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Posts posted by shawndoc

  1. Telephone Assistance for Individuals:

    Toll-Free, 1-800-829-1040

    Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

    This number has an automated process for ordering the transcripts. They say it takes about 10 days, but I got mine in about 4 or 5.

  2. On page 2 of the package 3 instructions is where the copy of the petitioner's passport is mentioned as being required.

    I wouldn't send an original birth certificate, but it probably wouldn't hurt to include a copy. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    I just looked over page 2, and I'm not seeing it?

  3. What is his current salary? Is it above the poverty line for a 2 person household?

    He made well above poverty level in four months, so that is not a problem.

    Then he *should* be ok. Its probably going to come down to the individual examiner at the embassy and what they feel comfortable with. With pay stubs and a letter from the employer both showing he now makes enough he should be ok.

  4. My turn to ask another question: Where in the packet 3 paperwork instructions does it say the petitioner (me) needs to submit my birth certificate and photocopy of my passport?

    I could swear I'd read other people saying to be sure to include it, but I'm not seeing where that is in the paperwork, unless it is from the original I129F, where the embassy may ask for originals of any documents submitted. Is that the only place, or is there something else I'm missing? I just want to make sure I've got everything put together right and not missing any instructions.

  5. hey all... im new here posting.. but ive followed this website for over a year.. sorry for the lateness!! anyhow to get u quickly updated.. my fiance had her interview on the 29th of may and i thought i crossed my "t"'s and dotted my "i"'s but i guess they always find a fault in your paperwork.. they wanted my federal 1040's (although the website said letter from employer and/or tax info) and thankfully i did my taxes online and could get them that next monday for document submission.. but its already been a week and no reply by email or phone and i am getting cold sweats and night terrors.. has anybody else been in this situation? if so please let me know how long did it take for them to call with an answer... thanks!!

    Did you submit just a letter from your employer or did you also include tax transcripts?

  6. Read the "Special Instructions for Thai Applicants" found on the Embassy Website.

    Can someone post the link?

    I found it shortly after my post last night. I'd been video chatting with my lady and I was talking to her about how many photos she needs. I went into a bit of panic when I couldn't find the information for the police report right away, and when I got done chatting I pulled up that wrong Packet 3 info and that combined with my lack of clear head (it was after my bedtime) caused me to freak out.

    Sorry about the posts guys.

  7. The police told her that they could not get her a new one until June 20th....

    That sucks. I'd give the mail lady a day or two more to find the letter. If not, then you'll have to decide which is better, calling/emailing the embassy and asking for the interview to be pushed back, or going to the interview and getting the equivalent of an RFE at the end of the interview.

    Personally I'd ask the embassy for a delay. At least then you've got a solid date to work with instead of going into limbo.

  8. Ooops, I'm a bonehead. The "new" packet-3 is the standard packet 3, there's a different link for the K Visa Packet 3 which is the same as what I had before. Sorry for the false alarm.

    But I figure I will confirm with everyone here:

    1. K Visa's submit a I-134 still, correct?

    2. The Visa fee for K applicants is still only $131, correct?

    Also, where on the Embassy is the text that says the Police Certificate should be provided free? I don't see any mention of cost. Also, I thought I had read somewhere my fiance needs to bring a certain size photo to the police office in Bangkok for the certificate. Is that correct? What is the size? I assume she just needs that, her id, and her house registration?

  9. Hmm, this is interesting. The Packet 3 form online has been updated. The one I had previously downloaded (and just recently had signed and mailed off) is different than the current one.

    Anyone know when this change took place.

    So far the biggest difference I see is they no longer want the I-134, the new one wants an I-864. I haven't gone through the whole thing yet, but if you haven't submitted your packet 3, but you've download the form, you might want to make sure you have the most current one:


  10. She has already asked where the Thai Market is.....................we're going there first thing tomorrow and probably to the Wat in Thai Town this weekend. We have to have a spirit house for the new home we're moving to in a few weeks.

    What are you doing posting on the Internet. You two should be busy getting reacquainted.

    I know of a Thai market near Anaheim at La Palma & Euclid (approx), are there any others?

  11. Just got back from LAX..........Ou is now on American soil!!

    I'm so jealous! Congrats!

    POE was pretty easy, I told her when she got in line for Immigration, to tell one of the Immigration officials that she is here on a K-1 Visa. They pulled her from the line, asked a few questions and that was it. She said that she had her bags before anyone else on her flight had finished Immigartion. All in all, it took her 30+ minutes from disembarking the plane and getting through Immigration.

    Wait, who did she tell she was here on a K1 visa? Just one of the officials walking around and pointing people into queues?

  12. Most people on this board have done it without a lawyer. And if you do a search for lawyer, you fill posts from many people where their lawyer screwed up the paperwork, forgot to get a signature, etc.

    I would suggest that if you are going to have a lawyer do it, find one that specializes in fiance's from your country, and find them via referrals.

    Another way to find one might be to use http://handleonthelaw.com/ . Its run by a local lawyer talk show host, and I've heard good things about their screening process for their directory. Enough business gets referred from the site that lawyers on there don't want to get delisted so they tend to be extra attentive. Never used it myself.

  13. she signed the Thai one and sent the part that she signed only, that was the one she was more comfortable with. the embassy will accept either.

    She is at the interview now.. I am waiting for her to call me with the results.

    Thanks for clearing that up for me! I'm sure she'll pass with flying colors.

    Be sure to post any question they asked her.

  14. Question on the packet 3 (part 1). When sending it back did your fiance sign the english portion, thai portion or both? Did you mail back the entire checklist or just the page that requires the signature?

    she just mailed back the check list signed with ds230 part 1 unsigned.

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure I follow. She mailed in the whole checklist, or just the page you have to sign? Did she sign the English version, the Thai version, or both?

  15. Hi everyone. I finally got all the answers I need to complete the initial packet 3 response. Took approx 2.5 months from when I sent her the questions to her giving me the answers. She gave me a little bit more explanation. Basically her family's been having problems due to her sick mom, and since she's the eldest daughter, its her job to take care of her mom. She didn't want to say anything to me, because its her family problem, and she didn't want me to feel obligated to send money to help out. She knows once she comes to the USA she won't be able to work for several months, and was worried she wouldn't be able to send them money. Now her mom has been better for over a month and she finally feels that her mom will stay healthy for some time.

    I also found out she never went to the equivalent of high school. She'd told me she went to secondary school, and I incorrectly assumed it was the Thai version of high school, but apparently its their version of junior high. I wonder if this is going to cause any problems at the interview or when she gets to the states?

    Maybe I should have taken her up on her offer to have me marry her younger sister who has finished 3 years at University and gets her BA next year? :jest: (Its been a long running joke that I should marry the youngest sister).

  16. One thing you can do is mail in your packet 3 after the embassy receives your paperwork from the NVC. Just print it from the website and mail it in. If she doesn't live in Bangkok it could be over a month before she receives the packet, and in some cases people never receive it.

  17. So everything turned out well then? As in, you guys worked everything out? That's good to hear man!

    Nope. Still waiting for her to send me the answers "tomorrow". Just as I have the last month or so. So that's the same. But she did seem excited about getting the official packet 3 from the embassy, so hopefully that's something.

    She also let slip something about how she'd been worried about her mom (who is badly diabetic), but now her mom is better so she's not worrying about that. It just sorta came out, she then changed subjects and avoided talking about it. Maybe that's been the source of the delay, and now I'll see some progress.

  18. Hey guys, it looks like I may be calling off the K1 visa. We're at the packet 3 stage and my lady appears to be having cold feet. I'm having a heck of time understanding what's going on, everything was great up until I told her the petition was approved and I needed some more info so we could submit the packet 3 and schedule her interview. She'd already gotten her vaccinations in advance, and had been asking me all sorts of questions about coming to the US. I'm now getting hit with the typical Thai "face saving" situation where she keeps promising to email me the information "tomorrow" or "by Friday" and then doesn't. This has gone on for the past 3 weeks or so, and now she's having "phone problems".

    I'm not sure what else to do. I'd thought about having one of my Thai friends go visit her at the salon and see if they could help interpret whats going on for me (What's the cause of the cold feet; worries about leaving her mom, fear of leaving her only home, another man?). However I've only two other Thai friends, one is in the UK on business for the next 5 months, and the other one is in Prae and can't make the long trip to Patong in Phuket. My friend is Prae has declined calling her on the grounds that she needs to see my girl in person when talking to read the "signs" that Thai's need to decipher when she is being open and when she is saving face.

    Sorry for the long post, but I'm deeply hurt by this and need a place to vent. Everyone in my home life thinks I'm crazy for falling in love with a Thai girl, and venting to them will just get me a bunch of "I told you so" comments.

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