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Everything posted by Inveigh

  1. Greetings Beloved_Dingo, As far as red flags, I dont think there are many that can be found between us. We are both the same age, speak the same language, and she is and atheist and I am agnostic. The only thing that would cause a red flag that I can think of is the fact that our countries are not level headed with one another.
  2. Greetings everyone, Just started the process for my fiance who is from Iran and I only saw her once for a period of half 1/2 (15 days) a month in April and I was wondering if this was enough to get approval from the interview stage? I anticipate seeing her more but everything is up in the air with work right now and flying overseas multiple times. Also I was wondering if the length of time mattered more then the amount of meetups for the interview. Regardless I appreciate the help
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