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Posts posted by IrieCat

  1. Not sure if this is too personal or not but what kinds of jobs did your men get when they came to the US? I know Louis would do anything! Maybe not fastfood though cause he wont be around meat! LOL. He is a prgrammer at the TV station in St Lucia so he does have some talents. I really want to find out what he is passionate about. I think working just to live has never given him the time to see if there is something he really loves and is good at. He said he wants to take computer classes when he gets here because he feels in the US everyone needs to know these things.

    He will be in total shock with his 1st real paycheck! He gets paid once a month now and its equal to less than $400. He gives alot to his mom as it is now. I am sure we will be sending her money ... but no kitchen sinks! ;-)

    How long until they can get a job?


  2. That all sounds so excellent and is very motovational! I am going to put that DVD in I have today and get my butt movin!!!

    MAWNIN Ladies,

    I forgot to add how much I lost since Jan 1st (so here it is 6lbs). I'll put my weight out there, I'm 260 (don't really look it). Not ashame to POST,PRINT my weight. It's not like I can tell somepeople that I'm 120lbs (well, maybe on the internet), but yeah, I'm a big girl. Most of my weight is in my hips and baxide. Unfortunately, when I lose weight my BREAST shrink :angry: ...I lose weight first in my face & breast (really hate that).

    But just had to share this....I had a BOOT CAMP class this morning (5am) and I did okay. This is my 5th class, the 1st 2 nearly kicked by butt, but I'll tell you this FLEXIBILITY helps out a lot. Even when I don't get a chance to exercise I STRETCH my body. The instructor was empressed that I was able to keep up for the 1st 15 minutes of the class, which is the most difficult. The class is only 20 mins, but trust me...he KICKS butt...he's an old MARINE. One of the ladies in my class was weighing 325 lbs and she told me when she first started out she could only walk 10 mins on the treadmill. She's down to 200 lbs now.

    Instructor also told me, if you can only get 10mins in to exercise, just do it...something is better than nothing.

    I was close to 300 lbs back in September, but STRESS cause me to drop 26lbs in 2 weeks (NEVER AGAIN). I wil never let that happened again. I looked terrible.

    So, I lose little at a time now, not because of stress, but because I need to. Whenever I'm in Jamaica I'll lose up to 10lbs in 3 weeks, don't know why and I eat 10 times more food there than I do here. Soon as I come back to the states, the pounds PILE back on :angry:

    I'll have to tell ya'll about my POLE DANCING exercise class later on (unu ago DEAD)...mi tink mout bass deyah...so, I'll tell ya'll about it later.

  3. Wow Congrats to all on the weight loss - I need to keep up! LOL - but have no scale so if my pants are looser - I am happy!

    I have 2 favorite smoothies.

    I slice up bananas and freeze them. I have some frozen, cubed cantelupe also. Fozen strawberries and finally some frozen OJ concentrate in a tupperware container in the freezer. Everything is frozen so you dont need to use ice and water the flavor down. It also helps with the bananas lasting along time.

    1st smoothie. about 8 whole strawberries, a spoonful of the oj concentrate and about 1 small banana and then I put in enough soymilk to blend altogether. I use Vanilla Silk with Fiber. It all tastes like ice cream!!!!

    2nd smoothie. a container of low fat or no fat orange creamcicle yogurt, 2 spoonful of oj concentrate and about a cup of frozen canteloupe and the soy milk until its all blended.

    You could add supplements if you want but I just keep 'em simple. I feel it takes me longer to drink this and I stay full longer.

    there was a 3rd I tried but didnt like so much - I used chocolate soymilk, bananas, and a spoonful of all natural Peanut Butter. Maybe if I used salted PB it would have been better - salt and chocolate kinda taste better. Or maybe throw in strawberries. I will have to keep working on a chocolate smoothie.... :-)

    Have a great day y'all!


    I can do great with healthy food and I make a mean smoothie! LOL

    what do you use in your smoothie?

    Hey all do you chew gum to help ward off cravings? If so beware. I happen to chew a lot of it. Thank goodness I have been breaking the sicks in two.

    Beware of sorbitol

    if the link dosen't work go here:


  4. Thanks for the welcome ... from all.

    I can do great with healthy food and I make a mean smoothie! LOL

    I just wish I could get some excersize in! I need a car - to drive to the gym. I actually love the gym - I just have no transport. I live in a town with no public busses either! I will surely think of something. :-)

  5. I have always used pincity.com for refillable cards , bu tof lately I switch to TWC and got there international 1 plus for $19.95 a month with about 50 hours a month of talk time.

    hey there! What is TWC? I wonder if I could get such a good deal to St Lucia!



  6. I have been in Maine now since Sept 1st and my phone bills are a huge stress... sooo much money to call St Lucia. I think 52 cents a minute. I have well over $1000 in phone bills (almost paid them all) and finally called the phone company and blocked all overseas calls, otherwise I could not dicipline myself. So now I use www.enjoyprepaid.com and get about 17 cents a minute - much better! I can also top up Louis' digicel online. This way all the phone bills are paid BEFORE we make calls. Unfortunetly the 800 #s do not show on my phone bill!

    I also finally convinced Louis to try e-mail. Since his own home has no running water etc internet is not an option at home but I convinced him to go to a mutual friend's house to use her computer. (he is not real fond of her) He can also sneak at work and check once in a while. But lawd! Trying to teach him over the phone to use e-mail - what a PIA!! LOL I told him he had to figure it out becuase without my huge phone bills we had to have some "proof"... We also have written each other a couple snail mails but there is another headache - the Lucian mail system!


    Do they have internet cafe's in St.Lucia ? After my fiance changed jobs,he e-mails me from one of them.They are all over Panama City.+

    They do have some but he needs a "how to use a computer" crash course. He has never used a computer before and teaching e-mail over the phone is not easy!


  7. Welcome Iriecat! Feel free to join us here anytime. How long are you going for in April? What part of JA have you been too?

    I am going to St Lucia in April for just over 2 weeks. My daughter will have spring break and I am letting her miss a week of school (its kindergarten!) She would be so upset if I didnt take her with me and I wouldnt be able to stay as long if I didnt bring her either... She loves Louis as much as I do and she can't wait to see her friends! She was a pretty popular girl in St Lucia - I dont know how many men asked me to have more children for them LOL!!! (she is mixed and quite a beauty!)

    Jamaica - Mostly MoBay - My company works with Half Moon and we used to represent Tryall, Round Hill and Coyaba. I did go for work a couple times and made some friends. Then Brought my daughter there a couple years ago for vacation and we went to Bob's house and spent some time in the country in St Catherine. I could drive you there if we were on the island but I cannot remember the exact names of the towns! LOL


  8. Hello!

    While living in St Lucia for 6 months I lost 40lbs... all those mountains, walking, sweating I had no choice but to loose some pounds. After high school I was a vegetarian for 8 years and in the past year I have converted back once again. I feel so much healthier without eating meat. I must confess I do still eat fish though - its good for me! :-) I have always hated to say I was on a diet. I just try to change little things. I dont eat anything white! No white bread, no white rice and no "white" pasta. I look at the ingredients - no high fructose corn syrup on any enriched flours... I try to change my lifestyle and eat healthy.

    I dont have a car and work from home so right now the gym isnt an option but this is my downfall - I need to get in some excersize someout. I have a 5 year old daughter and try to get outside with her as much as possible but with all the snow and cold neither of us are too fond of it.

    I have rented a few excersize dvds and have no cooridination - what the heck can I do? I have to think of something. I would like to loose a few more pounds before April and my trip to St Lucia. if you look at my pics Louis is a skinny bean and I have ordered him to eat junk food every day! LOL I can't wait till he gets here and I can fatten him up!!! LOL


  9. Hello All! I am pretty new around here and just reading all the posts! It makes me a little "home" sick for the Caribbean. While my fiance is from St Lucia, I love Jamaica and miss it as well. I can't wait for April - going to visit Louis in St Lucia - I hope the time passes fast!

    I just came in from waiting for the bus with my little kindergartner... it is so effing cold outside which does not help with the "home" sickness either!!! Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!

  10. I have been in Maine now since Sept 1st and my phone bills are a huge stress... sooo much money to call St Lucia. I think 52 cents a minute. I have well over $1000 in phone bills (almost paid them all) and finally called the phone company and blocked all overseas calls, otherwise I could not dicipline myself. So now I use www.enjoyprepaid.com and get about 17 cents a minute - much better! I can also top up Louis' digicel online. This way all the phone bills are paid BEFORE we make calls. Unfortunetly the 800 #s do not show on my phone bill!

    I also finally convinced Louis to try e-mail. Since his own home has no running water etc internet is not an option at home but I convinced him to go to a mutual friend's house to use her computer. (he is not real fond of her) He can also sneak at work and check once in a while. But lawd! Trying to teach him over the phone to use e-mail - what a PIA!! LOL I told him he had to figure it out becuase without my huge phone bills we had to have some "proof"... We also have written each other a couple snail mails but there is another headache - the Lucian mail system!


  11. I mailed the I-129f forms to VSC on friday. From checking online with the USPS I know they received on monday. Should I be getting a receipt in the mail from them, is that what the AOS1 is? Is this what I go online and register in order to track touches etc?

    I know this is whole process is going to keep me frazzled I am a very impatient person, I like instant gratification and I drink alot of caffeine!! :-)

    Thanks all!


  12. Hello IrieCat,

    I have to say when i was a young gal I was partial to men with dreads. *wink Now that I am older I am a little ore straight lace. LOL Congratulation on your new discover. Yes , me too have met an amazing man in Nigeria of all places. I was introduced fro a friend that Used to own a clothing store in Portland Maine called strictly culture. are you familiar?

    I live in Saco Maine right now. If you ever need to talk about the process let me know. Yes you have come to the right place. The people here are amazing, intelligent, friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable about the process.

    Your journey will be smooth and expedited.

    Hello all!

    I have made a couple posts - but I guess I should introduce! ;)

    I lived in St Lucia for 6 months and met the man of my dreams! I went for work/pleasure. My coworkers joked with me about meating a husband and I just laughed it off "never gonna happen".... So I went saying I would get " A man and a tan", not only did I get a good tan but WOW I got a truly great man. I have always known Louis I just hadn't met him yetl. I guess it was our time. He is the guy I have dreamed about since I was a little girl, down to the dreadlocks, loving chocolate and wearing earth tones... yeah I am a bit strange - but hey - it works for us!

    My daughter loves him and that means so much - when he gets here our family will be complete and who knows, it may grow a bit.

    I am so happy to have found VJ, being able to ask questions to people that have alrwady gone through this uncertain time is so comforting.

    Peace, love and blessings to you all.....




    hello! I was living in Old Orchard before going to St Lucia. Now live in Yarmouth. I know strictly culture - used to get my manic panic there when I was going to MeCA! LOL.

    We are neighbors!



    Hello IrieCat,

    I have to say when i was a young gal I was partial to men with dreads. *wink Now that I am older I am a little ore straight lace. LOL Congratulation on your new discover. Yes , me too have met an amazing man in Nigeria of all places. I was introduced fro a friend that Used to own a clothing store in Portland Maine called strictly culture. are you familiar?

    I live in Saco Maine right now. If you ever need to talk about the process let me know. Yes you have come to the right place. The people here are amazing, intelligent, friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable about the process.

    Your journey will be smooth and expedited.

    Hello all!

    I have made a couple posts - but I guess I should introduce! ;)

    I lived in St Lucia for 6 months and met the man of my dreams! I went for work/pleasure. My coworkers joked with me about meating a husband and I just laughed it off "never gonna happen".... So I went saying I would get " A man and a tan", not only did I get a good tan but WOW I got a truly great man. I have always known Louis I just hadn't met him yetl. I guess it was our time. He is the guy I have dreamed about since I was a little girl, down to the dreadlocks, loving chocolate and wearing earth tones... yeah I am a bit strange - but hey - it works for us!

    My daughter loves him and that means so much - when he gets here our family will be complete and who knows, it may grow a bit.

    I am so happy to have found VJ, being able to ask questions to people that have alrwady gone through this uncertain time is so comforting.

    Peace, love and blessings to you all.....




    hello! I was living in Old Orchard before going to St Lucia. Now live in Yarmouth. I know strictly culture - used to get my manic panic there when I was going to MeCA! LOL.

    We are neighbors!



    Oh wait - I am thinking of the wrong store! I know the one you are talking about now! It was right next to the Baxter buidling (and State Theatre) on Congress! Cool!

  13. Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, bananas, watermelon, cherries, hmmmm so many! My mouth is watering! LOL

    I don't like blueberries or pineapple. I try to like pineapple - but I don't.

    I love mangos and five finger but 6 months in St Lucia - I thought I would scream if I saw another mango!

    I make a yummy banana - strawberry - orange - vanilla soy smoothie most mornings!! yum yum

  14. Nor'Easter on the way ..... Oh how I hate the snow! Born in Maine and I am not big on lobstah, don't like skiing and hate bluberries! What I am doing here again!? At least I telework and have no car to shovel out. I can stay in my pjs and away from the snow!



  15. I am a vegetarian so I LOVE VEGGIES! I am always looking for new (easy) recipes for getting more green! Yum!

    Fave veggies are, brussell sprouts, asparagus, spinach, sweet potatoes and I guess a really good salad (does that count) arrruuuugula!


    Oh and I got hooked on breadfruit in St Lucia, not sure if it is a veggie but man I loved it and I can't get it here!

  16. IrieCat,

    I think it sounds fine. The proof that you were in St. Lucie when you tell USCIS you met is quite strong (DL and proof from daughter's school). I suggest bringing a bit of everything...don't feel like you need to load up on pictures I mean.

    Thanks! Just for good measure I sent a color copy of passport will all stamps etc in it. Oh and the phone bills ... about 30 pages of it all to Louis' cell phone. I think the pictures of me, him and my daughter in St Lucia are pretty good, I sent 8 or 9 I think. If they ask both his mom and my aunt and mother will write a letter.

    Also planning a trip in April if VT isnt done by that time. We opened him an e-mail account that a mutual friend will help him with... when your bathroom is outside, internet is not an option! :-) And we have just written each other an actual letter! LOL All this for future and furthur proof.

    If only the people could actually see us together - we have known each other our whole lives.


  17. Hello all!

    I have made a couple posts - but I guess I should introduce! ;)

    I lived in St Lucia for 6 months and met the man of my dreams! I went for work/pleasure. My coworkers joked with me about meating a husband and I just laughed it off "never gonna happen".... So I went saying I would get " A man and a tan", not only did I get a good tan but WOW I got a truly great man. I have always known Louis I just hadn't met him yetl. I guess it was our time. He is the guy I have dreamed about since I was a little girl, down to the dreadlocks, loving chocolate and wearing earth tones... yeah I am a bit strange - but hey - it works for us!

    My daughter loves him and that means so much - when he gets here our family will be complete and who knows, it may grow a bit.

    I am so happy to have found VJ, being able to ask questions to people that have alrwady gone through this uncertain time is so comforting.

    Peace, love and blessings to you all.....




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