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Everything posted by herecomestherain

  1. God how crazy. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I know you didn’t ask my opinion but out of concern for you and your family I’ll say this: I think WoM is the only answer to ending your nightmare. It’s the key to moving on with your life. You may get an answer in under 2 months. Parting with the money and the principle of the matter… “why should I have to sue to get an answer?” is difficult to reconcile. In the end, the indignation we all feel in AP, and the sting of paying a large sum of money, will be a far distant memory when we are reunited with our loved ones. Money comes and goes, time with our loved ones does not.
  2. Hi, I see a lot of newbies here. If you want to be added to the spread sheet please reach out in a DM. I found it very helpful to know where I was compared to the backlog. Honestly for the newbies, if it’s been over 4 months, file a WoM. The embassy has been slammed with lawsuits and they’re going to be prioritizing these cases (hopefully/finally). If you’re not quite ready to cough up the money yet, set a date and start putting money aside a little at a time. It will do your mental health wonders.
  3. Thanks. It improved my mental health a lot just knowing we have a plan. We decided on July because we are both becoming more and more upset. We just want this done with so that we can move on with our lives. We’ve been waiting almost 2 years.
  4. Hey sorry, I found that email on the website where the old passport return request box was. I emailed the consulate and CC’d the one I gave you. The consulate will send your info to AIS for the return, no worries
  5. No, they get all mixed up. Send it to: canada_contactus+ca+info+en@visaops.net
  6. Unfortunately it is illegal to do work in the U.S. remotely without a visa, regardless of where the actual employer is located. If you are caught you could face a 10 year ban. I looked into it myself but I was disappointed when I found out. Not my business but I really feel for you and your family. You must be going through so much and I think everyone in this forum would agree that one of the worst parts of this whole situation is the “not knowing”. For everyone, especially newbies, I think setting a limit on how long you are willing to wait for AP to resolve will go a long way for your mental health. For example, we decided we wanted an answer by the end of July. Once we decided on the date to file WoM, it felt like I took back a little bit of control of my life. Set a date way in the future and put money aside for WoM weekly or monthly. The WoM was 5.5K USD. If the day comes and nothing has changed, you will have money set aside for it. If AP resolves on its own, you have nest egg.
  7. You’re in for a long ride. Asking for your passport back won’t complicate things, they will just ask for it back when they need it. It took about a week to send mine back.
  8. They found it. They’ve been giving me the run around for a week lol They sent some of my personal information to the wrong applicant at one point so my mind immediately went there lol
  9. For your own mental sake - maybe deciding on a time limit for WoM would be beneficial. Just to take back some control of your life. “If by X date I don’t have updates, I’ll file” I did this and it has made a world of difference in my stress levels.
  10. Does anyone know if it’s a good idea to notify the consulate that you are planning to file a Writ of Mandmus? Some websites say to give the consulate a 30 day heads up.
  11. I was hesitant to share the sheet because I don't want to be too responsible to keep it updated. I have removed usernames in order to keep everyone's privacy. Contact me to be added to the sheet with your interview date, additional evidence if requested, and other pertinent details. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GySrwbar5E0dzY4DCJ8s0eagm1up6TxedDBTPYiOlJw/edit?usp=sharing I have added info on mandamus - once someone applies for WoM, I can add a WoM filing date column so we can keep sane.
  12. Thanks for sharing with us! It helps us get an idea of where the consulate is at on cases. Feel free to DM me if you want to share the spreadsheet.
  13. Hi everyone, just an update on the trends we're seeing. For me, seeing this information helps me feel a bit more in control of my life and I can know what to expect. I find it extremely horrible that of the cases I've seen online, only 4 cases have been approved in the last 3 months, two of which had a WoM. Meanwhile on K-1 groups, people are jumping for joy and getting their visas at breakneck speeds. Most of these people have applied long after we have. I am happy for them, don't get me wrong. But it is hard not to be jealous, let's be honest. It seems like WoM is the only way to get a case to move forward these days. Immigration is severely unstaffed and seems to be prioritising new cases and interviews instead of closing out cases that have been open for months. It's heartbreaking. Of the cases reported online regarding Montreal Embassy OPEN CASES: No. reported open cases on VJ and FB: 41 Oldest Case: 244 days Newest Case: 32 days Average days open: 151 days Interview Month: October 2021: 7 November 2021: 4 December 2021: 7 January 2022: 4 February 2022: 12 March 2022: 5 April 2022: 1 May 2022: 1 June 2022: APPROVED CASES IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS Cases approved in the last 3 months: 4 (2 of which had Writ of Mandamus). Average days open of cases approved in the last 3 months: 159 days Oldest case approved in last 3 months: 204 days (WoM) Shortest case approved in last 3 months: 117 days APPROVED CASES 2022 Cases approved this year: 21 Average days for approval in 2022: 107 days. Maybe we should all contact our senators with these numbers and show them what is actually going on. We should not have to pay 5K to be with our loved ones. We should not have to pay for two medical exams because we were asked to get one even though they knew they were going to hand us a DS-5535 and put us in AP. I'm sure they are overwhelmed with applications but they need to allocate resources to the backlog in AP.
  14. I feel like before you do that, on your next follow up just be like hey, I’m hoping to have some answers soon. I am planning to file WoM on this date. Maybe it would get it moving?
  15. I let my employer know about my intent to eventually move U.S. and they told me they don’t want to lose me and are considering helping me get an L-1 visa. I am currently in AP (DS-5535) for my K-1. Can I apply for the L-1 while I wait? Do I have to cancel the K-1 and transfer to L-1? Would my L-1 be hit with the same DS-5535 and delay me further? I work in STEM and would be doing a STEM job.
  16. I let my employer know about my intent to eventually move U.S. and they told me they don’t want to lose me and are considering helping me get an L-1 visa. I am currently in AP (DS-5535) for my K-1. Can I apply for the L-1 while I wait? Do I have to cancel the K-1 and transfer to L-1? Would my L-1 be hit with the same DS-5535? I work in STEM and would be doing a STEM job. I think my DS-5535 was because of my work.
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