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Status Updates posted by Layla01

  1. Hello fellow Visa-Journey friends,


    My Fiancé renewed his passport and was given a new passport number and we need to update it for our K1 Visa Petition that has been in Administrative Processing since June of 2022. Does anyone know who/how we can update the embassy with his new passport number?


    I called the US embassy in Abu Dhabi and wasn't give much help except to email (no contact number) the department that deals with non-immigrant visas. We emailed the address given to us over a week ago and no response. One of the criteria for a K1 Visa petition is to have a current passport on file and I want to make sure this update does not delay our petition further. Any help is greatly appreciated!


    *strength and encouragement to all of us on this journey and those who are in AP for months and months!*


    Thank you! 


  2. Hi there, 


    How did everything go with your K1 Visa Petition? Have you submitted? 


    Hoping all went well - 

  3. Hello, 

    I read your thread about waiting over 180 days in Administrative Processing for your K1 Visa and I'm wondering if you did anything to receive the expedited email? 


    My fiancé and I have been in Administrative Processing since June 28, 2022; it's passed 180 days and wondering if we should contact the embassy and inquire or continue waiting - your thoughts? 


    Thanks for any help - 

    1. a and ja

      a and ja

      Hi layla01,


      I did contact the embassy after 180 days via email, so don't see any harm in contacting the embassy and ask why is it taking so long.




    2. Layla01


      Hi, A, 


      Thanks for responding. Right after I emailed you, I decided to email the embassy in Abu Dhabi, to which I received an automated response leading me to several other outlets of contacts. As usual, around and around I'm taken. 


      May I ask if you received the expedited email after you contacted the embassy? 


      It's been a while since I got back on VisaJourney - while reading everyone's posts, in a way I don't feel so alone but yet I feel so disheartened as it could be an infinite wait. 


      Thanks again - 


  4. Hello, 


    I hope I'm doing this correctly as I've never contacted anyone on this website before...


    You mentioned that your K1 Visa was in AP for 6 months and it started moving once you filed the WOM...may I ask what this stands for and how you went about filing? 


    My fiancé is from Afghanistan but living in Dubai. His K1 interview was in Abu Dhabi, UAE back in April 2022; our petition was approved right after the interview and he received his visa a week later. Out of now where, two weeks after receiving his visa, he was asked to return his passport as the visa was revoked. The immigration officer had no idea why his visa was revoked, only that my fiancé had to complete the 221(g) form - a pretty lengthy form asking for more family background information - and placed in AP.


    We've been in AP since June of 2022 and it's been over 180 days. I'm wondering what I can do to find out status of our application and if there's anything I can do to get the process going? 


    Any help from you is greatly appreciated - 


    Thank you, 




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