt in the mail, + next steps.
  2. so I spoke to a lawyer who gave me the opposite answer. 21. N/A Someone who got a conditional greencard through marriage and divorced and has also since remarried would say yes. Someone who is still currently married and filing as married would check no. You are filling it out as divorced /divorce waiver even though the divorce is not finalized.
  3. I have not filed yet. I am going to file with divorce waiver in a few weeks. But Divorce is not finalized. The questions on the form are confusing because you file with waiver or not, so this limbo area when you file while you're divorce is pending is making me scratch my head.
  4. What about this question? the wording is confusing me. 21. If you are married, is this a different marriage than the one through which you gained conditional resident status? Am I married? I filed but divorce isn't final? Should I put N/A?
  5. Yes I have all those files etc. bank statements, insurance, joint taxes. A person with some legal background helped me file for divorce, but not an attorney. My question was mostly for filling out the question like, when did the marriage end? the date of seperation? the date I filed or the date of final divorce, which hasn't happened yet. I guess I can put down, divorce is in proceedings for question 13. I'm aware I need a I-797C, hopefully I get my I-797C and then it's a bit before they send an RFE for the divorce decree.
  6. Hello VJ people, Here is a breakdown of events, looking for some help in regards to filing my removal of conditions and divorce, and needing to travel soon-ish. California based PR Married in May 2020 Got 2-Year Green card July 2021 Marriage has been rocky the last 6 months, separated March 2023 Filed for divorce end of April 2023, so will not get final divorce papers until October. No fault divorce, so will take 6 months hopefully not longer I am still at same address but moving June 1st, will filing i-751 in the next week or two and then AR-11 in June when I plan to move delay things? I am in my 90 day window before Conditional GC expires middle of July. I have most of my evidence to prove bona-fide marriage I am just waiting for the stamped papers from the court saying I have filed for divorce. I was told this is enough to file the I-751 but I have concerns. My question is, since I have filed but the divorce is NOT final yet. Do I file the i-751 waiver, now ? Which is a little over 2 months before my GC expires. Do I check divorced for question #13, and date marriage ended? The other big thing is, I am in my best friends wedding in Mexico the first week of August, and I am in the wedding party. If I wait to file I-751 will I get a I-797C before then to re enter the US. Not an ideal situation but these are the cards I have been dealt with.
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