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Posts posted by yabasta

  1. So i have been in GA for 4 days, almost 5 and i have applied for a social security number and i have also applied for a number of management jobs and warehosue jobs. I have also had a brief driving lesson and met some more family members.

    It is early days i know but the pressure is firmly on and i am worried about finding a job. I kind of suck at finding work and i decided as it is a new country i would aim high and try and get back to what i did before the visa process started, when the process started i went into agency work as it allowed me to visit my wife for long spells. So i have applied online at monster.com but ti always seems like online job hunting is a fruitless process.

    Has anybody ever found a decent job online? I am under pressure from myself and from my bank balance to get a job asap. I am kind of down about it already. I don`t really want to apply for something low paid as it would make moving up harder. Then again i just need a job and want one now so i can pay bills and stop worrying some. Either way it is tough going. I just wanted to get this off my chest really. Job hunting is not my forte and so it is a time when i am depressed which probably makes me hard to live with.

    thanks for listening.

  2. I love yabasta's conspiracy theories.... :P

    I was not offering up the theory i was offering up the possibility that it applied to more than those originally suggested. Thanks for your input though it was really important.

    ever considered that Israel might also fake things? Or America? or anybody? Or have you considered that reports on fakery could perhaps be planted as propaganda against whoever?

    Ya think? Of course I do (see I'm actually honest).

    Well glad you can see those possibilities. I never claimed you were not honest iw as just offering a viewpoint.

  3. I don't see how those photos prove that something other than a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. Why is it impossible that a plane could hit the side of the building? Why would it have to hit the grass first? Why is the hole too small for a 757...it looks pretty damn big to me!

    And to reiterate StevenandJinky's question, why would the military fire a cruise missile at themselves? Sounds like a great Dan Brown novel to me.

    Well those photos make it very difficult to see where you could fit a Boeing 757. The only large hole appears after the wall collapses. I didn`t say it was impossible that a plane could hit the side of the building it just seemed both more difficult and less effective. If you think of yourself as a suicide pilot where would you crash a plane if the Pentagon was your target. I imagine the most popular theory would be that the attacks were meant to kill as many Americans as possible right? So how come such a relatively low number were killed by such devastating attacks?

    I never claimed the Plane would have to hit the grass first but i believe this is reported by many and is a good example of how reports are often prven to be false.

    The hole looks big enough to you? It looks way too small to me. What hole are you looking at? See how the roof is intact and many of the windows?

    A big question i have for official story supporters is this:

    If a Boeing 757 destroyed the north tower and a Boeing 757 destroyed the south tower(and i mean destroyed) how come the Pentagon came out so relatively intact? Shouldn`t the raging inferno have destroyed the building to a larger degree?

    As for why the government would fire a missile (or Boeing) at themselves? Well that is easy really. The government wrote their own answer to this in Operation Northwoods. If that is not answer enough i would refer you to history. Nero burning Rome and Hitler burning the Reichstag for example. How does that quote go?

    "Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

    -- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

  4. You certainly ignored most of my points. So how low do planes fly over the Pentagon? Why was the lawn not damaged in the pictures taken right after the impact? What damaged the lawn? How did the plane get in the small hole? How did the bad pilot pull it off? I am asking you simple questions and i have not claimed that you are in on a cover up so there is no need to put words in my mouth or attack my character. It is sad that you can`t just respond to the points brough up and questions asked.

  5. Well, I happened to live near the pentagon and work in the capitol the day it happened. I saw the plane skim over the Capitol, and I saw the light poles that were sheared off when the plane (commandeered by Islamic extremists) went over the highway and slammed into the pentagon. I also personally know people that saw it hit. So one crazed lunatic from Wisconsin who throws out ridiculous ####### doesn't deserve to be educating 18 year olds who are paying for an education.

    If a plane hit the Pentagon, and for the record he does not say for certain that he believes it to be a missile, then why have they not released a decent quality video of it? How did it get into that small hole without markign the lawn? Why did they resurface the lawn despite it not being touched? If you know people who saw it hit then where were they standing? Did they video it by any chance? How come some people saw a smaller plane? Why didn`t the hijackers aim for the roof if it was a plane? The roof is an easier target which would do more damage (most likely) and be much easier to hit if you are a bad pilot (as the guy apparently was). It stinks of a cover up. Also isn`t the Pentagon meant to the most highly defended building anywhere? I mean the idea that any aircraft came near the Pentagon without authorisation just doesn`t make sense. It must be one of Artegals "fuckups". Yeah they were all watching thw twin towers smoke on TV when a plane hit their newly reinforced wall.

    You launch personal character attacks and yet you don`t even have an argument apart from i saw a plane fly by and a friend saw it hit. Eyewitness testimony would be great but sadly eye witnesses don`t agree on this. Seeing a plane overhead doesn`t mean that it hit the Pentagon. That is not to rule out the possiiblity but i would still like to know how it made that little hole and what happened to the wings. As Kevin Barrett said though he could not say for certain what happened there. This is the man you claim to be off his rocker yet he has more of a balanced mind than you have as you have no room for inquiry or questions.

  6. Well if you watch the whole interview he mentions more than that fact. Picking out one thing of all the things he mentions in a short interview is not a very clever way to base an opinion on his views. Perhaps your education was not as good as you think. He is being "attacked" for discussing 9/11. As he says in the interview he covers 9/11 as part of a war on terror section in a course on Islam. He has views based on his research which he mentions in the interview. You ignore most of what he says. The point about the FBI seizing the tapes was that those tapes have not been shown. The point was that a much better view of what hit the Pentagon should exist and probably does exist and people are not shown it because of course the "fuckups" mentioned earlie ri guess. All the cameras were turned off perhaps? oops.

  7. LONDON (AP) -- Jockey Paul O'Neill will be investigated by the sport's governing body after television replays showed him head-butting his horse, City Affair.

    The Horseracing Regulatory Authority made the decision Monday to hold an inquiry after reviewing TV footage from the incident at the Stratford races on Sunday.

    "We haven't got a date set, but we are going to go for some time next week -- our inquiry day is usually on the Thursday," HRA spokesman Owen Byrne said.

    City Affair was being unruly in the parade ring, ultimately throwing O'Neill. The jockey got to his feet and grabbed the reins, pulling the horse to him, before lowering the butt of his helmet into it.

    "Angry jockey does a 'Zidane' to his horse," read the headline of London's Evening Standard, referring to French soccer star Zinedine Zidane's infamous head-butt in the World Cup final.

    City Affair went on to finish fourth in the two-mile event. O'Neill was given a caution by stewards for his use of the whip in the race.

    The 26-year-old O'Neill, who has ridden 51 winners, was questioned by the HRA over his ride of a novice hurdler in March.

    no video?

  8. Just remember that for a conspiracy to be effective it needs to be accepted and limited. That is the less people that know about it and the less people that are opposed to it the more likely the conspiracy is to be effective.

    Since so many people were involved in 9/11, so much would have been lost on some versus the gain of others--the even the slightest coincidental circumstances really don't hold up. How many have you seen an optical illusion--the appearance of something is not always what you think. The coincidences are just that coincidences--that why we have that word in the dictionary.

    But the problem is that there has been some coverup in the wake of 9/11. This is not the coverup of a conspiracy--but the coverup of fuckups. That is a lot of people ###### up. From the airlines, the FBI, the airport screeners, Immigration, to congress and the president. There was some shame in letting this happen and therefore a limited coverup occurred.

    So you believe the lie because it is so big? There are some points that you could argue are coincidences. There are some thigns that could be argued as fuckups being covered up but there is so much evidence that you would have to be really gulable to accept that so much of this was a coincidence or a coverup of an error. On top of that the people who would have fucke dup got promotions and increased budgets to spend after 9/11 so what kind of way is that to cover a fuckup? Sure they might want to cover it up so they don`t look bad but then again why? I remember a rail crash or something and a high up guy resigned over it. He didn`t get a payrise and there was no need to cover it up. They don`t have to make a big deal out of it they can just suggest he resigns and give him a golden parachute.

    As far as the conspiracy theorist--you do have a political agenda. How many of you that believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy will say that the Oklahoma City bombing, the bombing of the US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, the bombing of Kobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, the bombing of the USS Cole, and the several murders, kidnappings, and other bombings are also part of a conspiracy. You in the 9/11 camp won't say these terrorist attacks were a conspiracy because they happened on a Democrats watch. So to deny there is a political basis for the 9/11 conspiracy camp is not correct.

    Sorry but you clearly do not know much about the 9/11 truth movement, this is evident from the name "conspiracy theorist" and from the above statement about politics. The people speaking out on 9/11 come from all backgrounds and represent all political parties aswell as plenty of non party afiliated people like myself. I do not vote in the U.K. and will not vote in USA even when i can(i doubt it anyway). Many people who study 9/11 also study the various secret societies and their connections with the elite and these cover both Democrat and Republican. Also much of the evidence relating to 9/11 goes back to fuckups(as you put it) by the Clinton administration.

    Also from the Conspiracy theorist--none of you have made the case that 9/11 was not a conspiracy--and this is the first real test to see if your conspiracy theory is true or false. Its not enough to just say here is this photo of steel beam or a stock trade. You must make the opposite argument and discredit--but I have yet to hear any refutable evidence to the contrary of the official 9/11 report.

    Well you clearly have not been looking for such arguments then. I am not sure if i understand you correctly when you say that people should be arguing against conspiracy to prove the conspiracy but i think you are saying just that people should discredit the official 9/11 report rather than just show you evidence right?

    Well there is plenty. For starters they ignore the steel columns in the centre of the towers and they ignore the wings of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They ignore the near freefall of the towers despite the 110 floors that would increase the time it would take the building to colapse without help. The list goes on and on. Maybe you need to study 9/11 some more as you don`t appear to know much about the 9/11 report and what it fails to address and explain.

    Now I have done this very thing, that is I have taken the position that a conspiracy did exist with 9/11--and I have desmantled that theory in the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the fact of coincidence, and the plausible explanation of another likely cause, and also the political biases of the main conspiracy theorist.

    where did you do this? How did you do this? And who is the main conspiracy theorist? There are thousands and maybe millions by now. So how do you know their political bias and did you factor in your own?

    And I do believe in conspiracies--Oswald did not shoot JFK.

    Well if you believe that sometimes people are not told the truth then maybe you should be more critical of what you are told. Kennedy was not killed by Republicans or Democrats but by the elite that run both Republicans and Democrats(imo). Kennedy pissed off the CIA and he pissed of the Federal Reserve. He pissed off the powerful and he was removed. These are my opinions based on my own research and the research of many others. The truth about JFK is not "out" but the number of people who accept that he was shot by a lone gunman with a crappy rifle is a lot lower now, it is 40 odd years later though. Since 2001 the ammount of information regarding the events of 9/11 has grown and grown daily. It sometimes feels like there is so much that everybody should be aware of the obvious fact that it was not 19 guys who hide in caves. The events are still cloudy but i find it amazing that you can say that it is a coincidence that the only 3 steel building to ever be completely destroye dby fire were all in New York and all came down on september 11th 2001 despite the black and grey smoke indicating the lack of efficiency the fires had. I could make many websites worth of information up of the evidence relating to 9/11 (as many people have made websites about it) so there is no way to cover it all here.

    The fact is that if you can explain every aspect of 9/11 then you are wanted by the elite because nobody else seems to be able to shut up the ever growing truth movement.

    p.s. there is no score keeping in debate. If there were it would be a contentious and debatable issue and would distract people fromt he actual issue.

  9. But everyone needs to realise that all we have is speculation & nothing more. None of us can sit here and talk in absolutes without sounding like a dumbass who thinks we have it all sussed despite a lack of fact.

    Speculation on evidence. The official story is more speculative than any conspiracy theory. If you can prove that the official story is bollocks which has been proven time and time again then you have to concede a cover up. A cover up would require pretty powerful people to be involved. Not Bush but the people who control Bush. The same people who controlled Clinton. There are details we have to speculate about because we have not been given the full story or all the evidence. The fact that they don`t release Pentagon video is very telling. They released one dodgy video that didn`t show much and that was 5 years after the event.

    As far as correcting someone's grammar...that's kinda lame imo. No one here is submitting an English dissertation, and man...there are so many gramma mistakes here, that if one truly wanted to point them out, one would be busy all day. But instead, one takes the oppty to point out grammar flaws in a debate? Weak, imo...and I would say that it's trying to imply that another is stupid.

    Grammar is not intellect. Your picture implied lack of marbles which is more of a weak debating point. The correction of grammar was not the point and therefore not the debate but the post before and after that were not grown up debate and just simple minded(regardless of the grammatical error)

    A pet peeve of mine is when ppl use apostrophes incorrectly. not typos, mind you, but like for plurals like apple's, picture's etc...But to point those out to another here in the middle of a debate would detract from the point, and is a bit presumptuous also.

    Sorry to ramble but my power is weaning, and I'm trying to type fast.

    I am the world`s worst typer and probably make my fair share of grammatical errors. I think the computer has caused my english to suffer. I know what you are saying and for the most part i agree but it doesn`t have to be done in a condescending manner. I would be thankful if somebody proof read my posts for me.

  10. It is about time i added my thoughts on this topic. I am comign in late because i have this big move to plan. I am coming to america so you have been warned.

    Where is the correct English in England for the record and i don`t see how correcting grammar is an attack really. If people correct my grammar or spelling i am grateful to them unless they do it in a Condescending manner.

    As for the topic it is a shame that this issue has to become the same BS that passes for political debate in the modern world. Democrat or Republican right? What a sad state of affairs that so many people still box themselves into a one sided view of the world.

    9/11 was not a crime of left or right. The so called conspiracy theorists(who actually make valid arguments and are therefore wronged when called names) are not all democrats or Republicans and many of them do not fit into your stereotypes.

    The argument that a person is a kook or a crank or a nut or that now famous debating tool "image of crazy hat guy" is just the weakest attempt at painting a negative picture of the people making the points. Argue the points if you have anything to argue. I am all for debating this topic but a lot of you do not have that ability it would seem. It is like trying to debate with a FOX news wanker......erm....anchor.

    I have never met a teacher or education system that did not give a particular slant to the teachings of history or anything else. In school in England for example we were taught that World War one was started because of the death of one man. We are taught a version of the truth and the more that people are taught to think rather than taught what to think the better.

    For the record i am not a conspiracy theorist as i do not buy such crazy theories as the Warren Commission Report or the 9/11 Commission Report. I say look at evidence and follow the money. Study 9/11 and look at all evidence that is available. Bring a pinch of salt as there is plenty of misinformation and disinformation out there.

    So if anybody wishes to name call or post the stale old crazy man pictures go right ahead but you only make yourselves look idiotic.

  11. You`ve done your homework.

    Our visa was straight forward with one minor RFE which we dealt with promptly and our visa took us 14 months. We did what we could to speed it up within reason. We could maybe have speeded it up some more but we went with the options we found most comfortable and didn`t print our barcodes or things of that nature. I got my po po certificate a lot sooner than it was required(so much so that it almost would have expired).

    I think the trick is to just get into it and then start making general plans but i would not personally book a flight until you have the visa in your hands. The process does become more predictable towards the end but there can still be hold ups and it will seem to be taking forever. A lot of the end process was us not knowing rather than us having a date to work towards.

    hope this helps

    good luck

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