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Posts posted by John007

  1. 9 minutes ago, Nuba said:

    I don't claim to be an expert although this is my second time through the K1 process (long story). Yes, the I-134 is completed after the NOA2 and will be included in the packet you submit to the embassy for your interview.


    There is an excellent guide to the K-1 process here on VJ that covers this and many other points.  The associated K1 flowchart is also very clear.  I encourage you to read through them to know what's coming when we finally get past NOA2.


    Hope this helps.



    You are an expert in my book!  😜. Big relief on my end 😂 As always Thank you!

  2. On 10/12/2022 at 4:54 AM, Nuba said:

    Quick update from a data dude. There is no indication yet of any speed up with the start of the new fiscal year Oct 1. The self reported time in VJ show the delay is inching closer to 14.5 months. Moreover, apparently due to overzealous code jockeys running many scans, it seems that USCIS has made changes to their web site so that the scanning scripts no longer work.  Hard to blame them since this was probably overloading their servers.  OTOH they could  run the same scripts themselves nightly and post the results but transparency to the people who actually pay their salaries with our fees isn't on the menu. 


    Unless something changes we should expect to see the reported processing time change to 14.5 months by early Nov.  For reference, when I filed last Nov the reported time was 6-8 months. Since then the processing time has consistently increased by .5 month every month on average. If this continues we will be lucky to be processed in Feb .

    Hi Nuba, when do I need to fill out I-134 Affidavit of Support?  Is that once I get NOA2?

  3. 1 hour ago, Nuba said:

    Realistically we Nov filers are at Jan or even Feb for I129F approval and then at least another two months to get to your local consulate. Once at the consulate the interview schedules vary greatly by location from a month to 6 months or more. So unless USCiS and NVC make drastic improvements soon we are looking at Mar best case for consulate receiving  approved I129F and Apr best case for interview and then fiancé(e) to arrive in US.; Summer is  likely for many


    I am fortunate that I can visit my fiancé so we a racking up evidence of time together for the interview. We chat every day on WhatsApp and talk frequently. I’m getting better in Spanish and he is starting to learn English. In anticipation of his coming here he took driving lessons and got his drivers license. I show him video of New York and explain how things work here.  We Exchange videos of my cats and his dog. I show him photos of the house he will live in and take him on virtual walks in the hood.


    The wait is excruciating but honestly it has enabled us to know each other better and work out things that could have been explosive in the first 90 days together.We are about as opposite as two people can be and we are learning to accommodate and appreciate the differences.


    Hope this helps


    Thanks Nuba that is helpful info.  I hope interview process doesn’t take 6 months that would be heartbreaking for my fiance.  I just got back a week ago from visiting her so we have more proof also.  I wish us all good luck in this process and in life!!!

  4. On 9/14/2022 at 9:58 AM, selember said:

    The best theory I've seen online for the increase in RFEs is that it's due to the new staff that USCIS has been training to adjudicate the backlogged I-129F cases. As newbies, they're probably erring on the side of caution and sending RFEs on cases that maybe more seasoned adjudicators would have accepted. The hope is that this means the RFE rate will start to decrease as the new staff gain confidence in what they're doing. 


    Also, welcome to the waiting club! My fiancé is from Mexico so we've got that extra backlog to look forward to...Hang in there--hoping for a healthy pregnancy and arrival of your baby. :)


  5. 1 hour ago, notantifun said:

    I'm Filipina married to an American citizen. I will be naturalized before the end of this year. Fingers crossed. 

    I hate how the OP seems to suggest that he has been an unsuspecting victim to this "Filipina culture". He knew this was coming. I'm not suggesting that he was not taken advantaged at all. As much as I hate being lumped with these Filipinas who take advantage of American men, marrying for green card/citizenship, I'll be naive to deny the overwhelming amount of cases like OPs. I effing hate the stereotype but they exist and will continue to exist, because reasons. BUT let's not also ignore that plenty of these American men marrying Filipinas have the upper hand in what is basically a financial transaction (Yeah, marriage is mainly a financial transaction. Fight me! LOL). No one held a gun to their heads demanding they remain ignorant of the downside of marrying someone from a 3rd world country. If you ever felt like you were taken advantaged of because the wife's family kept demanding money and you couldn't say no, that's not exactly a wife problem. Maybe grow a spine.


    To any American men wanting to marry a Filipina, you cannot change the culture. BUT for the love of all that is holy, invest time to know the woman and her family. Also, IMO, not having a job is 1 giant red flag. An adult woman should have a job. If she insists on supporting her family, let her do so with her own money. And remember, NO is a complete sentence.





    Amen sister!  At the end of the day they are both adults.  Both have risk that they are taking so if it all goes down to , I would blame both of them.  I’m 44 Filipino and just filed an I129F to bring my fiancé here.  My fiancé is only 26 and very beautiful.  I did my research and her family although not rich are well off to support themselves.  Also family never once in our two years ask for money or talk about financial support.  All they want is I take good care of her.  I never sent money to my fiancé nor she ever asked me for money.  That would turn me off of course and I told her that from the very beginning.  In fact she probably spent more in gifts than me.  Not bragging I’m just saying be aware of little things that can give you hints if she loves you or she’s in for that green card or money.  I’m not saying we’ll workout, but I’m sure she’s in it for the long run. 

  6. My advice if you meet woman from a third world country and plan to marry her.

    - Do not support her financially during your relationship.  If you are, then you are giving him or her the wrong perception.

    - Be honest with yourself.  If your age gap is 20+ and you don’t look like Brad Pitt then you should ask yourself why?  Then you decide if you still want to take the risk of being used.  If you do then you can only blame yourself.

    - Don’t flaunt your money or spoil her with gifts.  Only spend money on gifts if its her birthday or anniversaries.  

    Now if she still wants to be with you after this then you got yourself a good girl.  



  7. On 11/7/2021 at 4:07 PM, chancecody said:

    Sorry you are having difficulty right now but things will get better. Reading your post felt like I was watching a telenovela on GMA PinoyTV. I think you are better off now as like you said, you married someone with extended family who likes to treat you like an ATM. Do not generalize the Filipino culture though based on your experience as not everyone is like that. If your wife really loved you, she would not have left and fought for you. 

    I am Filipino American and grew up in the states.  I hate to say this, but from my experience living in Philippines from 2018 to 2020, I only had two friends who didn’t use me financially.  Majority either tries to borrow money and if you oblige and try to collect they’ll just disappear.   To my fellow Filipino I know it doesn’t sound good for us but the only way we can change our culture is for us to be honest with ourselves.  We can’t change if we don’t think anything is wrong with us.  Also not saying other countries don’t have cultural problems because they all do.  Also if you are a foreigner you have to be smarter.  If you are 70 years old and the girl is 23, uhm you should know that they are only after one thing.  No way you can convince me other wise, but if you just want a young wife and understand the consequences then I see nothing wrong with it. It is possible that they can fall for you but chances are slim.  Just hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

  8. So I’m about to send the I129F packet to USCIS. From what I’ve read here this is what I need to send.

    Cover letter

    I129F form

    Letter of Intent to marry (both)

    passport photos (both)

    Proof we met (Photos, receipts and etc)

    Copy of my US cert of naturalization and US passport

    Copy of my divorce papers


    Do I need to fill out other forms and send with this packet?  Example G-325A






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