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  1. i hope some one has ROC pending and did N400 interview to advice , but in your case just bring you wife to the interview , ask the officer nicely to be with you during the interview they already know that you have pending ROC , if he can combine both he will do it , otherwise he will do the N400 only but he will recommend your approval for the ROC
  2. Thank you so much for your detailed answer . now I can relax no worries about pictures any more 😃😃😃
  3. Thank you my friend, the citizenship certificate doesn't have and picture of you and no need to bring passport photos with right ?
  4. Congratulations , during the ceremony did you provide passport photo to be attached to the citizenship certificate or you got the certificate without photo on it
  5. thank you , my ceremony is in march 8 , can i bring family and friends with me and do they need passport photo for the citizenship certificate ?
  6. sharing my experience for my N400 at MSP , i arrived in time and my wife came with me , there was a little delay from their end to call me in after 40MIn they called me and i asked the officer nicely if my wife can join and he said for sure . that's makes me more comfortable he start with the civics 1- how many senators 2- why there 50 star on the flag 3- what Susan p Anthony do 4- which state border with canada the ask me to read (what people have to pay to the government ) and ask my to type on the ipad we pay taxes then he ask me and my wife questions from the n400 and he approve me on the spot and my ceremony is on march 14
  7. thank you and please share your experience with the oath ceremony as well .
  8. i think you will not need any of this any more , again congratulation you journey is over
  9. thank you for the info , i was wondering as every one saying the tablet and in the letter they request to bring pen so i thought may be it's keyboard type and the pen to sign the application or something
  10. congratulation for the approval , i just have question for the writing test on the tablet do to you type the answer on the iPad screen or using the iPad keyboard to write the answer?
  11. congratulation for the approval , i just have question for the writing test on the tablet do to you type the answer on the iPad screen or using the iPad keyboard to write the answer
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