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Posts posted by USbound22

  1. Hi again! Thank you for your help. I scheduled my appointment today,  yay!

    The earliest time slots were in the beginning of May, probably due to Easter.


    I have another question, maybe you can help me as you have just gone through this process:


    When I signed up to create a profile for the appointment, and clicked "Schedule" I was led through several pages of information I had to give. One page was about the visa delivery option and address. It said that I was going to be prompted to pay after confirming the address and premium delivery but when I did just that there was no prompt to pay the delivery fee. I looked again after scheduling the appointment, and I can't seem to find a place to pay for the delivery fee anywhere on this scheduling page.

    Am I supposed to pay it in Frankfurt at the time of the appointment? I just don't want to show up and not have paid it and end up having problems because of that.


  2. Thank you so much for your timeline. When you were told to schedule an appointment, how many open appointments were available? Was Feb 15th the earliest available appointment for you? I just sent off packet 3 and am now waiting to receive the permission to schedule an appointment. I'm wondering what to expect, how soon an appointment may be available in Frankfurt. I've already had my medical.

  3. Hello there,

    I am reapplying for a Green Card after abandoning mine back in 2018.

    Because I have already had an A number, some forms are even more confusing for me to fill out.


    I am currently working on Form DS-260.


    In the section that asks about my past 5 trips to the US, I am asked whether I was issued an A- Number by the DHS. What should I put there?


    My two latest trips to the US were using the ESTA Waiver (after I abandoned the Green Card). The three trips before that were still with Green Card, so with my A number. But it wasn't issued to me then, I already had it since 2008.

    I can only answer this question Yes/NO and then write down the dates last five trips together in a block. I can't put down different information about each trip.


    I have already written the Frankfurt Visa Unit about it and am trying to get a representativ e on the phone/chat on the us visa information desk, but so far no answer.


    Has anyone here experienced the same situation and knows the answer to my question by any chance?


  4. Hi again! I keep coming back here, I hope you don't mind. Some things are tricky to fill out for me because of the GC abandonment.

    We are now working on packet 3 and I am filling out form DS-260. This is online. Last time I did this, I'm not sure it was the same form, but it definitely wasn't online


    In the section that asks about my past 5 trips to the US, I am asked whether I've been given an A- Number by the DHS. What should I put there?

    My two latest trips to the US were using the ESTA Waiver (after I abandoned the Green Card). The three trips before that were still with Green Card, so with my A number. But it wasn't issued to me then, I already had it.

    I can only answer this question Yes/NO and then write down the dates last five trips together in a block. I can't put down different information about each trip.

    Idk, maybe I should write an email to Frankfurt about this, but maybe one of you remembers how you did that?



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  5. Hello again. I have another question for you (hope someone will see this):

    I am now preparing the forms and documents for the next packet while I wait for the embassy to process our I-130.

    I know that I need a police certificate from Germany (no prob, already ordered it) AND from any other country that I lived in for more than a year. That would be the US for me.

    Did you have to turn in a police certificate from the US? How would I go about obtaining one? I found this website: https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/identity-history-summary-checks not sure if this is the right place.


  6. Hello everyone,

    We have just received an email from the Consulate in Frankfurt allowing us to file our stuff via DCF. I am a German citizen and my husband is the US citizen petitioner. Reason for DCF is job relocation and urgency.

    While  preparing the form and all supporting documents, I have been perusing this forum (so helpful!). I stumbled across posts, where people mentioned they are copying ALL the pages of the petitioner's passport. Is that really necessary? I have attached a screen shot of what the document we received from the Consulate states concerning the passport. Before I read the forum posts, I thought that a copy of the ID part would be sufficient.

    These posts were quite old, however, which is why I thought I ask here.  

    What do you think?

    Thanks in advance.



    Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-16 um 12.00.29.png

  7. Thanks everyone, this helps a lot. 

    Another question: In The i-130 form there is a section in which my husband is asked whether he has filed a petition for someone before (yes), if it was approved/rejected (qpproved) and the date it was filed.

    Unfortunately I have not kept my paperwork from 2008 so I have no clue what the exact date was the first time we filed the i-130. I know when we entered the US because it was our anniversary, but no other date.

    Will this be a problem?

    I'm kicking myself for not keeping these records. They were on an old hard drive which doesn't work anymore.


  8. Hello,

    I am a German citizen, my husband is an American. We have lived in the US from 2008-2014 and have done the green card process successfully before.

    We returned to Germany in 2014 with the intent to stay here, so I gave up my green card in 2018 using form i-407 because I obviously didn't live in the US anymore and we couldn't afford to pay the re-entry fee each time we visited my husband's family in the US.

    Now everything has changed and we are planning on moving back to the US. Never thought this would happen, but, oh well.... life is life.


    Has anyone in this forum done the same thing, reapplied for a green card after giving it up? 


    Here's my question:

    We are currently filling out form I-130 and are asked under part 4 question 1 to give my Alien-Registration number (if any).

    Do I put down my previous A-number?


    Thanks in advance.

    We are also hoping to file with DCF in Frankfurt but not getting our hopes up.



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