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Posts posted by Pauley

  1. That is also my understanding, I'm not sure tourists will be able to buy the other passes (3 and 7 days) on the bus though, but it's still a good deal.

    The link I posted details which locations sell the 1- and 3- day passes. Until the "tourist" season starts at the end of April, you can only get them in three places; the range opens up after that through the summer.

  2. I thought Obama had more common sense than this.

    Oops. ;)

    I never thought they would implement the $10 fee for Canadians.

    They didn't. Visitors from VWP countries will be charged; Canadians will not.

    I suspect (though I haven't read the act) that it's happening that way because of that very wording -- I bet they're imposing the charge on anyone visiting using the Visa Waver Program, and Canada's not getting the hit because they don't fall under that specific program.

  3. The $7 fare is payable in cash aboard the bus. It also provides travellers with a transit pass valid on the STM bus and metro network for the next 24 hours.

    Sounds like the $7 cash fare essentially gets you the a one-day tourist pass, which is also $7. All in all, pretty good deal. :)

  4. In Michigan they have what people here call "Michigan Left Turn". Certain intersections you can't make a left turn, so you have to turn right on the street you want, then go around a curve to get on the street in the other direction.


    Sounds like the New Jersey jughandle interesections: Instead of turning left, you keep straight, then take a loop off the right of the road to get around to the right direction. I haven't been to Jersey myself to experience one, but I hear they can get a little crazy...


  5. they do if you have direct deposit or keep a min amount. and you get to choose what yoru visa debit card looks like.

    Correct Pauley. However i would much rather that then get nailed with multiple charges. Makes good sense to me. i just read over the toa on bofa site today actually. most of it seems reasonable. and i like the scotia thing too.

    i only dealt with scotia for my mortgage, but they were always very helpful and nice to me.

    Oh, I agree. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be told no, I can't buy something than find out later I got charged an overdraft fee ("Ugh... that burger and fries just cost $46...").

    The thing is, since banks won't have that as a source of income anymore, one thing to keep an eye on is that the free-with-direct-deposit checking accounts may stop being free unless there's a minimum amount in the account. In fairness to the bank, that part is entirely supposition, and neither hinted at nor announced by banks at this time. It's just something to keep an eye out for in future announcements.

  6. I bet BofA has a free checking account too. Seems to be the norm in the US.

    They do, but reports are that they may not much longer. The federal government has enacted new rules regarding overdraft fees, in that a banking customer has to be notified with each transaction that they're about to be charged an overdraft if they proceed without enough money in their account to cover the amount. Since banks don't have a way to do that at point of sale when you try to use your debit card, instead they plan to now decline the transaction.

    The reason this is relevant to free checking is that many banks in the US started allowing overdrafts with fees to make up for lost income when they started giving away free checking to compete with other banks. Since the fees won't be legal anymore, say some analysts, the free checking they pay for may also go away.

    (Source: AP this morning, via Fox News)

  7. One thing i noticed with BoA...they are allied with scotiabank in canada.. so if you go visit and use a scotia atm it's free.

    As an American with a Bank of America account, visiting the wife in Toronto very regularly, I often use this to my advantage. :)

    I don't know anyone with a Scotiabank account, but it supposedly works both ways, and with banks in up to a half-dozen other countries, too -- Scotiabank's site has the details and names of banks, as does Bank of America's.

  8. My wife and I are also thinking of poeing in lewiston, looks like it went very smoothly for u and the family. :star:

    Yvonne and I would likely enter there, too; I usually stop at the Smoking Joes location on NY-31 on the way home for cheap fuel. :D

  9. "Let's see, left wing, 320 penalty minutes, 3 suspensions and zero goals?"

    Only three suspensions? You can totally do better than that. :rofl:

    Good job by the original comment poster in picking a number divisible by 5; you gotta know the majority would be majors and misconducts. ;)

  10. Congrats!

    Why on earth does everyone want/go for poutine, when they could go to Schwartz's?!?! :blink::P

    Here here!

    You can get poutine in a lot of places in Canada, but ya gotta love a good Schwartz's smoked meat sandwich. So good. :thumbs:

  11. I checked with my employer about this since my open enrollment for this year was at the end of October. I didn't want to pay for him to be covered if he wasn't here. So they told me that becoming a resident was a Change of Life and that I can add him when he gets his SS# and greencard.

    I was told the same thing by my employer -- specifically, the loss of coverage from OHIP counts as "no longer covered by a government-sponsored health plan" and a Qualifying Event for purposes of early enrollment in benefits under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Your employer/insurance provider may wish to see documentation from OHIP that the spouse is no longer resident and thus no longer covered, and in my case at least, I would get retroactive coverage to that drop date.

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