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Posts posted by Anonymous303

  1. @Family hello! Thanks for answering!


    So I do have a lawyer we submitted for FOIA, I also have all original documentation given to her. So basically they pulled her aside and held her for 12 hours stating they wouldn't release til she stated she worked illegally,  which wasn't true but being young and scared she signed so they would release her. 


    My lawyer thinks that due to her stating she worked and trying to get green card (which allows individual to work) that they may cross eachother out and not require 601 but it depends on official at interview. 


    I just wanted to see if anyone has been in same situation. I've heard of people completing ban and still requiring both waivers.

  2. Hello everyone, so I have a question I wish you could help me with.


    So my wife (at time gf) was trying to cross to the USA with a visa in 2015 to visit me for winter break. She was stopped at port of entry (land) and was given a 212a7aii, 235b1 5 year bar from the United States. 


    I moved down to the border and we have since married (2017) and had a child. I submitted her petition for green card in 2021 after her 5 year bar expired. 


    I want to know what are the odds she will need a Waiver when she goes to the interview, or if it's possible since her bar is up that she can get green card at interview? 


    Thank you in advance!

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