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Posts posted by HarryGillung

  1. 9 hours ago, Nhushka said:

    Hey y’all. I need a little help here if possible. I’m the sponsor. And just received this message from uscis 

    Travel Authorization Decision Update

    On December 5, 2023, we received your updated travel authorization decision from CBP for Receipt Number I******. The original decision has changed. The new decision is posted to your USCIS online account. Please review the decision and follow the instructions.


    and all the documents Attached are just the approved travel authorization. So why does it says the original decision has changed? I never received anything else 


    Has your sponsee checked their USCIS Account for any updated documents?

  2. Hi


    I applied for my wife's daughter, husband and two infant children, they were all approved.  Their Travel Authorizations expired 11/26/22.  The husband was not able to travel with the rest of the family and needed to remain in Ukraine until he could get out of his military commitment.


    I requested an extension back on 11/10 and never got an answer.  When his Travel Authorization expired 11/26, I reapplied for him using the A-Number he had received.  I received the first Notice acknowledging they case and am still waiting.  Strangely he has not received anything, by email not even the Notice I received.  My stepdaughter showed me his USCIS Account it has a different A-Number than the one I have.  Is that normal?  All of my communications with filing (2) I-134s for him and the subsequent Notices have the A-Number I have.  Why would his USCIS Account show a different one?


    I received the Notice on 11/28 and that is it.  Do you think it is too early to call and ask?  I thought I could use the two different A-Numbers as a reason to call.


    Thanks in advance for any insight or advice.



  3. 23 minutes ago, HarryGillung said:



    I am in the process of completing the I-765 for my wife's daughter.  The husband has returned to Ukraine on an emergency and I have reapplied for his 4U4 approval.  I need to get my wife's daughter and two children social security cards. 


    My question is the process for obtaining a SSN for a minor the same as for the adult?  That is, do I need to file a I-765 for the children (4 years and 9 months) even thought obviously they are not going to work OR are the minor children covered in the daughter's I-765?


    Where exactly do I mail the I-912 and I-765?  The I-912 says see the Where to File Section on the form you are requesting a waiver and the I-765 instructions say see the website.  If you go to the I-765 link it does not give a physical address only File On Line option.


    Thanks in advance for your help!





  4. Hi

    I am in the process of completing the I-765 for my wife's daughter.  The husband has returned to Ukraine on an emergency and I have reapplied for his 4U4 approval.  I need to get my wife's daughter and two children social security cards. 


    My question is the process for obtaining a SSN for a minor the same as for the adult?  That is, do I need to file a I-765 for the children (4 years and 9 months) even thought obviously they are not going to work OR are the minor children covered in the daughter's I-765?


    Thanks in advance for your help!




  5. I know each person in a family must have their own USCIS Account.  My question is do you need to recreate the same Travel Group within each person's account?  I have a mother, father, a 5 year old and a 4 month old.  The mother has already added everybody to her Travel Group.  Does she need to create a Travel Group on the other 3 family members also?


    Thanks in advance for your assistance.



  6. Help!


    I submitted (4) I-134s for my wife's daughter, husband and (2) grandchildren.


    We received 4th Confirmation Notice today for the husband.  When trying to add him to the Travel Group my daughter-in-law noted that I made a mistake on his passport number.  the correct number started with FL and I entered FU.


    My question is what do I do?  Do I need to cancel the first I-134 (which we waited 4 weeks for) and file another?  Is this a bid deal and can it be corrected at an interview, it is an honest mistake?


    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you in advance for your assistance!


    Harry Gillung

  7. 3 hours ago, Kineo said:

    You could try a call. Pretty sure you will need to at least get to tier 2 customer service to get someone that can actually look into the case.

    I think others in this situation have created new cases and had them process through fine. Your mileage may vary....


    Thank you Kineo for your reply.  I think the issue is that my wife's daughter already had a USCIS Account and an A-Number.  I used her email address for her and her daughter while when completing the husband's and grandson's applications I used the husband's email address and he does not have an A-Number or USCIS Account.


    Are you suggesting that I complete a second I-134 for the husband and grandson?  If I go this route I would use the mother's (wife's daughter's) email account.


    Thanks again!

  8. Hi

    I applied for my wife's daughter, husband and two grandchildren.  For the daughter and one grandchild I received by a Notice and a Confirmation within 24 hours.  The Confirmation Notices included the A-Number for the daughter and granddaughter.  However, for the husband and the grandson I have only received a Notice but not a Confirmation.  It has been almost two weeks since I submitted the I-134s.  Is this normal?  Should I continue to wait or try to call USCIS?


    Any insight is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you!


  9. Hi.  My I-129 was approved and now awaiting an interview for my finance in Kiev. 


    My finance lived in the USA for 3 years from 1995-1998.  She was not married to an American, she was here under different circumstances.  She returned to Ukraine after 3 years.  Do I need to obtain a criminal background for her to show there were no issues when she lived here?  If so, where do I obtain it?  She does have an old SSN as she did have permission to work while living here.  Thanks!

  10. Very sorry to read about your situation. 


    Take it for what is is worth, it is only my opinion.  I do not think counseling would work.  There are several reasons for that, the biggest is cultural.  I do not think it is a medical issue either, otherwise she would be seeking out help because she should want to be intimate with you and very upset that she is not able to be.  I did not get that from your post.  Her attitude, not her words are what you need to be putting your thoughts into. 


    I would become very familiar with the divorce rules in your state.  For example in California they have two types of marriages, long-term and short-term.  Needless to say the financial impact when the marriage is long-term is significantly more.  I think you need to understand what your options are.


    I understand the investment in time and you wanting to make it work.  However, it takes to willing parties to make it work.  Julie Roberts is not going to date me no matter how long I hold out for her.  :)

    It seems at this point, to me, it would be hard to think she would change.  Yes, it is probably extremely likely she is in it only for the green card.  If that is her goal then you can not put any faith in anything she says or does.  If you think things will get better especially after she gets a green card, I think that is naive.


    You're still a young guy.  There is still time to have kids and plenty of wonderful family oriented ladies out there who are looking to meet you.  You can never be 100% sure about someone new, but I think if you are honest with yourself you will understand that you can be 100% about your present situation.  The longer you wait, the more expensive and painful it will become.  Once she finds out your serious about a divorce it is likely she will put on a different attitude, maybe even try to get pregnant and trap you.  Not saying that is what she is going to do, just be aware that you are not able to consider all of things she may do.  Just be sure if you decide to divorce, don't look back.  I would even get a separate apartment.  Another nightmare is that she threatens to make a claim of abuse against you.  That my friend can ruin your life, you are guilty until proven innocent and that is not so easy to do.


    Don't mean to be negative but you always must aware of  what your options are.  If she has other friends of acquaintances from her country they collaborate on how to get what they want.  Don't be foolish to believe she has few options and you are in complete control.


    Good luck!

  11. I am a pharmacist so I can chime in. Zicam is not probably going to do you any good at this point. You need to take it within 24 hours of onset of symptoms to shorten the duration of the cold and reduce the severity. The antibiotics you mentioned are the usual ones used for upper respiratory infections and are used to keep it from moving into your lungs and becoming pneumonia. Z-Pac is another one that is used alot. Of the ones you mentioned I am a fan of Biaxin or Erythromycin (much cheaper).

    I am a fan of boosting the immune system so you can fight it off. Even if you take the antibiotics it is your immune system that wins the battle and why you get well. I am big fan of Airborne. It is also available in generic. I would go buy two bottles of it and take at least 2 tablets dissolved in 8 oz of water three or four times a day, due this to help reduce the duration and severity of your symptoms.

    In the future when you are taking a long flight or are going to be in a situation where you will be in very close quarters with a lot of people take it 24 hours before and 24 hours after the event. It will help.

    Hope you are feeling better.


  12. Does anyone know how many Visa's are denied in the interview process and for what reasons? Alena and I have our interview on October 2 and I am just trying to cover all the bases.



    I would have to say very few are denied at the interview level. The main reason would be a lack of some document and even then the visa will be approved but held until you provide the needed documents. Financial support may be another reason. We just had our interview in Kiev on August 7. There were 6 fiancees and they all got their visa. If you have ALL the documents on the checklist, I wouldn't worry about it. Kiev is relatively easy (as I understand from reading posts here) and our interview was a breeze. As far as documents proving a relationship, I had TONS of this and they took only four photos from my collection as proof. They didn't even look at all the other documents I had laboriously kept, copied, organized and carried all the way to Kiev.

    I can say this to anyone going to Kiev. Get all the documents they ask for and relax. Our "interview" was "no questions asked". Alla said "That is all? Why not just MAIL the documents and MAIL the visa? It was just about that easy.


    Thanks Gary! I appreciate the comments.


  13. Thanks for all of the good advice and words of encouragement.

    Yes, I did disclose the marriage and provide the necessary documentation in the I-129. I understand that the embassy in Kiev does not require that the finance have a complete photocopy of the I-129 package at the interview. I did send Alena a copy of the original application and some other doucments along with my I-134. I do not think she has read any of it because she has been busy with work and school. Again, I had planned on telling her in the DR. I realize I need to tell her and will do so in a letter.



  14. The time is drawing near for Alena's interview. We have delayed because she is finishing her degree at the university. After five hard years of her hard work I can wait for her for another month. My situation is this. I was married to a Russian woman once before. I brought her into the USA back in 1999 and we were married for almost 5 years. The subject has never came up with Alena and I did not volunteer the information. One time I tried to start a conversation regarding previous relationships and she wanted nothing to do with it so I have left it alone. I was planning on telling her all about it in April when we had a trip planned for the Dominican Republic but at the last minute I had to cancel because of work problems. I just feel like it is not a subject you bring up on the telephone.

    My question is this. Is this going to come up in her interview and will it be a problem if she does not know anything about it?

    Thanks in advance for the advice


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