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Everything posted by gooblue

  1. There's been a lot of RFEs, what do you think is going on? It seems like ad many rfes as Approvals, as if every application had to get an rfe before Approval. Is it possible we are all forgetting some major info or that they've become stricter somehow?
  2. incredible by what I've seen so far, if they eventually hit 200 or 300 regularly there'd be a lot of happy campers
  3. Huh, maybe that server maintenance from last week didn't go so hot
  4. Wonder if there's a serious issue going there or something. There was server maintanence but I wouldn't think it'd cause this. haven't heard of a strike or anything else either . I'm joking of course but It almost seems like they it's to balance the 4 or 5 days of relatively productive days they had 😂
  5. Does this number include mid updates? So basically 40 all day?
  6. Indeed I am aware. What I am not understanding is how hoping that 3% of adjudicators working on one type of form(in the future) comes across as me thinking that K1s are priority or will be prioritized. Especially when when there are around 35ish forms which if equally distributed is around 3% per form. I'm simply saying that if there was an EVEN load spread out among the forms that with those imaginary numbers, some form of backlog reduction was possible.
  7. Ok well then I will just let this one go. "dare I hope"
  8. There are some 35 different forms (going by this) processed by uscis. Now I DONT what ratio of hr to logistics to managing to adjudicator exists so I'm just throwing out number here. Imagine 1/3(33%) of them did adjudication. (I'm probably stretching this but as mentioned I have no idea what true numbers would be). approximately 1500 peoples to work on cases. 1500/35 = 42 ish. Considering some forms are used more or less than others, is it really that crazy to posit 50/1500(3.3%) people to just work on i129fs??? OBVIOUSLY the true number of adjudicators could end up being something else like 500 or idk what but I'm just doing speculation
  9. Well not everyone can just go the CR1 route for life circumstance reasons. Although I see what you are saying, so maybe they adjudicate specifically on the cases where embassies aren't backlogged? I don't even know if they have a way to tell that though.
  10. No I get the need to spread the load, I was just saying what if you another 50 adjudicators out of the 4400, that's less than 2% to work on the i129fs
  11. I guess in the spirit of that, it's why I'm curious what people think. 1. Let's say there's an average of 3500 I-129f(k1) cases a month. 2. lets say the 50 or so adjudicators plus the previous adjudicators can pump out 300 cases a day 3. Let's say 20 days of are productive(case adjudication happens) So in a year you have (3500 * 12) 42,000 cases. In a month (300 * 20) 6,000 cases are done. In 7 months, 12 months worth of cases would be done/sped up. so we it's possible that IF(heavy if) they train up enough employees in next month or two, that by December they could be processing this year's 2022 May cases. I'm aware a lot of us(me included) are cynical about USCIS but was hoping to inject some hopium based on something at least possible
  12. Supposedly USCIS plans on hiring some 4400 new members(See here). I am curious how much do you guys think it would speed up applications for us? Some considerations: 1. They want to get to 95% capacity by December. 2. If just 50 of those adjudicate on K1 Visas, we could see an extra 50-200 touched cases a day(with 50 being a veryyyy low estimate) 3. Of course some people will have left uscis in that time as well.
  13. So I just watched the virtual engagement that aired today on Microsoft Teams at 2:00 pm? Not sure if it was recorded anywhere: <future link here?> Wanted to start a discussion on it and gather people's opinions. Did anyone catch the comment about how California Service Center(primary processor of i129f/k1s) was apparently slowed down due to "restructuring" and how they are suppose to be back on track? Given current efficiency it doesn't seem to be any different then what it was a couple months ago so I don't understand what that was?
  14. Does anybody know embassy interview times? Like from the moment NVC approves your docs to interview?
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