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New Beginnings

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Posts posted by New Beginnings

  1. You get married legally but don't consummate the marriage for months until the wedding party? I have never heard of this custom before. How can you have an engagement period after the legal part? Weird. I would assume that if this is the custom there the consulate would know, but I have read where the marriage has to be consummated for the immigration process.

    It's actually quite common, even in Morocco :)

    This happened with my sister in law in Morocco, she got engaged to someone, the papers were filed with the court but they don't consider themselves married until the ceremony and the adoul and such. When she and her fiance broke up she actually had to go to court and divorce him, well technically it was an annulement since it was never consummated.

  2. If you haven't already done this find local mosques (if he's muslim) and try and find a community of people that he'll be able to relate to.

    Before my husband arrived I scouted the local mosques and went in and talked to a few people and realized that there is a HUGE Moroccan population here. I was able to attend an Eid celebration and met lots of people that my husband was able to befriend right away.

    Be prepared for his comfort zone to be very centered around your home and you. Slowly that zone will increase but let him do it in his own time, you don't want to rush him. Have a few things lined up that he's never done before and start doing them right away, that way he can be excited about being here. If he plays any sports, look to your Community Center and see if they have any programs he can join.

  3. Cairo, thanks for the update. You beat me to it, but I was thinking the same reason that the DOS told you, that they were unreachable due to all the Americans calling in request to seach for family/friends in the Haiti crisis. I am not sure why the embassy is not returning emails. As for us, I decided to only call the DOS every couple weeks. It's only been two months of the seven that they told us we have to wait....so I am trying to be as patient as I can but it's hard because I miss my husband terribly. InshaAllah, we will all hear something soon.

    I hope it doesn't take 7 months! This must be very hard on you. Are you planning a visit anytime soon?

  4. I remember the night before the interview.. it's a stressfull time. I think I woke up every hour on the hour.

    You know how when you look back on stressfull times you can sometimes laugh at how stressed out you were? I don't think the interview will ever be something that happens with. My husband and I look back on the times apart and the stupid paperwork and can laugh, even the questions that were asked in the interview are now funny. But the stress of waiting while he was in the consulate for the interview is not something that I find entertaining.

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