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Posts posted by SnowyTater

  1. So what happens if you don't have enough evidence at the interview, do they just have an interview stage RFE sort of thing and reschedule it, or is it worse than that? I guess that's still pretty bad if you have to travel...meh I really need to hit my mom up for tax stuff. I don't know how difficult that is for her to get, just didn't wanna bug her again. I'm lame and barely understand what a W-2 is.

    I read on the London Embassy site the other day that you're not allowed to bring people with you. But it also said that they don't let people wait around outside their building so not to show up more than 30 minutes ahead of time, and that you'll have to wait outside and not inside.

    I think it sounds like people do have to wait outside, but the 30 minutes thing...just makes it sound like they're gonna arrest you if you're there or something :P I don't think they enforce a lot of these rules. I guess it really is just luck.

  2. Oooh those are cool. Are those just like collectable sort of limited things or are they going into regular circulation? Neat.

    You know I kind of really like the heavy pound and two pound coins (for some reason 2 pounds coins are exciting xD) but the charm has worn off...Do all you Brits have this same problem? Iain has NO POCKETS. Like...he has pockets when he first buys his trousers. And then a week later they're ALL gone. Because he carries around an ever-accumulating amount of change and all of your money's so heavy it just piles right through it.

    And then he starts keeping coins in his back pocket and then THOSE go and oh seriously. Not practical.

  3. :lol:

    BOING! fence jump complete

    Dogs are awesome :)

    Booty you just gotta switch to more water-content puffy up food maybe, that way you're eating constantly but not really that much. It is kind of dumb but I like exercising and being active, makes me feel happier...summer's totally coming so I'm gonna be eating the hell out of some melon omg mmm :)

    And thing is with the exercise it bumps your metabolism so that when you eat after the gym it's all like gone immediately or something. Not a whole cheeseburger but yeh :P Screw it eat the cheeseburger.

  4. Big Agnes I love you :)

    I feel sorry for little people they get to eat like NOTHING I guess. Gosh :(

    I work at a Jewish Studies Center and the Passover stuff starts Saturday and we gotta feed these kids every day for eight days and omg...did it last year...the food is all good but it does something to you o_O It KILLS you you eat and eat and eat and somehow you're never full it's so weird.

    I've had a headache for three days now and it's yet to go away :(

    I have 15 more days of schoolwork before I'm done forever and ever and ever :)


    All of the above = Top 5 lazy statements to get out of coming up with a creative list.

  5. That's my main question too, are girls allowed? :( If they are *I* want a man cave. Boy stuff rules.

    I was thinking when we get our own first place which'll probably be all poor and destitute and whatnot which is fun :D :D Do you guys think a ping pong table could work as an eating table? Just get a ping pong table and a tablecloth and some chairs, then when company's over, surprise! :)

    SO lives for video games. He will definately have to have his own gaming station area thing. Sigh.

  6. You might want to consider taking some professional driving lessons. I guess it depends on how good of a teacher your husband is and how much time he'd have to go with you to practice, though. I didn't get professional lessons when I learned, but then I...did kind of keep crashing into things just a little bit that first six months or so :D You might be in a bigger town than me so it might be a bigger deal if you do that :lol:

    I'm in upstate SC, about ten minutes' drive from the NC border. I know that here, the difficulty of the tests at the DMV varies wildly and so does the quality. If I were you I'd ask around to try to find out the reputation of each DMV, which has more professional tests and which have a reputation as being easier/harder. But in general I don't think the test is very hard, I passed it first time when I was 15 after learning for about 3 months so...yeh. I totally totally had no business driving but they let me anyway :lol:

  7. Ooh I do really like the growing your own vegetables idea. You're in Kansas I guess? That should be pretty good for growing crops I think. Guess it depends on your yard.

    Here in SC it's extremely easy to grow all kinds of things and it's just now the right time for planting tons of stuff. My family grows squash, okra, lettuce, tomatoes, all kinds of peppers, lots of corn, watermelon, canteloupes, strawberries, cucumbers, ...really you name it, most stuff will grow. Seeds are pretty cheap so just cultivate your dirt and give it a try :thumbs: Especially if you're staying at home at least at the moment, it's really fun and really nice to be outside in the weather, and it'll give you more to do while hubby's away at work. Why not buy some flowers and make the yard look really pretty too?

    Well...my grandma's queen of stockpiling and saving money and one of her big things is having a huge ice chest on the porch, and my dad's taken after her and does the same. Meaning buy in bulk and cook in bulk too, to save time, and then freeze freeze freeze. Especially meats I guess, big roasts and things like that, you have to grab them up when they're half price or whatnot. The little freezers on the fridge don't cut it but if you're trying to save money maybe this is too big of an investment right now.

    I don't know...I'm 22 I haven't learned much by experience yet :lol: I've been thinking of maybe getting a moped to save so much on gasoline.

    If you're bored and like kids maybe there's some kids in your neighborhood that you can babysit for sometimes if people want to go out? That'd bring in a little extra money. Or get awesome at cooking and go to bake sales :)

  8. I haven't kept up with it in a couple days but I think they were separating everyone so that they could try to gain the kids' trust and start getting them to talk. I heard the news saying that the #1 thing these children have been taught since they were born is not to trust anyone on the outside. Not only are they completely unfamiliar to our society and our different "ways," but they've been told we're all completely evil, I guess.

    The thing I thought about when they said this is...good god, I hope the buses that are transporting them don't go past any dirty billboards, or no one lets the kids near a TV, or anything like that. Think about how bad a lot of television/advertising/music, just everything, even the way people dress on the streets, really is now compared to 'ethical fabric' and 1950s era and all this sort of traditional cleancut stuff. And these guys are much more extreme. If they're exposed to all of this it's only going to affirm their beliefs and I can't say you can really blame them :(

    I think too they had to separate them because well where are they going to house everyone together? I don't know what they're doing with everybody...if the kids are going out to temporary foster families which I'm not even sure about, where are the mothers going? The thing is probably the mothers themselves are very young in many cases.

    Does anybody know how long the ranch has been established, or is there a specific other sect that most/a lot of the members came from before it? I know it's the Latter Day Saints guys. But I'm just wondering if there's a 30, 40, or even 50 year old female mother in there, was she completely born into this lifestyle too and has been taught this her entire life, or did she come to it at some point? I guess to be fair you have to ask the same question of the men.

    I have to admit it's looking like the evidence for going into the ranch was bogus, but at the same time I'm glad they did.

  9. Awwwww you guys updated your pics!!! :) :) :)

    Sorry completely off topic :lol:

    But it's always so nice to see an update. Or see a big update that someone's MOVED into the US without you're knowing and it's like :o so excitng. :P

    Anyway. Yeh can't go watch it atm but I can imagine. It's going to be a pretty bad situation :( However the news has been getting on my nerves about it just because it's not the news' job to be obnoxious, how they keep calling everyone there pedophiles and stuff. I mean it's...true by our standards but it's not necessarily true or proven that the only reason the "cult" as they keep calling it exists is so dirty old men can touch babies. I just think that's out of line and irresponsible journalism at this point :\

    But I doubt Larry King's doing that. Have they cleared up which kid belongs to who yet? Apparently they kept lying so that the police wouldn't know.

  10. Hmm...you know I've never actually heard anyone talking about this. It's a very important thing to consider I guess.

    I would say she should bring everything and anything you guys can think of, to be honest. I'd add to your list already medical history and records. And also maybe she can consider trying to get an international drivers' license? I could be wrong about this but depending on your state, she may have to wait awhile before she can get a license in the US. But the international drivers' license I'm pretty sure would mean she can drive here freely without the US license, at least for awhile or until she's eligible.

    But this would mean her learning the rules there I guess and taking a test for that, don't know if you guys have that kind of leisure or what. Just a thought though.

  11. Rebeccajo how do you find this stuff :lol:

    Oi :( ...it's just inconsistent, you know? This is the guidebook for the adjudicators, I guess, in which it very much prioritizes tax returns. But in the I-134 instructions it doesn't even mention them as an option, let alone a main necessity, except if you're self employed; and then with the London embassy's specific instructions, it just says provide at least 2 of 4 types of evidence.

    Man I don't know :( Blargh. I'm just worried that it's been so long with ours. We got our NOA2 at the end of February and Iain only just sent packet 3 back to them this WEEK, that sounds really really terrible right? o_O I know it's good for four months but it also says asap. But it was send to his permanent address in Edinburgh and he's in school in London and couldn't go home for a good while, and the post office at his school is really ####### and basically open to anyone who wants to steal your mail so we were afraid to have it forwarded.

    I think I'm probably going to end up sending everything in without the tax returns info. I guess the worst that'll happen is they request more and we're held up a couple weeks which is no problem. I don't think they're gonna issue a bonds thing for us or anything like that, no way is he going to be a public charge. We'll just cross our fingers and hope I guess :(


  12. I'm still just worried about the tax stuff. It's obviously the best proof to show and if it were all my business and up to me, I'd totally get it. But it's my mom's and she's like...already been bugged to death about all this, and I wasn't too clear at first on everything needed either, lots my fault, etc :( Didn't want to have to bug her again for tax things and I've never even made enough to file so pfft to that one.

    Man if only there was a secret Trekkie handshake when you go in the embassy for automatic approval :D You know I've never even seen Star Trek.

    My sweetie and I never really get to see each other these days...this semester has killed us both and our technologies right now suck, it's hard. I'm flying over in like a month though and we really, really need it, this is all bah. But it's SO exciting with the end in sight, god life's about to get so good :)

    green congratulations in advance when Darren does get through :yes: Whoo hoo! :dance:

  13. Oh yeh, the EAD is included in the AOS fee, but isn't there a way where if you don't get married for the full three months you have so you don't adjust for awhile, you can file for the EAD early? I think THAT's like 400 bucks or something. That's what I was talking about. And it takes weeks to send out or could I mean so that's dumb...

    Have heard people say too that even if you have the EAD in some cases or maybe a lot of the cases, an employer still won't touch you with a ten foot pole, because of what MarknAshley are talking about - that they might hire you and then there'll be a gap there where you can't work.

  14. I think there are actually a couple other POE's that give the stamp still, someone said awhile back, but JFK's the one you always hear about...but even they don't give it every time, so if your SO goes through there make sure and have him request is special, which I don't even think they'll necessarily give it then.

    The thing is it's free if you get the stamp at the POE whereas if you want to file for the EAD it's like a $400 + fee isn't it? That's what I think is not worth it.

    I guess it just depends on your own personal finances and how quickly you think SO will settle in and want to start trying to find a job. He can always fly into JFK and then catch a connector closer to where you live, if you want. Keep in mind how high gas prices are. Or maybe make it a romantic weekend in/near JFK as a yay you're here sort of welcome thing if you drive up anyway? Then it won't seem like such a waste of bucks.

  15. Usually, you definately would have gotten an NOA1 by now, especially from the Vermont Center.

    But things do happen so it may still be fine. Do you know the center has received your package - did you have a tracking number from ups or anything?

    I would call the center to inquire about your case. They might can give you your case number so you can go to uscis.gov, register your account, and start checking your status online.

  16. Guys I've been posting all over the forums on this and I'm sorry if I'm getting on people's nerves, but it's freaking me out and I can't find the answers :(

    So been researching better now...I still don't understand where people (seems like most people) are getting that you have to submit the past 3 years worth of tax returns for the Affidavit of support?

    I've read that it varies embassy by embassy. Here's what I and my mother (my co-sponsor, the one with the actual money) have gotten together:

    1. Letters from our employers with salary, start date, standing in company

    2. Several of our most recent paystubs

    3. a letter from the bank giving the details of our account - current balance, when it's opened, what's been deposited in the last year.

    Oh, my mom's well over the poverty line btw so we're not doing assets or anything. I make a penance and am a student so they're probably just gonna toss mine aside.

    I've read that if you make plenty of salary, the ONLY thing you have to provide is tax returns?? When I've yet to see anything providing tax returns at all. On the instructions for the I-134, it says to give these only if you're self-employed which we're not.

    Here's the link I've found for the London embassy's requirements from the sponsor with the I-134: link

    It says:

    To substantiate the information regarding income and resources the sponsor should attached two or more of the following items to the affidavit.

    notarized copies of his or her latest federal income tax return;

    a statement from his or her employer showing salary and the length and permanency of employment;

    a statement from an officer of a bank regarding his or her account, the date the account was opened and the present balance;

    any other evidence adequate to establish financial ability to carry out his or her undertaking toward the applicant for what might be an indefinite period of time.


    So, according to this, to fulfill the London embassy's requirements I must provide two of the above, and I've provided 3 (with 'other' being paystubs). Yet people are still acting like tax information (3 years specifically, why?) is the most important part.

    Sorry guys, I'm just freaking out. If it varies by embassy I guess I just wanted to know other UK'ers' experiences :( Thanks.

  17. Right fwaguy, that's why I left the bank and said I'd deal with it later. But they still want a letter from the bank for me, don't they?

    So I'm still just wondering if everyone else had to go through a process like this, or would your bank just type something up for you casual? If everyone has to do it, then I guess I do too.

  18. Hi fwaguy,

    I don't really need anything...

    To be honest I feel stupid but I've been a little confused about the Affidavit so I was going to just cover all bases.

    I'm the sponsor of course but my mom's co-sponsoring; I'm a student and have about $1400 to my name and a part-time job. So from my mom I got:

    1. the I-134, copies and notarized

    2. Letter from her employer

    3. statement from her bank about her accounts (though she makes well over the poverty line)

    4. bunch of her paystubs

    The instructions for the Affidavit say things like "provide evidence as applicable" or "as appropriate" and I know the form is used for different types of immigration, and I didn't really get what all they wanted. I know my mother doesn't have to show proof of her assets as she makes plenty, but I figured they still wanted to see her account details, etc.

    And I know I don't make/have nearly enough, but I figured they still wanted to see all of the four things above for me, too, so I've been preparing all that.

    The only thing we didn't bother with was tax returns or tax information as the instructions said to only worry about that if you're self-employed, which we're not.

    I'm a loser :(

    BTW sorry I put this in the wrong forum, I guess. I don't even know where we are now :wacko:

  19. Hey guys,

    Those of you who've already done your affidavits of support, what did you have to go through to get the statement from your bank concerning your account, money details, etc?

    I just went to my Bank of America branch and told the woman my situation and what I needed. Said all I needed was a letter or statement on bank letterhead with all the necessary details, 3 copies.

    She says there's an official process the bank has for these immigration things that I'll have to go through, that they can't do it at the local branch and it has to be sent off and will take some days to process. Fine. Starts asking me for information and details about the actual immigration...? I don't see how this is all relevant since it's more of a "to whom it may concern, this person is not that broke" letter, to my understanding.

    Says there'll be a $10 for it. Then a few minutes later says there'll be a $20 per hour "research fee" for it and that'll be an X unpredictable amount.

    Then she says she can only have the statement sent to the "address on my records," my home permanent address, and not to where I'm actually at; the best they could do is have it faxed into the local branch, which obviously doesn't help since no one there is willing to put an original signature on it as it's not the "official process."

    Did you guys have to go through something like this? I thought I'd just go to one of those personal bankers, they could look up the details of my account, write a quick letter and sign it. My mom is my co-sponsor and she's already gone to her branch (still Bank of America) and her personal banker did exactly this for her no problem, no mention of an "official process."

    Just wanting to know how it worked for everyone else and if the immigration guys care what the statement looks like/how "official" it is?

    Thanks a lot. :blush:

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