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Status Updates posted by AnaAndDaniel

  1. buena suerte! i hope my pm nswered your question.

  2. alguna novedad? chivas empataron con tuzos anoche.

  3. regresaste? espero que todo este bien contigo y tu famila.

  4. you are member #3116.

  5. you are member # 9329.

  6. you are member # 1020.

  7. you are memeber 9207

  8. oh wow! this is excellent news! congratulations and good luck! :D

  9. i wish you well in your journey.

  10. hola! hope all is well over there!

  11. ya. can't have that happening. ;)

  12. sort of. i don't you can see all of your friends in the side bar if you have more than 10 friends. you need to see them in the middle area.

  13. ok, for one, the side bar only shows 10 friends max at a time. i do not know how it cycles the friends.

  14. no, something very weird is going on. you come and go on my ist. swapping slots with another friend of mine.

  15. oh, now you are there. i am also missing anothe friend on that list, but is on my friends list via the pop up box.

  16. how come i don't see you in my friends list?

  17. congrats again on the new job!

    Ana jsut got offerd a full time positon at the company she has been temping at. :D

  18. get that date situation worked out?

  19. i just had an anniv on vj. need to check the number of years though. :whistle:

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