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Posts posted by erintoronto

  1. Only two approvals last week? Why do you hate us CSC...WHY?!? I'm sorry...I just had to vent my frustration.

    i know. it's hard to believe they're moving so slowly. but if you look at igor's stats page you'll see that things REALLY picked up at the end of april last year. it went from 12 to 63 in one week and then stayed pretty steady until mid-june. i am hoping that the same happens this year.

    please please please! :star:


  2. well at least you got to skip the shitty diaper days..

    Just wait 50 years. :lol:

    :lol: i have to say, i thought about that, too...

    Erin, does your step-child have red-hair? :lol: I'm just kidding, I'm sure you'll do fine. The fact that you get along so well with the ex will go a long way to making the transition so much easier. Good luck!!!!! :thumbs:

    heehee. no to the red hair. i have yet to actually meet the ex in-person, but have navigated my way through many situations with david as a 'representative', so to speak. i'm looking forward to meeting her and seeing the 'mom' side of things from her perspective. but i'm leaving introductions up to when she and david feel comfortable with it. no point pushing something that will happen in time :)

    thanks for the 'good luck'! :star:

  3. Hi everybody! I've been busy lately, so haven't posted in a while - but here's what's new with me. I had my medical last week, and my paperwork is all in order. My interview date is scheduled for April 29th in Vancouver, and I'm getting ready to head out there in a week. I sold my condo, the movers are coming on Friday, so now I'm packing up all my worldly possessions and saying goodbye to all my friends here.

    It's a very strange time for me. I'm feeling very excited about finally being reunited with my fiance, but I'm also feeling very sad about leaving my home behind. I've been an emotional wreck lately! I know I will learn to like my new life in the US, but I feel horribly homesick already, and I haven't even left yet... Anyway, I will report back after my interview and let you know how it went. Back to packing...

    i wish you all the best with your interview and everything else you're working through in order to get ready for the big move. :star:

    i'm sure i'll have the same feelings you're having once it is time for me to move. i already have days when i walk out my front door and think "i'm really going to miss this place." and i've been making an effort of spending much more time out and about with friends. this is such a strange but exciting process.

    hope the packing is almost finished :)

  4. Ahhhh March filers I'm having a rubbish weekend. Am getting really impatient. It doesn't help that we originally filed 5th Feb so have been waiting longer than it appears we have. I know in the grand scheme of things we really haven't been waiting that long, we're very lucky to be VSC. I could just do with a little something to be excited about, even a touch would do it, just to know we're still in contention. I work really well when I have something to look forward to so I'm struggling massively with this bit. Even if they emailed me and said look were not even going to look at your case until June so just chill out i would feel much better. I hate not knowing when I am going to see Alan next, I don't know if i can afford to book a trip now if we are going to get packet 3 soon and then have to book again for my POE in a couple of months. Urgh, this process is so tough. Just needed a rant, sorry its a bit of a pointless post. I'm hoping one of you will have some extra sunshine to share with me today.

    Hoping for loads of approvals this week!!!

    Bex xxxx

    bex, i'm sorry to hear that you're having a down weekend and are feeling impatient. it's no surprise we all feel these things throughout this process. it's tough stuff!

    here in toronto the weather has been beautiful and i have spent time with friends and accomplished a lot this weekend, even eaten gelato on a patio in the glorious sunshine, but i am still feeling a bit lost in the process. it is very difficult not knowing when things will happen, especially as i don't know when i will see david again. at this point i may see him next weekend... but i may not. who knows!? not me. :wacko: and if it doesn't happen next weekend then it might not happen until JULY. :(

    of course, i shouldn't be saying anything about not seeing david... some folks on VJ haven't been able to see their loved one in months or even years. it has only been 4 weeks for us at this point. we are fortunate for that.

    financially i'm feeling a crunch, too. i had *finally* gotten myself a proper loan to pay off my debts and was starting to move forward for the first time... EVER. now i'm trying to save for all of the K1 related fees that will pop up as we get closer to the interview as well as AOS/EAD/AP and moving. PLUS, because i won't be able to work immediately once i get to the US, i have to save up at least 3-4 months worth of loan payments. (and we're talking $1,000+ a month!) as someone who has never been ahead in the game of $$$ i am finding it really difficult and stressful. i have tried finding part time work but i am always 'over-qualified'. i think it's funny and frustrating that someone willing to do any sort of job, from manual labor to retail, would be turned away because they have too much experience. i am *almost* at a point where i have convinced a neighbor to let me work part time on weekends for her. and i *might* have another opportunity pop up in the next month. but not being sure about it makes my head spin as it is yet another thing that i am waiting for.

    so, in the midst of all this waiting, i'm trying my best. i've been reorganizing my apartment and figuring out what i'll actually need to take with me when i move. i'm spending time with friends. i'm going to the gym (as much as a person with bronchitis can). i'm talking to david on the phone when we have time. i'm trying to distract myself with the hockey playoffs. and, of course, i'm trying to find part time work.

    but i'm also trying other things. david and i both love to cook so i've started collecting recipes in a binder so that when we're finally together we can cook all these delicious things together. i'm also trying to write david longer emails whenever i feel down that make me think of positive things, all that i am looking forward to doing with him. i've also started collecting tacky 'toronto' and 'canada' post cards and am sending david one each week. that way he knows i'm thinking of him when he checks his mail. it will also be fun once i move as i'll have a huge stack of silly post cards to remind me of the city i lived in and loved for so many years.

    anyhow, i hope that your spirits have lifted a bit. i sometimes just wish i could have a BIG HUG when i'm feeling down. so, here's a *BIG HUG* being sent your way. :star:


  5. I also became a step mum of 2 fab kiddies when I married my USC hubby! :)

    The best advice is to just be there for the kids.. determine to be someone in their lives that will love them.. that's how I see my role..They don't need another "Mom" they have a great one right now.. I just want to love them, and support them.. and support my husbands role of daddy in their lives.

    I also listen and try not to poke my nose into my hubby & his ex's business - I told her straight up that THEY were the parents and I was determined not to poke my nose in when and where it didn't belong. That means giving them time to talk and to just sort stuff out and be as supportive as possible. There are times I help hubby on his "phrasing" of things or try to present what I would perceive as his ex's reaction to things he needs to say etc. It can work without there being jealousy and frustration and I'm determined to live that way for the best interest of the kids. :thumbs:

    thanks so much for taking the time to write this. sounds like you're doing a fantastic job with the kids :)

    i'm trying my best to be patient and understanding when it comes to things between lucas' parents. it's a learning process and i remind myself that as long as david and lucas are happy that nothing else matters in the situation. they are making it work. of course, i know once i'm there i'll really see it all happening and will have to adjust to how things happen in their day-to-day. i should print out your post so i can read it over on the days i might get frustrated with things. a friendly reminder :yes::lol:

    well at least you got to skip the shitty diaper days..


    very true (though we'll probably get there with kids of our own at some point...)

  6. i feel so blessed. not only did i meet the love of my life (david), but he has an amazing 8 year old son (lucas). i've spent quite a bit of time with lucas already (we always make a point of all 3 of us spending some time together when i visit), and he likes talking to me on the phone from time to time. he is such a firecracker!

    i have no children of my own at this point so parenting is a very new thing to me. although things with lucas have been great during my visits, i know that once i get there reality will set in. it seems that a lot of parenting skills are just common sense. however, i want to do the very best i can.

    lucky for me david and lucas' mom have a very good relationship. i should make it clear that in no way do i want to take the place of lucas' mom. i just want to be supportive and a good parent. if you have tips or advice i'd be happy to hear them.

    thanks so much! :star:

    (i also posted this in the 'off topic' forum, but i'd also really appreciate the advice of my fellow canucks :yes: )

  7. From what you describe in your post it sounds to me like you are having an emotional affair with Jeff. Your intimate conversations with him are inappropriate when you are engaged to another man. You need to kick Jeff to the curb in all ways if you want any future with Eric. Just my opinion.

    i agree. it's one thing to be friends with someone, but this goes well beyond that. i am not at all surprised that eric is jealous. think of how you would feel if he were telling you about another woman? i do hope that the two of you can work this out, but you are going to have to work to earn his trust again, i believe. it's not impossible, but will require some serious effort on your part.

  8. i feel so blessed. not only did i meet the love of my life (david), but he has an amazing 8 year old son (lucas). i've spent quite a bit of time with lucas already (we always make a point of all 3 of us spending some time together when i visit), and he likes talking to me on the phone from time to time. he is such a firecracker!

    i have no children of my own at this point so parenting is a very new thing to me. although things with lucas have been great during my visits, i know that once i get there reality will set in. it seems that a lot of parenting skills are just common sense. however, i want to do the very best i can.

    lucky for me david and lucas' mom have a very good relationship. i should make it clear that in no way do i want to take the place of lucas' mom. i just want to be supportive and a good parent. if you have tips or advice i'd be happy to hear them.

    thanks so much! :star:

  9. Good Luck guys.

    With a bit of luck you should be together within 6 months...

    :( we really hope so. Our 3rd anniversary is on November 08 an we wanted to get married on the same day if Gods willing. We miss each other so much. We cry almost everyday infront of our webcams wanting to hold each other.......We eat, sleep,watch tv, do our house chores together...........not one day we dont talk. With the big time differences we still managed to do all these for 2 and half years now. :crying:

    hang in there. you've taken the first BIG step. congratulations on filing!!! you'll be together in no time, i'm sure of it :star:

  10. who are march fillers here? just want to know if your petition is have already changes, we are feb. filers but till now no noa1 yet

    we filed to the CSC on march 17th and received our NOA1 on march 19th. we haven't heard anything since.

    i'm not sure what to recommend regarding your NOA1. according to the VJ K1 process flowchat it should take 2-3 weeks but i know things move faster or slower at times. i hope you receive it soon! :star:

  11. Good Morning Menna!!! Finally Ahmed has his visa in hand!! :dance::dance: I am dancing and crying happy tears at the same time :crying::crying: . I cannot believe it is finally here and without mistakes!!!!!! He will go today to see about his flight ticket. We are planning for him to come on Monday or Tuesday....after all our Wedding is scheduled for April 26th at 2pm. God is good all the time and answers prayers.....for those of you waiitng do not give up....keep your faith. I will continue praying for each of you. Hope all of you have a fantastic Saturday.......mine is definitely wonderful.

    this is WONDERFUL news! congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

    i am so thrilled for you that you don't have to reschedule your wedding. it was meant to be! :star:

  12. I just had a vision of a big guy with a big frown on his face wearing a Canadiens jersey. :(:lol:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    i likely won't be laughing on saturday night though. i don't think price is going to let the bruins win again.

    i'm disappointed that i'll be watching the nashville and detroit game tonight instead of NYR and NJD... but i'll still be watching.

  13. David???? Forget him!!! Concentrate on Iginla and Ovechkin! david!! pbbts!! lol


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I'm not familiar with those names. :bonk: Iginla, isn't he he's the guy who goes golfing with Sundin. :lol:

    Bruins just scored on the powerplay. :crying: 1-1, 11 minutes left in the 2nd.

    i was surprised price let ANYTHING in tonight. that save he had in the first period, the one where the puck bounced off the post and price somehow managed to swing his stick behind his back and scoop the puck outta the crease... well, that was magic.

    kovalev's goal was pretty fun to watch, too. and i'm cheering for the bruins! :hehe:

  14. Price is lookin sharp!

    sure is! he's been outstanding. though, tim thomas has been doing really well for the bruins given that the rest of the team hasn't bothered coming out to play yet.

    the playoffs are keeping me sane this year. no time to think about missing david. i've got hockey to watch! :lol:

  15. Someone posted a theory in my Wake Up CSC thread that it has more to do with the website problems. It generally takes two-three weeks for people to get NOA2s in the mail. We started hearing about the USCIS website going on the fritz about the same time that the numbers suddenly dropped, that was about two or three weeks ago. So, in theory, if the USCIS website stopped being updated that would mean that people won't know that they were approved until the NOA2 arrives, which as previously stated, could take two-three weeks. Hopefully *crosses fingers* we'll start seeing a sudden increase in approvals in the next week as all of those theoretical NOA2s that have been done since the website went down arrive via snail-mail.

    I'm keeping my hopes up because otherwise I'll go crazy...er. :goofy:

    oooh! i like this theory!!! :yes:

    and i am with you in the crazy...er boat! :D

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