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  1. Thanks for this. We sent them and email and they responded yesterday saying that they do not have our case in NVC yet. Same situation as you. They mentioned in the email that we should send them a photo of our approval letter. What did you do about your case once you found out it was still not in NVC? Any updates in your situation?
  2. Our Noa2 was May 25th and still haven’t heard anything from NVC. We contacted USCIS and they said our case was not there anymore and they had sent it to NVC sometime in July. We sent several Inquiries to NVC and the most recent response was sent to us on August and they didn’t even confirm that our case was at NVC. They are not responding to our emails and there’s nothing we can think of doing except for waiting. this is ridiculous, this step was supposed to take 2-4 weeks and it’s been 4 months already.
  3. Woww you got really lucky. Hope everything moves smoothly for you.Can I ask when did you send the last inquiry to NVC?
  4. Also, just found this timeline, https://www.visajourney.com/index.php?showuser=401605 , they got their NOA2 on May 12th and still nothing. This makes me feel better since our cases is still in the normal timeframe based on it.
  5. Woww that’s great news at least you know they have received your case. When did you send the Inquiry? The last one we sent was first week August and haven’t received any response yet.
  6. Hi @Scholastic . Our embassy is in Ankara as well and we received our NOA2 on May 25th, still haven’t heard anything at all. I’m thinking it’s the embassy that is taking so long because some of the other people who received their NOA2 at the same time as ours have their interview date scheduled by now. Do you know anyone else whose embassy is in Ankara and they’ve heard anything?
  7. We have sent two inquiries but nothing so far. Hope you get to schedule your interview soon.
  8. Hi everyone, we received our NOA2 on May25th and still haven’t heard anything from NVC. Is anyone else experiencing the same? I’m getting nervous because it seems like everyone else is getting their case number much faster. does the wait time depend on the embassy?
  9. Hi everybody, we got approved on May 25th and we still haven’t heard anything from the NVC. (76 days) Is anyone else experiencing the same? any idea how long it usually takes? Also I’m confused on how the whole process works, do they go through the case first and then send us the case number for the payments and documents and it will be done after the payments Or this is just the beginning and we’ll have to wait for another 1-2 months for the approval from NVC?
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