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Posts posted by greeneyedgirlfl

  1. I think that Casey is a pathological liar, she has lied to police about everything from where babysitter lived to where she worked, I do not believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. Also, if someone kidnaps your child, why do you not call the police...like ASAP? It makes no sense. She is trying to play the victim, but the real victim is her sweet innocent daughter.

    She is also accused and being charged of writing stolen checks that belonged to her friend, she said she didn't do it, but sure enough there is video of her shopping at Target via target security cam purchasing items with her friends checkbook.

    I think she has lied about so many things that she does'nt even know the truth...hopefully she will get the help that she needs. May the truth set her free. My heart goes out to that little girl, it is so sad. I am hoping for closure soon just for the little girls sake. I think the whole family is looking for their 5 seconds of fame . Trust me, when Casey's brother and father are looking for free personal assistants to help them with daily activities, it is quite sad. If Casey ever gets a million dollar movie/book deal from this.....I will honestly feel like this world must be coming to an end.

    Not only a pathological liar, but a narcissist as well. My best friend's daughter went to school with her; she was the type of person who never had anyone say "no" to her.

  2. I changed my way of eating and adding exercise to my routine about two years ago, but haven't really made an extra effort for the wedding only. And I will most certainly not be at my goal weight for the wedding. I just knew I needed to become a healthier person overall (I was about 135 pounds overweight). I have about 55 more pounds to go.

    One thing I can say is that I feel better now than I did in my early 20's when I was at my goal weight since I use exercise and diet instead of diet only.

  3. My best friend lives down the street from the family. The grandmother has continually tried to thwart police efforts to get to the bottom of what has happened, even so much as bragging about it (she gave the police a hairbrush supposedly belonging to Caylee which she knew was not hers)...

    The only person I truly feel sorry for is Caylee....

  4. The health insurance benefits I receive from my employer have declined in the last 5 years; my deductibles, prescription costs, and co-pays have tripled. Many working Americans (myself included) are one catastrophic illness away from debt from which they will never recover.

    I know we are great at leveling blame...

    Does anyone have any constructive ideas to solve the issue?

  5. I teach seniors in high school. A few weeks ago, one of my students went into my purse (which was hidden in the back of a drawer of my desk) and stole my U2 IPod, while leaving credit cards, a rather expensive phone, and about $150 in cash.

    Needless to say, when I go to work now, I leave my phone, money and bank cards at home!!!

  6. YESSSS!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


    Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

    On November 18, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration [...] "

    I guess this means we were approved without an interview? Thank you, transfer to CSC!

    Someone confirm this in fact means my 2 year GC is approved and en route to me so I can jump up and down in happiness after a hard day!

    I guess they had a busy day!!! :


    Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

  7. I voted NO in Florida. I believe you should have the right to marry whoever you want. I mean, years ago it was illegal to marry someone of another race.

    I voted NO in Florida also...but I do believe that all of these discriminatory amendments across the nation will end up in the Supreme Court eventually. Ninth Amendment of the Constitution and all...

    Hopefully, the justices will be impartial enough to judge fairly...

  8. But seriously, what's the rush for the greencard? Most of the July filers have their EAD's and AP's, so then it's all good. As long as you can work and travel, there is really nothing to be stressed out about. Everybody's turn will come eventually. There are much bigger problems in the world than not getting a greencard very quickly. We need to put things into perspective. My wife was also getting stressed out over the process, but once she got her EAD and AP, she's well again.

    Even thoughhe has his EAD, my husband has been told point blank that his lack of a green card has been a mitigating circumstance in his employment (or lack thereof). Many employers here look at the GC as the litmus test of employability.

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