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Posts posted by Igor&Elina

  1. Hmm, ok. Where I think the difference lies is that you are sorting on I-129F sent, and StP is sorting on NOA1. I personally think sorting on I-129F sent is the more accurate sorting method, since it's impossible to tell if people are entering their received date or their NOA1 date in the NOA1 field.

    Agreed. That was my thinking as well.

    How often are you pulling data? It seems snappy enough, so I don't think you're pulling the data from VJ every page hit, which is good. Once a day would be good enough I would think.

    It's in beta stage right now, so it actually pulls data real time, on every page hit. It is my intention to switch it to do pulls once or twice daily once when I have a more mature product.

    Since you asked for suggestions, a really cool feature to have would be a column that shows movement in the last week.

    Hmmm... I'd have to somehow retain data from last week to do this comparison. Maybe I'll do something like this.

    I was also thinking of adding some statistical crunching to produce daily, weekly, and monthly averages and maybe even some graphs.

    Also, does anyone know why some member's names don't have links? I know it's not your program that's doing it because I've seen before where a member profile isn't linked. Does that mean they've been removed? And if so, maybe we don't count them?

    You are correct, my program grabs the names with links and all directly from VJ, so if the link is not there it's because it's not on VJ. I don't know why VJ doesn't have links sometimes.

    Thanks for the feedback, Mox!

  2. AWESOME!!

    I've only taken a quick look, but it looks like you and StP might be using different cutoff dates. On StP's list I'm at 108. On yours I'm 128. Why do you hate me? :D :D I'll take a look at it a little later and see if I can spot the diffs.

    Thanks for doing this!

    Thanks Mox!

    You know I don't hate you. :D My list has me lower then on StP's as well. :bonk:

    But seriously, right now the logic I use is as follows:

    1. Include all CSC filers with NOA1 who sent their petition after the current date on the USCIS/CSC Processing Times page (2007-06-18)

    2. Include all NSC filers with NOA1 who sent their petition after the current date on the USCIS/CSC Processing Times page (2007-06-18)

    3. Include all TSC filers with NOA1 who sent their petition after the current date on the USCIS/CSC Processing Times page (2007-06-18) but before 2007-07-31

    Any ideas for improving this?

  3. Hey everyone!

    I've been working on making a completely automated version of the waiting list.

    STP, I hope you don't mind me working on this.

    This is a very rough draft for now, but I've got the basics working. I'll be adding more functionality to it later.

    Follow this link to see the list.

    Don't be spooked that it's on another server. That's where I have the program running. It grabs the data from VJ in real time and then manipulates it to produce the list, so the list is always up to the last minute.

    Let me know what you think please.

  4. I like this thread, and wish I had better pictures to contribute. But I am not a good photographer, and I don't have anything worth uploading. I have some photos with a story behind them... but that is about it.

    Perhaps though, someone can tell me what this is. We took this photo in Moscow near Red Square, close to the WW2 memorial (with the eternal flame thingy). It looks like an old wall or something. Anyone actually know what it is? I didn't know, my wife didn't know, and the people we were with didn't know.

    It's a grotto called "Ruins." Constructed in 1841 by architect Bove. At different times it used to be an outdoor orchestra pit or an outdoor cafe.

  5. Oh, and I'm making pelmeni tomorrow, the creation of which must always involve vodka.

    Does that go similar to this:

    Tequila Christmas Cake


    2 cups flour

    1 stick butter

    1 cup of water

    1 tsp baking soda

    1 cup of sugar

    1 tsp salt

    1 cup of brown sugar

    Lemon juice

    4 large eggs Nuts

    1 bottle tequila

    2 cups of dried fruit

    Sample the tequila to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the tequila again. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the tequila is still OK. Try another cup... Just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.

    Pick the freaking fruit up off floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the tequila to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or someth ing. Check the tequila. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 edegrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the tequila and wipe counter with the cat.

  6. Since the total number of August and September filers combined is roughly the total of all July filers, and most July filers were processed in a month, seems to me that we should be able to expect a large number of August filers this week, and maybe even a small number of Sept filers either this week or certainly next.

    Yeah, Mox, I'm hoping/wishing/keeping my fingers crossed for the same.

  7. We did consider all of the options and the bad reports from MOM were of concern to us, but after seeing that things have improved we have decided to go there anyway, mostly because you get the results the same day. Anyway, we'll be doing it in just about a week. I'll be happy to post a report.

    As promised before here's our report:

    We had the medical scheduled at MOM on Dec 26th.

    We arrived at their office a bit before 10am, about an hour after we had it scheduled (9am), there were no lines and no people waiting, probably due to the holiday season. We filled out the forms, turned them in with photos and the fee and all, and got our instructions on where to go next. There was one other person submitting the paperwork before us, she didn't have photos, so the sent her to an instant photo place about a block away. The clinic where they do the actually medical is about 15 min walking distance from there. After we walked over and turned in our paperwork Elina gave blood for the test, then we had to wait for the doctor. The wait was about 30 min. Doctors name was Elena Moskaleva. She asked a series of standard questions, measured blood pressure, looked at her throat, and checked her limph nodes. Doctor asked Elina what her weight and height are. She then asked to take her blouse off. She asked Elina about birth marks that she has. That was it, no other undressing. She copied Elina's vaccination records into the standard blank that they have and gave us a copy of that when we asked for it. That was it, it all took about 10 min. All very nice and simple, nothing unnecessary or demeaning in any way. The facility is pretty clean. BTW, if you need to go to the bathroom, bring your own toilet paper. :bonk:

    All in all took about 2 hours, with walking and paperwork and all.

    The results were ready at 5pm back at the MOM office. There were 3 other women picking up their result before us, no one after us, except one guy that said that he did his medical a month ago. :blink:

    That's it, overall very good, quick and simple experience.

  8. If he's rejected once for a visa, I'm pretty sure that it reduces the likelihood of him getting a visa in the future (what if you decide to get married later?)...
    Not true. Being rejected for a visa does not reduce your chances of getting one the next time you apply. You'll just have to provide better proof that you'll come back. Neither will it affect the K-1/K-3 visas.
    It will reduce his chances if he lies on that B2 application. A common trick to get approved is to go to agencies that will create forged documents which state you have a good job, high salary, and you own property. If caught then you will be inadmissible for any future visas barring a waiver, of which I am not sure is available for misrepresentation of this sort.

    Absolutely. Lying on these applications is always a bad idea, and so is using forged documents and such. If caught it will hurt your chances of getting a visa, might even bar you from getting one ever again.

    Your best bet is to put together a set of your documents and facts and such that shows your ties to Russia in the best way. Never lie, never misrepresent. It is better to be honest, get rejected and be able to reapply again then to get barred from applying ever again. Actually honesty can carry you pretty far in the process. It's like they can smell it. ;)

  9. Does he own property in Russia? Does he have immediate family that he won't want to separate from (like children)? Does he have a good job/career to return to? Does he have anything that will act as strong reason for him to return to Russia?

    All good points. The more ties back to Russia he can demostrate, the better his chances.

    If he's rejected once for a visa, I'm pretty sure that it reduces the likelihood of him getting a visa in the future (what if you decide to get married later?)...

    Not true. Being rejected for a visa does not reduce your chances of getting one the next time you apply. You'll just have to provide better proof that you'll come back. Neither will it affect the K-1/K-3 visas.

    He has a good career, but no property or dependents. Also, I am planning on moving to Russia in June... if I could provide him with some sort of proof that I was going to move to Russia, would that help him?

    What about his parents? He could claim them as dependents, especially if they are retired and need medical or some such care.

    Has he been to other countries before? Europe? Any visas in his passport? This would show that he has been to other well off western countries and has come back to Russia.

    If I were him applying for a visa, I would not mention an American girlfriend at all. No letters from you, not proof of anything, nothing at all. This would only raise questions from them about him marrying you and staying in the US.

    My reason for asking for a visa would be that I want to visit a new country, travel to a few cities and see the local attractions. I would suggest coming up with some sort of an itinerary, a list of cities to visit. Maybe go to some tour company and have them put together an estimated tour for him.

    Hope this helps.

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