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Posts posted by Romin

  1.  I have been reading older posts and you have really contributed in helping many people.  I am a little shocked you responded to my question, thank you so much for clarifying. I might be overthinking some things like you said. My marriage certificate in foreign language (Nepali) was translated but has a blank on both of our photos and instead has "Sd" written on it. Similar to the seal of the court. Could you or anyone verify if this is an acceptable translated copy in the picture below? 



  2. I am currently filing I-130 for my wife via online and was wondering if I need to notarize the copy of EVERY document that I upload to site - for example my US citizen passport, my birth certificate etc or does it only need to be documents that are in different languages (notarized with official translation)?


    Also guys - If I was initially a permanent resident and then became a US citizen, do I still need to list my A number (I still have an old copy of permanent resident card) or do I just use my US passport? 



    Thank you guys. 

  3. I am a US citizen who recently married my wife who lives overseas. I plan on filing I-130/spousal visa.

    We have been in contact via text/pictures for over 3+ years and got married two months ago in her country. I am worried that we don't have enough evidence despite knowing each other for so long. Due to covid and me being in healthcare I could not travel as often.  


    Our evidence consists of- 

    Picture of our marriage outside the court we got married

    Pictures of our time in vacation together

    Pictures of our chat messages/me sending her gifts


    I can also add a letter statement from a family/friend member but not really sure who would be appropriate? Her friends/family? I am not very clear on this step 


    What else could I add? Would adding pictures or receipt of the ring I bought her etc be helpful too? 

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