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Everything posted by gooblue

  1. There's been a lot of RFEs, what do you think is going on? It seems like ad many rfes as Approvals, as if every application had to get an rfe before Approval. Is it possible we are all forgetting some major info or that they've become stricter somehow?
  2. incredible by what I've seen so far, if they eventually hit 200 or 300 regularly there'd be a lot of happy campers
  3. Huh, maybe that server maintenance from last week didn't go so hot
  4. Wonder if there's a serious issue going there or something. There was server maintanence but I wouldn't think it'd cause this. haven't heard of a strike or anything else either . I'm joking of course but It almost seems like they it's to balance the 4 or 5 days of relatively productive days they had 😂
  5. Does this number include mid updates? So basically 40 all day?
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