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Everything posted by JD2

  1. Any DQ, other than RFE resubmissions, after March 15/16th? I think we're going to get another 8 day jump. Also, I wonder if there's going to be a timeframe update tomorrow given the holiday.
  2. I had to do like a zoom call with an ID.me rep to set it up because it wasn't initially working for me either. But, it's worth it. It's nice to have for the future too.
  3. Why not? They're easy to get online. Just make yourself an IRS.gov account and download.
  4. As long as her CR-1 process isn't hurt at all, we're fine with that. Thanks
  5. I'm asking if she's completely honest and at a preclearance airport CBP doesn't believe her and thinks she will adjust status, is there any risk of expedited removal or a ban or will they just not let her board? Thanks
  6. My wife's CR-1 is pending at NVC. If she wants to visit me on her B1/B2 for a week, would departing from a preclearance airport reduce risk at all? My lawyer said to avoid coming to the US unless absolutely necessary because CBP may suspect she wants to adjust status. And, instead of allowing someone to withdraw and fly back, CBP could do expedited removal which would mean a ban and a waiver. We have no intentions of adjusting status not only because of the law but also we travel frequently for various reasons and can't wait for advanced parole. My real question is, if she's completely honest and leaves from a preclearance airport, is there any risk of a ban? She's from India which I know is a high fraud country.
  7. When were you DQ? I heard London is very fast.
  8. Yea who knows? But imagine if you submitted your DS-260 on March 11th. Then waited 60 days to submit your PCC or even all your required docs. You think you'd still get DQ today? or ahead of someone who turned everything in on say March 12th or 13th? Or if you never turned in a required doc, would they still review the case? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. What I'm saying is I think a case is considered submitted when the final required document is submitted, for you March 16th. Imagine if you did the DS-260 but submitted no required docs; why would they review your case? But I could be wrong.
  10. I'd count that as 69 days. I'm assuming under the required docs you put the 2020 tax transcript? I think your submission date should be March 16th, then. My understanding is adding additional docs doesn't reset it.
  11. That's how it's been for a while now. So disappointing
  12. Seems like 14th? if so, that's big. they did nearly 2 weeks in 1 weeks time
  13. Your last required was 3/10 or 3/14? Required not the optional documents.
  14. Doesn't it go by last required document submitted? When was that?
  15. Isn't that 2 years ago? Any improvements would be baked in by now, right?
  16. Wow. Was that common over the last few weeks? Meaning people getting DQ far out from the date listed on the State website? As of yesterday they were reviewing March 1st. So next week should we see a big jump forward or will it be another 8 days forward? If we see someone DQ past the 10th before Monday, that'd be big.
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