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  1. I’m on the same boat as you but we are already approved for the k1. May i ask if you have gained more info about working remote in the US while being on a K1? Also were you planning to deregister right away from the Dutch municipality? (Uitschrijven bij gemeente)
  2. So this shouldn’t be a problem when working remotely on a K1 and filling in the I-485?
  3. CR1 was a better choice, but we can not go back anymore since we already got approved for the K1
  4. Thank for your reply! My current employer asked me if i wanted to keep working for the company, but to work remotely in the US. I’m not sure if this is legal? If i do, i have to write down on my work history that i’m currently still working. Will that make any difference? Will this be an issue? And if i work remotely, is it legal for my employer to transfer it to my Dutch account? Also i’m wondering to i need to keep registered at my Dutch municipality until i get married in the US and then deregister from it?
  5. Can you explain more about “I was not working when I filed the I-485” So you stopped working when you applied your I-485 and started to work after you filled it? Will it matter if you still work remotely for a foreign company when you are filling in the I-485? And did you stay registered at the UK municipality while being on a K1 in the US?
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