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Posts posted by Saana

  1. Guys, I finally got my visa last Tuesday! I had my interview at the embassy in Helsinki on December 9th and they said it'd take 1-2 weeks for the visa (FX1) to be issued so I thought I would have it by Christmas. My husband came to Finland for Christmas and we were going to book our flights back together for the week after New Year but luckily we didn't. 🙏 I emailed the embassy the week after Christmas and they said the visa would be issued "early next week" but when there were no updates in the CEAC tracker on Monday or Tuesday after New Year, I emailed them again. Didn't hear anything back until the visa was issued the following Monday.... We had our flights to California this past Sunday so I was starting to get a bit anxious. 😅 It took over a month and I guess holidays are to blame. 🤷‍♀️

  2. Hi guys! We were DQ'd on 6th October and just received an interview appointment last Friday for 9th December at the embassy in Helsinki. 🥳

    I just got back from my husband's parents' place in India last night and now I'm going for my medical exam in Eira tomorrow. 😅 Managed to get my vaccination history from a local health clinic today. Additionally, I'm going to bring my childhood vaccination card (neuvolakortti) if my mum can find it tonight and I also have my medical records from when I lived in the UK which have some booster shots and travel vaccinations as well - hope this is enough.

    Starting to feel a bit nervous, and optimistic that this might finally be happening. If all goes well, I'll be moving to the SF Bay Area after New Year. 🤞

  3. Hi! Not exactly Finnish/American but I'm Finnish and my husband is an Indian citizen living in California for the last six years. He's a green card holder and will be applying for citizenship next year. Previously, he used to live in Singapore, I used to live in the UK, now I'm temporarily residing in Helsinki and we're waiting for me to be able to move to California (SF Bay Area). ☺️ Tsemppiä kaikille!

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