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Posts posted by chuck_n_rose

  1. As long as you follow the guides on VJ, you should do it yourself and spend the money you save on something more useful. I've read just as many problems or RFE's regardless if a person has an attorney or not. With that said, it's your money. There is no right or wrong answer which is going to be the faster of the 2 routes for you to travel in the process. Like David said, it is another person that gets the paperwork and potential longer wait there. On the other hand, you should take STP's advice. It is solid. I would imagine you want someone to tell the perfect info on what to do, but that's not going to happen.

  2. The mail system is in PI is terrible compared to the US system. I think it throws people from the US because the US is use to having mail received in a couple days. Best to pay a few extra buck and use a carrier (i.e. UPS, Fed Ex, or DHL) for important stuff like that.

  3. I will feel pity for you Mox, but I haven't seem my baby since early Sept. also. So I spend my time at home reading VJ, remodeling my house so I can rent it out, while also looking for a bigger house to buy. I can't wait til we are together. I know when the day has come and some time has passed, this time we all wait, will all be worth it and not seem that long at all. Good luck to all.

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