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Posts posted by sarahaziz

  1. I think your spouse probably misunderstood the concept. They have something similar in algeria but it's not really anything here in USA. He'll have to get a reg drivers license in your state and fulfill the requirements to obtaining one. I think a passport is sufficient "Id" I'm still trying to research everything for my spouse.

  2. I agree this is a good topic for everyone starting life together.

    We're one of those couples that are joining everything together

    My spouse brought most of his money with him here b/c he can't get off that formality of not living off of my fathers money(or anyone elses for that matter) that's a good thing I respect him alot for being this way. He already started working for my dads company and we don't have the stress of paying bills on our own yet (only mobile phones, gas, health insurance, going out to restaurants, etc...) which I'm thankful for so I think it's a good time for saving money up slowly. My spouse explained after marriage that whatever career I choose that money is for me and his money is for both of us. He said for us to save my money for our kids, vacations, if I want to go shopping, etc.. basically it's my money. We've been doing that since I was back home in Algeria and it seems extremely successful for us personally. He will give me the money and I will be the one taking care of expenses in that way. As a woman I like the idea because I know where our expenses are going and it's always proven to build trust. He likes nice stuff and will splurge on it but not often as I want to :devil: I will have to work on that because you only live once in this life (spend in moderation of course). What good is all that money if you die tomorrow! :wacko: Now for dealing with USCIS again... :bonk:

  3. Esalaam/Hello

    Well here in Algeria, the 'beggars' even go as far as to come to your door. Making it virtually impossible to turn them down! Generally, here also you can tell by them 'series beggars' who is legit and who is not! I have several times had these people just walk right into my home (reason why it is ALWAYS locked now) ... once one lady walked in on me in the shower! Waw, I had to give her 100 dinars just to leave my house!

    I myself, give food and clothes more often then money! At least, this way I know that person is utilizing what I am giving them.

    Donations of food and clothes are no longer excepted in the masjids thou. And this is shame. But elhamdullah there always people, needy outside the masjid willing to except "leftovers".

    I tutor English for a small income, but do have a student who I tutor for free (sadaqa). Also I have been invited to tutor at an orphange in Draria, Algeria near Alger. This orphange has cancerous and orphanged children from birth to age 18, who have no outside contact with people, thus have no skills to use once throwed into society at age 18. There is also an organizations that is in the beginning stages here in Algeria as a form of free clinic (private doctors giving their time) as well as donation center for items like (unexpired) medications poorer people normally could not afford, eyeglasses and something new we are trying to get off is organizing an Eid gift drop for children! If anyone is interested in helping out, or can pass word along ... plz PM for further info! I am trying to get Algerians (and all people) living in the better off countries to help out!

    That is very very admirable not to mention respectable. :star:

  4. I think your spouses family respects you and your family alot that they didn't ask for any money because he's been accepted by you. Usually for the daughter the father will pay for her wedding costs or if father is not alive the Son/s will pay. If we had a daughter I'm pretty sure she would be spoiled!!!

    Honestly speaking if you are living in the middle east and you are from there it's tough being a daughter. That's probably why some women don't want to bring daughters because they know what they are going through. Not all though. I do pray women are respected equally as men there someday. What I love about USA - when men are scared to annoy a woman :lol:

  5. I sometimes felt like that also how you feel but the more you meet arab people you will see that some people think modern and understand the girls worth. They end up loving their daughters and daughter in laws a little bit more than the boys. What I've heard alot of times is the daughter back home is a burden because the mother and father will have to work like crazy to give a grand wedding and find a bachelor it's the girls side who is mostly responsible for the money arrangements and etc.. Also sometimes parents can't find suitable men to match up to some girls if they've exceeded in education or working vs a boy who can work twice as much as the girl, build a house or buy one on his own, and openly is accepted to further his education and all that stuff. There's an old arab proverb I can't think of it at the top of my head but it's something from a father speaking that his daughters will all forget him and put their husbands/kids first but his son will always keep his parents on his head (high respect and never abandon them). This kind of thinking is just for old fashioned thinkers which we have alot of. I think these days you will find more open minded people though. Maybe her daughter did something bad or against their will that she's not able to express what a mother should.

  6. I personally don't give out money because some people are poor because they've spent it on drugs or sharab. Are they going to eat the money or something?! There are the ones who are in desperate need. I just give out food and offer water in a pot to wash their hands.

  7. I pray to God those women/girls who have already had it done - God bless them with faith to still go on with life and be women of God's grace. Just because humans have let them down God still stands with better things.

    3 months? Try life in jail because you've ruined someone elses! :girlwerewolf2xn::angry:

    I have a couple of comments but I won't even bother posting them up they might come off sexist. -_-

  8. We didn't get touched until almost 5 and a half or 6 months I think?!! It was a really long time and no answer, 4 months believe it or not friend it's normal for marriage visas. They will make you wait to see how your relationship plays out if you cancel the filing or go on with it. Don't give up just wait it out and tell her to visit you if possible it cuts the waiting down I'd think. I waited a year without seeing my spouse and we don't have any previous divorce decrees or children from previous marriage coming from abroad so it was a basic filing without all the rest of the tension it still took 1 year exactly . I felt the same way as her before but when I saw that it was normal I calmed down.

  9. My spouse is comming home in 2 weeks :o - got school and a huge ### marriage/reception occasion comming up (dad's calling all middle east to come :lol:) My whole family and friends are going crazy it's the best feeling in the world so I also pass down the quote - the wait is worth it in the end.

    Thanks to everyone who helped me on those tough visa questions only a fellow petitioner could relate to/understand. Oh yeah and kiss my A$$ to the rude people :hehe:

    Well I wanted to give heads up to all the other petitioners for Algeria my timeline and man was it long! I hope everyone else going through this consulate a speedy process and everyone else going through AP checks and so forth.

    If I can be of any help to anyone on this visa process you can def contact me via PM to see what I went through and what I did throughout the process. It wasn't hard at all just alot of waiting and patience. I recommend working extra (school helps alot) to get your mind off it I got more money and my mind was at peace most of the time - all Benefit$ God bless and Best of luck everyone :thumbs:

    K-3 Visa

    Event Date

    Service Center : California Service Center

    Consulate : Algiers, Algeria

    Marriage :

    I-130 Sent : 2007-06-20

    I-130 NOA1 : 2007-06-26

    I-129F Sent : 2007-07-27

    I-129F NOA1 : 2007-08-03

    I-129F RFE(s) : 2008-30-01

    RFE Reply(s) : 2008-31-01

    I-129F NOA2 : 2008-03-04

    NVC Received : 2008-03-07

    NVC Left : 2008-03-11

    Consulate Received : 2008-03-15

    Packet 3 Received :

    Packet 3 Sent :

    Packet 4 Received :

    Interview Date : 2008-05-24 Submit Review

    Visa Received :

    US Entry :

    I-130 Approval : 2008-03-04

    Comments :


    Estimates/Stats : Your I-129f was approved in 221 days from your filing date.

    Your I-130 was approved in 258 days from your filing date.

    Your interview took 339 days from your I-130 filing date.

    Thanks again.


  10. dont you have friends in real life?? This forum is only for visa Qs and A's and the here and there chatting...####### thats scary sorry you're a nice person on this forum but you shouldn't worry about making friends on here

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