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Posts posted by JustineC85

  1. 57 minutes ago, Sharmarine said:

    There are a few people in a Facebook group that I belong to, for Australians who are also going through the K1 Visa process, who had their interviews in the same week as your fiancé and I had ours. Their visas were approved last week. Mine has yet to be processed, due to my Medical Report being lost. I received a new copy of it on Wednesday and sent it to Sydney, it was delivered today. 


    It makes absolutely no sense that you are still waiting, especially as they have everything. What are they waiting for? I do hope for you that your fiancé's visa is approved very soon. The pain of waiting and being separated, is horrendous. 

    Honestly the lack of communication between Melbourne, Sydney and the physicians was a nightmare. 

    My fiancé had his medical in Sydney and was told they would send it to him and he would send to Sydney. At the interview, they kept his passport and told him the medical would go straight to them. He called the physician and they contacted the consulate, who told him he did have to send it directly to Sydney. 

    Same with the issuing after documents received. One person had theirs received January 10, ours was December 22 and we both went into AP and had visa issued same day! 

    No logic at all. 🤣

  2. On 12/30/2021 at 10:52 PM, yvonme said:

    It will depend on the outcome of your interview how long it will take until you get your visa and your passport back.  You need to send them medical documentation and administrative processing is taking at least 15 days (per their auto generated email) after receiving documents. They will not respond to inquiries of the case is within that time frame. Administrative processing could also take 180 days.

    They received our medical documentation on the 22nd and we have not heard anything as of today the 31st (in AUS time). We were told we were approved pending medical so that’s all we are waiting for also. 


    That is what our timeline is too. They received it right before Christmas and we have not hear anything else at all since. My fiancé did email them but just got a generic email back. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Sharmarine said:

    Exactly the same situation here. I've been in Melbourne for 23 days now, had my interview on the 9th. As much as I love Melbourne, I'm more than ready to start moving on. Once the Consulate reopens, they had better not waste any time in processing our visas, especially after all the time that we've been forced to wait. 


    Seeing my case status as 'refused' is both disheartening and disappointing. 

    We are at refused too. 

    I really hope we all get the visas issued by next week.

  4. 16 hours ago, maimuslee said:

    To everyone that has received an interview date - were you guys already scheduled for one prior to Sydney closing?? 

    Our case is still just stuck at NVC so I assume we will be at the bottom of the list was just trying to get a rough idea on how much longer I might be waiting!  

    No. I was waitlisted. We where about to get an interview date when shutdown happened. 

    We have a December 10 interview.

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