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New Beginnings

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Posts posted by New Beginnings

  1. Arrive in Casa and go directly to the embassy to get the documents you need there to get married in Morocco. Have your husband get his police record and all of his necessary doc. BEFORE you get there. Also have him meet with the person that will marry you to get everything straight. It is possible but you will be constantly on the go, it helps if you know people if ya know what i mean lol. Good luck! I am proof that it can be done. Arrived in Morocco Dec. 17th and got married Dec. 27th 2008 :)


    It took us about 15 days in Tetouan.

    What Kenza said is great advice. Also scan all of the documents you're bringing and have him start getting them translated. This will save you at least a few days if you don't have to wait for translations!

  2. Doing great, I guess you saw by our siggie that our ROC was approved. We are so relieved. It's one less thing to worry about!

    I didn't know that Ali's full name was Mohamed Ali. That will be quite a conversation starter for him here in the US. :)

    I daydream alot....I don't think that laundry has ever been in my daydreams though!

    LOL and that's why everyone just calls him Ali!! I like to throw it out there once in a while... just to keep him on his toes :)

  3. Good morning everyone!

    Have you started your classes yet Laura?

    Have a great morning Jackie, Kelly, and Andrea!

    Yes! We started on Monday! It's been going great so far. I think Mohamed Ali is really enjoying it too.

    How are things with you?

  4. Salaam everyone. Just wanted to drop by and say hello to everyone.

    Hope all is well.

    Been almost 8 weeks since the interview. Still just waiting with no news. Anywho....take care all!

    Come on!! He needs to get the visa soon! You don't want him to miss this lovely winter we're having :)

    How have you been?

  5. I am not perfect either, never claimed to be. :D Forgiveness can be so difficult, but isn't it mandatory for us to do if we want God to forgive our sins? I'm not trying to preach!! And don't ask me if I can easily forgive, because in most cases it is more than difficult! :P

    I'm with you on that one. However, in my religion we're not forgiven of our sins until we truly from our hearts repent of them. I think Sandinista is referring to people who haven't done that. If someone offends me and sincerely asks for forgiveness and realizes in their heart why it was wrong there is no choice but to offer forgiveness. If you don't truly repent of your sins you won't be allowed into heaven.

    If someone continues to offend me and cannot see why they're in the wrong, I'm not going to forgive them. I will ignore them and not concern myself with them, but I won't be there like a dog that's been kicked too many times.

  6. Yes, religion is about forgiveness. But as the confession of sins for the Lutheran church I attend states:

    O almighty God, merciful Father, I a poor, miserable sinner, confess to You all my sins and iniquities with which I have ever offended You and justly deserved Your punishment now and forever. But I am heartily sorry for them and sincerely repent of them, and I pray You of your boundless mercy and for the sake of the holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me, a poor sinful being. Grant me by your Grace, your great Salvation both now and forever. Amen.

    I know I'm not perfect and never will be. So unfortunately, I still hold on to some of that stuff.

  7. Thank you all...At this point, I am still unsure of what to do. My fiancee is checking on things in Morocco with a lawyer and also the family court judge. The papers that need to be translated, can we do them before I head to Morocco? Or do I need to have them translated there? As far as my record, it was a stupid night out with friends, and I was caught driving. But, I know how some look down at drinking, let alone drinking and driving, especially in Morocco. Like I said...STUPID mistake! Since 3 years ago, I have not even had a speeding ticket or anything. I just want to do what is best.

    It will be much cheaper to have the documents translated in Morocco.

    I would marry with only 2 weeks you'll be much too stressed about the time and probably have to bribe everyone to hurry it up

  8. Anyone have any good tips for learning Arabic???

    Good Morning Mena!

    If you want to learn classical I would recommend Rosetta Stone. I loved it when I purchased it to learn French. It basically tricks you into learning the language.

    If you want to learn a dialect I am a visual learner so I start with letters and pronunciation and then put words together even if I don't know what they're saying. Then I just like to learn a few words a day.. starting with verbs and how to conjugate them!

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