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Graham McCulloch

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Posts posted by Graham McCulloch

  1. I went here: https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/?language=English&country=Thailand , selected an appointment date, entered my document delivery details and other info like my DS-260 confirmation number. I then printed out the confirmation page. The title of this page is 'Appointment Confirmation'. It contains details of my scheduled appointment and document delivery information and barcodes for my DS-260 confirmation number and UID. My question is: is this the same as the 'GSS registration confirmation'? I didn't see any mention of 'Global Support Strategy' on that site. But that's the site they tell you to go to to do your GSS registration and print the confirmation. Are the instructions just out of date? 

  2. 20 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    OK.  Did you upload that job offer letter with the affidavit of support?  If you did, all should be well.  If you didn't, do it now.

    Ok - just added that offer letter to the supporting documents and re-submitted. (I already had my previous employment details uploaded. But this brings my employment status up-to-date).

  3. 1 hour ago, pushbrk said:

    Not exactly.  If your income will continue from the same source once you immigrate to the USA, then you include your income on your wife's I-864.  The instructions tell you how to do this.  If your income will not continue, it is irrelevant.

    Thanks. So I did add my income in my wife's I-864 form, under the section:


    Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size, including, in certain conditions, the intending immigrant.

    That's why I thought we would be fine regarding the financial income. 

    From the I-864 instructions:


    If you included the income of the intending immigrant who is your spouse (he or she would be counted in Part 5., Item Number 1.), you must provide evidence that his/her income will continue from the current source after obtaining lawful permanent resident status. He or she does not need to complete Form I-864A unless he or she has accompanying children.


    My income will indeed continue when we move to the US. So do I just need to provide some employment letter/contract from my current employer showing that my income will continue whilst in the US? (Conveniently my job offer letter explicitly talks about my salary once I move to the US!)

  4. My wife (American, the sponsor) is a stay-at-home mom these days, while I (British, the applicant) have a well-paid job with a US company. 


    On the DS-260 application they added a case note that says:


    <Sponsor> does not meet the minimum income requirement to sponsor the intending immigrants for this case

    Can I, as the applicant, fill out Form I-864 and act as the financial guarantor of my own sponsor?

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