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Posts posted by jawi876

  1. Do you think i will be ok if i have my brother type's up a letter stating that he works at XYZ company but they are unble to provide him with an employment letter due to company policy and just attach his pay check stubs to it ??

    Most supervisors will state the same thing because most employers use an outside agency for employment verification...and they do not include immigration offices in the process. I would suggest that he explains the situation to his HR representative...they have to provide proof of employment at his request...that is part of their job...my company uses an outside agency and you have to pay for the verification. Well, you know that USCIS and its entities will not pay for your employment verification, so I just went to HR and explaine that the company stated that I could not get employment verification for immigration through their site. Presto...done.

    maybe i am missing something here

    but i think roxie's comment is being taken waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously

    i don't know her history, maybe there is more to this than meets the eye but i just think perhaps a little too much is being read into

    apparently some of my post got chopped off

    i think what she's really trying to say is there is a greater sense of permanency with a marriage

    not to say an engagement is not valid and permanent

    but you are legally bound as a wedded couple, so any challenges pose not just a matter of the heart but a legal matter

    maybe she could have expressed it in a more politically correct way

    and in any case fiance and marriage visas are taking pretty much the same time nowadays with maybe a month or 2 difference

    i think it's just as ridiculous to rub the so called "expeditious" K1 in other ppl's faces, as it is to preach about the so called "superiority" of the CR1/IR1

    I have never rubbed the K1 process in anyone's face...nor am I sitting a complaining that my husband can't go and check on his sick daughter or work yet. I knew it going in that was going to be one of the drawbacks. That is all I'm saying...stop whinining about the time it takes when you made the decision.

    maybe i am missing something here

    but i think roxie's comment is being taken waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously

    i don't know her history, maybe there is more to this than meets the eye but i just think perhaps a little too much is being read into

    No...this has been a constant banter from Roxcie that CR1s get penalized by the government because they decided to get married first...and they are more committed to their mates than K1 filers...the whole gauntlet. She and others are of the mindset that K1 visas should be processed after CR1 visas because they are really "family" and 100% committed and K1s are not.

    I usually ignore her posts just because of this...but it's just the same tired violin playing over and over with her...and it got to me tonight. Trust me I'm not reading more into what she posted. I'm used to people saying I take things waaaaaaaaaay too seriously...but I just can't stomach self-pitying ignorance as an excuse to discount someone else's feelings.

    i figured it was more to the situation

    i take your point

    Bunz thanks for attempting to try and shed some light on Roxie's post....I too, like you, don't know of the history of previous comments made which have sparked Quana's or Jawi's response BUT I do see and agree with Roxie and her points that you clarified. It is what it is....CR1's are legally bound and that isn't the case with K1's. That may be the only difference in the two BUT it is a MAJOR one.

    We all made our choices to do CR1 or K1 for our own personal reasons. One is no better than the other. I don't think anyone has a right to throw salt on either route.

    My point exactly. Stop discounting someone else because their process may move slightly faster....it is the same crab in a barrel mentality....and misery loves company. I don't care it was insensitive and self-indulgent...and enough is enough already. DANG!!!

  2. maybe i am missing something here

    but i think roxie's comment is being taken waaaaaaaaaaay too seriously

    i don't know her history, maybe there is more to this than meets the eye but i just think perhaps a little too much is being read into

    No...this has been a constant banter from Roxcie that CR1s get penalized by the government because they decided to get married first...and they are more committed to their mates than K1 filers...the whole gauntlet. She and others are of the mindset that K1 visas should be processed after CR1 visas because they are really "family" and 100% committed and K1s are not.

    I usually ignore her posts just because of this...but it's just the same tired violin playing over and over with her...and it got to me tonight. Trust me I'm not reading more into what she posted. I'm used to people saying I take things waaaaaaaaaay too seriously...but I just can't stomach self-pitying ignorance as an excuse to discount someone else's feelings.

  3. YARDIES IMPORTANT I NEED YOUR HELP !!! My brother was suppose to be my co-sponosr but his employer said that they CAN'T provide him with an employment letter..so the only other person i can ask is my dad but he's self-employed ! DO YOU THINK I CAN USE HIM AND BE OKAY ?? WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SELF EMPLOYED CO-SPONSOR ??? i'm feeling so stressed right now..

    Heavensent from what I have read...the employee letter is not a REQUIREMENT...but rather one way to verify income. Your co-sponsor should be fine with his tax returns, paystubs, etc. The Embassy normally only looks at the tax returns when the income is sufficient. If he were using assets to met the requirements, then I would say that the letter may be a requirement.

    The letter from your employer cannot be the only proof that you use to support or prove your income...it only serves to show that he was still gainfully employed at the time of the letter. Question: who did your brother ask to provide the letter? Maybe he should try the HR department or a member of management.

    Don't stress unduly...it will all work out in the end. ((((Heavensent))))

  4. Bunnzarelli, I know the stress for a CR1 is different than the stress for the K1. It was like if they didn't approve my husband what ws I going to do. But I will say if you follow the James short cut, everything works out just fine.

    I guess I am taking this wrong cause reading it I'm saying ####### Roxie. What would K-1 people do if they weren't approved? Same thing CR1 would do........move to JA or do a LDM.

    I think you are saying it's because you are already married. But, in truth, the K-1 would do exactly the same thing. There is still the commitment...just later rather then sooner in the filing process.

    JG, you have said it correctly, it's later rather than sooner. Ending a relationship without legal ties is easier than ending one with legal ties.

    Thank you JG and Quana for attempting to explain that a "process" does not make or break a true relationship. Roxcie just when I think you may be okay...you go and type something so insensitive...and excuse my french IGNORANT that I don't even have the strength to shake my head. I am a K1 filer that has been in a LOVING COMMITTED relationship for 5 years...my relationship would not end simply because the government said no. We would have figured out another course of action to give our love and relationship a fighting chance. Are you really saying that if you were denied, you would walk away from Joel...and your biggest worry is the legal ramifications of severing ties? WOW...and we wonder why the divorce rate is so high.

    Your pain and mental anguish was no harder than any of the other people waiting to be reunited with their loved ones...married or not. Believe that.

    Not one single solitary aspect of this process is easy for anyone concerned...how narcissistic of you! You may be able to have a cheerleading section in the CR1 forums with this backwards...nonsensical way of thinking...but I for one am sick of it. Get over yourself and the fact that YOU CHOSE to get married first and live separately from your husband. The processing time is clearly spelled out that it will be longer for spouses instead of fiance's...wayyyy before you made the MATURE ADULT decision to go with the longer of the two. You opted to marry prior to filing...and that reason was yours and Joel's...it is respected here. So why not give other couples that make the best decision for their situation the same respect?

    I'm so tired of people thinking that their individual situation is far worse or more important than the next person. Man...I said I wouldn't do this again...but I had to get that off my chest. What happened to comradarie and having a little compassion for the rest of the yardie women that did decide to file K1? Then you had the nerve to thumb your nose at JG (another K1 filer). GEEEZZZZ!!!

    Do me a favor when you try to respond...please use spell check first so I don't have to ask you to clarify your response.

  5. Love the hubby's dream, Jawi!

    I wanted to work from home - but I have meetings that I have to be here for today - Thankfully, there is an attorney retreat starting tomorrow - so no one will be here the rest of the week. If I feel like this I will work from home tomorrow -

    I remember a time when supervisors @ my job could work from home. Wouldn't you know as soon as I make the decision to move into management...that option no longer exists. CHA!!! My commute is slowly killing me. I have got to find a better way....LORD please find me a better way! I used to love my job. I still like it...and I am grateful for it...but my body needs change.

    I was thinking about going back to school to become a Court Stenographer because I eventually want to go into Corporate Law. But, I'm concerned about posturing in that job with my neck issues. What do you think Sus?

  6. I know that's right Irie. I would love to have our big house in Jamaica...I don't need one here with that kind of money. Maybe a nice condo, or townhouse when we want to come stateside...but I definitely don't plan on living in the US if I'm a millionaire.

    When we talked about winning, we were both naming all the people we would help out...and that the first order of business would be to change our numbers. LOL


    I forgot to mention something I found so cute...a lot of my friends know that I don't like the nougat candy on the bottom of a Snickers. I normally bite the caramel and nut topping off, and throw away the bottom. People tell me all the time that I'm wasting good candy. I thought I was the only person to do this...then A got a Snickers bar when we went to the GA Aquarium...low and behold...he does the same EXACT thing. When I told him that I eat Snickers the same way...he responded with a mouth full of candy...."EEEHhhhhhnnn must be destiny." :luv:(L)


  7. Good morning all!

    Best wishes to Mrs. P and Mr. P...you guys will nail it! I can't wait to hear the news that you were approved! Woooooooo-Hooooooo!

    Sus...I don't want to go to work either...*sigh* sorry your day in court didn't work out so well. Why didn't you work from home today?

    Hubby dreamed that we won the lottery...so I decided to play $5 on the Mega Millions (est. $122 million). He dreamed that we went shopping for cars and I wanted my 300 and he told me that was a simple car...that we needed to get matching his/hers Range Rovers. LOL Then, we started shopping for a house here and one in Jamaica. He was so excited too. :lol:

  8. *bump*


    The Kingston Embassy has been accepting signed copies of the DS-230 Part 1 via email. K1 filers can now download a copy of the cover letter in this thread which requests a specific interview date, and send it as the email body with the SIGNED DS-230 Part 1 copy attached.

    Thanks NatPat for finding a way to shorten the process even more! Some Yardies have even gotten an email reply with the interview date on the same day they sent the email...this is progress in a BIG way!

  9. yes jawi its a very good idea..i lost out on $40 today becuz i mailed the original ds230 to the embassy via DHL this morning before i got the email..but oh well i didnt wanna take any chances better safe than sorry !

    sorry chica! It was a gamble...but you still got the same end result...a speedy interview date!

    Thanks Jawi - your so sweet. I am a classic Libra, always trying to keep things in balance... sometimes... most times... it doesnt work!

    Wow! I'm a classic Libra too. My world is horrible when its not in balance!

    Morning all! The Maxi show was so good last night - great night out with old friends - he had his son Marvin with him - what a voice and what a cutie! And a flirt!

    Glad you enjoyed yourself last night! I have a girlfriend that absolutely loves Maxi...she listens to him 24/7! I wonder if she knew about the show too.

    i've always loved maxi's english accent


    how long you gonna have to be on crutches my2? you may have said that before but i didn't catch it

    i hope you feel better soon esp since your interview is gonna be scheduled soon ((((my2))))

    on a sad note, kandi's (RHOA) fiance (6 kids) was killed last night

    Oh that hit me in the gut. I don't know her...but she is my favorite RHOA.

  10. VERSE:Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."-- Luke 9:23

    THOUGHT:Offering ourselves to God isn't easy because it means we mustfirst die to our own selfish will. Like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane, we face our own cross and must cry out, "Not my will,dear Father, but your will be done!"

    PRAYER:Dear Father, thank you for sending Jesus as my Savior. Lord Jesus, I want to follow you. I don't want it to be half-hearted orhypocritical. I want your life to be seen in me. So please, gently show me the areas where my heart needs to be softened and my character needs to be shaped by the Spirit so that I can more perfectly reflect your glory, grace, and character to those around me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    this is definitely the prayer I have been meditating on...bridle my tongue Lord. Thanks KK!

    :dance::dance: Interview October 27th 2009 !!! :dance::dance:

    Thanks To my Yardies for all your help !!

    The embassy just replied to my email request that i sent yesterday which included a Cover Letter and an attached scanned copy of DS230 pt 1 !!

    Woo-hooo!!! I'm so happy for you...glad to see my letter is working for so many people to beat the run around at the Embassy. I'm also happy that NatPat was the pioneer of emailing the DS-230, Pt 1. I think the Embassy people are thanking us too for finally getting with modern technology!

    Mi Inbox just ding!!!

    DHL confirmation:

    02 Oct 09 4:05 PM - Shipment delivered - Kingston,Jamaica :dancing:

    Happy Day, oh Happy Day!! h13003.gif

    WoooooooTTTT!!! Now it is time for you to do the same thing Heavensent did...complete my cover letter....and email the signed completed DS230, Part 1.

  11. Sorry to hear you have had a sad couple of days, Cat - What's wrong?

    Just life stuff. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to hold everything together with just thread... and it isn't working.

    I'm right there with you Cat. I told A that I just want to disappear. I'm so tired of everything....this pain is not getting better...I can't even afford to get my pain meds now. Cat you never complain....ever...that made me sad. I wish I could do something to lighten the load for you. (((My friend Cat)))

    smaddy summarize jawi post fi mi nuh

    i'm worded out

    i can't read more than 4 lines at a time

    :rofl::rofl: mi to cause mi outta breath

    cuz har read out loud and giggle every now and then...she talks as she types too. LOL

    :rofl::rofl: mi to cause mi outta breath

    Why you need breath fi read? :blink:


  12. I slipped on the stairs and jammed my knee.. i sprained and bruised it bad

    ooooo...ooucch! I had a bone fragment under my knee cap...so I know the pain you are in right now. I hated crutches.

    One woman had the nerve to say that she left all her half used Bath and Body Works products for the maid as a tip. #######???

    Nooooooooooooo!!! Not HALF USED!!!

    yep...and she thought she had done something just because the maid commented that she liked the scent. Foolishness.

  13. MsTee....I love how you are replying to EVERYTHING that has occurred on the board today! :lol: You are very thorough! :thumbs:

    Lmaooooooooooooooooo you noticed huh? lol Its the "virgo" "perfectionist" side to me....

    I was thinking about what Jawi has been posting and I always knew I would end up with a man from a different culture, but my love for Jamaica began long before I even visited. (part of the reason for my locs - spiritual) I even read into becoming Rastafarrian but the thought of giving up meat was not a happy thing for me. Then when I met my fiance, I was so dumb. Didn't even realize he had strong feelings for me until way after I came back to the States. I met a man before I met my fiance and his was cool and everything but it just didn't feel right with him (emotionally). I just think whatever is meant to be is gonna be. Most of my friends are hispanic and my family always thought I'd be with a hispanic...

    I hear you....my last 2 serious relationships were with Africans-one from Ghana, and one from Guinea. One was a sweet man, but there was just something missing. Plus, I felt like I could run him and I knew I could never really marry him (though he proposed on 2 separate occasions) because I didn't feel like he was strong enough for me. My friends were most surprised that we broke up because he was in med school and living in Germany--and he asked me to come live with him over there. But after living in DC/MD for so long and dating guys from Africa, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, West Indian, and my black brothers...I just became increasingly more comfortable with being someone from a different culture/race. I think everyone should date at least 1 person from another race/culture once in their life! Definitely good learning experience!

    Most definitely!!!!

    My2, how are you feeling?

    im sore ...my arms are sore from the crutches my good leg is sore ..im falling apart lol ..i am reminded im not a kids anymore lol

    What did I miss? Why are you on crutches My2?

  14. :ot:

    My hubby is so sweet and funny. He called me tonight...and me being happy to hear from him as usual...answered with "Bonjour Monsieur Langley." He responded "No hablas Espanol." waaaiiiiieeee....we both laughed so hard for about 20 minutes. I know...I guess you have to be there...but he didn't miss a beat at all...he thought he was on point! LMAO


  15. jawi...the anger was never directed towards American woman (not from me) it wasn't. It just got on my nerves to hear Jamaican men put down Jamaican women and vice versa...likewise, I don't buy into the hype as well...my husband loves his Jamaican woman and I love my Jamaican man right back

    That bothers me from any race - Date who you want, be who you want - but don't put down your own race / nationality and call it a preference - Cause a Jamaican man putting down a JA woman is putting down his mom, sis, grandma, etc... same as a white man / woman doing it, black man, Chinese - whatever =

    Be who you want to be and date who you wanna date - but claim it as a choice, not make an issue about the race with it.

    girl preach!!

  16. lol! hush lawny. yuh kno seh mi neva figet bout u...an di one kimmy...weh she deh?

    tonks...mi de yah bout to season up 1 box a goat meat fi mi friend wedding tomorrow...and two box a chicken...what did I get myself into. So many Friday weddings...well, dem seh it cheapah

    Lawny--mi juss wen to my friend's wedding last Friday at 5 pm! Mi wan kno wha mek dem choose a wedding pon Fri--AT RUSH HOUR!! CHO! :angry: Mek mi miss di wedding, but had a whole heap a fun at di reception--Patron mek di world go round! :wacko::thumbs:

    I'm beginning to worry that we will have to stage an intervention for you if Mr. P doesn't hurry up and get here! You have been waiting a long time for this day...7 days for the interview and another possible week for the visa....so will he come as soon as he gets the visa? Are you waiting for him to come back with you? I may even drink some Patron that day...and I'm not a drinker. I'm happy and excited for you chica! Please don't keep us in suspense waiting on a word from Jamaica okay? :star:

  17. Thanks Sus!! Hows DJ? I havent been on for a while. I don't know how everyone's doing anymore :unsure:

    Hey MrsP! Its almost interview time! I'll be sending up some prayers for you and Belly :dance:

    Thanks Sunny! Hows Ray? And your health? Feeling better?

    Bunz! Hows it going for u? I'm tryna get my AOS packet together

    Hey Marie...I know you will be happy when this is all over for you. You have been waiting a really long time...you want to do my AOS package too?

    Forgive me ya'll if I been driving ya crazy over this AP thing :(

    The belly add stress to an already stressful process! :wacko:

    JA soon come! :star:

    Girl sit your sensitive pregnant self down somewhere...you ain't hardly driving anyone crazy. We have all pretty said the same thing at some point or another during this stupid process.

    Lawns...I understand the anger to a point. I don't understand how it all gets directed towards the American woman though. I for one KNOW that not every Jamaican man thinks I'm the $hit...that the MAJORITY of them think of me as a possible opportunity. I don't find that flattering in the slightest...so that kind of interest can stay right where it started. All I was saying is that I don't buy into the hype that Jamaican men are just automatically interested in marrying a woman they barely know...but will never consider marrying the woman they dated from even say high school. If you are with a man older than 25...questions should be asked on why he never considered marriage until you. I don't want a man that would never consider dating his own nationality. Preferences my a$$...I also don't want a man that tries to tell me that he was all alone staring out at the deep blue sea wishing on a star for me...just as I am...fat a$$ and all. LOL

    I know that it takes a while for men in general to truly trust the woman they are with...before they will even ENTERTAIN the idea of marriage. I also know that there are many Jamaican men that would have never married in their lives if there was any other way to get out of Jamaica and find a better way. I am all for giving Jamaicans the ability to travel without the stigma of fraud or them being a high flight risk...it would save a lot of people undue heartache in the end.

    I had a very wealthy Jamaican man (wrong type of wealth) that pursued me for quite a while here in Atlanta way before I even thought of going to Jamaica. I wasn't interested at all...I don't knowingly date men that have wealth by illegal gains...and he was so not cute. LOL

  18. (((((((((Ells)))))))))))) I didn't quote you because I didn't want to keep making the screen larger.

    mi hear ya sis.. roger nuh knoa a ting, just my inner thoughts bout marriage in general ya know?? i still believe in it, its just so much breaking the bond THESE days that our parents and loved ones either go thru or didn't have ya know??..

    but me and him good.. mi is LOVEY DOVEY and kissy kissy all ova dat tall man dere LOL..

    pray fuh dem kids tho.. straight IGNORE mi usband most of di time.. GOSH..

    i told him that i think its a good idea for him to be aggressive now.. he laid low b4 and that was a good idea..nuh make dem think him try fi take ova and be dem BEST friend.

    but now i think its good to TRY and talk to them even tho they are hesitant..about their likes and dislikes, he is quiet so its hard but i believe he is a stranger to them and he has to show that he's willing to become more than that.. i can't put all the responsibility on the kids to make the relationship work.. all of them being uncomfortable makes me uncomfortable CHO lol.. he agrees to try.. and i know it will get better

    glad u are keeping ur spirits up w/ hubby gone.. job not tripping too much anymore huh..

    Girl...high spirits right now is an illusion of grandeur. My job is not tripping because I'm basically getting all my work done for now. I'm in pain afterwards...but I will not give them a reason to fire me. When I leave, I want it to be on my own terms.

    My oldest son ignores me and A...but that is because it's not cool right now to show a lot of love and affection to parents. I will hear them talking and joking in the next room...until I come in...then my son gets quiet again. His father is still thinking he is the best man for me...so I think he is putting things in my son's ear. His father is a lawn man...and told him to borrow the neighbor's lawn mower to cut our grass because he couldn't do it. My son had the nerve to ask me why A couldn't do it. He will laugh and talk with me when we are alone...but if we are all together not so much. I asked him if he was uncomfortable with how things are...and he said no...A is cool. A thinks I'm too hard on him sometimes...but I need him to start acting like a teenager instead of younger than his baby brother. It's not easy raising a boy child as a single mother. I don't want to make him too soft or too hard...sigh. I don't like the silent treatment and him being embarrassed about me hugging and kissing him.

  19. lmao @ rotten teet man

    i have always said jamaica is the place for women with low self esteem that love being misled because yuh have some jamaican men who will call to ANYTHING! i mean it. when that statues at emancipation park went up i cannot tell you the amount of men that were lusting after the female and she's a STATUE. i mean talking about what they would love to do to her :blink:

    dem no partial a baxide

    and if yuh self esteem really deh a groun, walk pass gun court pon camp road

    lawd misses when di prisoner dem done tell yuh wha dem waan do wid yuh! :blink: yuh chun chun eida shrivel up or explode :rofl:

    Exactly! I know I don't feel particularly beautiful because some mawga bare mouth illiterate no job having man decides to call out to me...here or there. I see women stopping and literally EATING up the attention. I was on JUTA going back to the airport and this group of women were on the bus talking about all the men they conquered during their week stay, and how ray tay tay was jealous over them being with xyz or 123. They were name dropping some of the biggest gigalos in Ochi. I said "So what did you guys think of the gigalos calling out to you every 3 minutes?" They said "Gigalos? What gigalos? (after I explained they responded) all I know is that I loved all the attention girl...these Jamaican men were definitely feeling a sister." I turned around in my seat...got on the phone with Jonesie and started talking about them in patois...and they didn't have a clue what mi chat bout.

    One woman had the nerve to say that she left all her half used Bath and Body Works products for the maid as a tip. #######???

    My husband didn't chat to one farrin woman anytime I saw him...including me...until a mutual friend introduced us. Jonesie and I watched him for some time and thought he was a miserable and mean SOB. LOL

    Now, I have had some FIIINNNEE men in Jamaica try to chat me....but I just wasn't buying any of it...not to mention once they really opened their mouths...the intelligence just wasn't there. I remember one man was finer than a gallon of ice water in Hell...until he started trying to convince me that I was going to fall in love with him before my trip ended. He even went as far as to try and put my hands on his abs and body...like that would magically seal the deal. I'm sure he didn't expect me to haul off and slap the $hit out of him. LOL

    WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! t2027.gif

    "Your case has been forwarded to the Embassy"


    When you finally stopped bellyaching about being in AP...let go and let God...he came right on time!

    YYYAAAHHHHYYYY I'm happy for you.

  20. quana nothing is worth your peace of mind

    and think about it like this

    if you stayed to please him you would not have roger now

    and his attitude truly justifies where you are now

    thanks my girl.. i go CRAZY at times thinking bout the whole concept of it.. but whats done is done and im happy and like u said he is STILL acting miserable sooo :whistle:

    hey jaws.. how are tings?..keeping busy??

    Hey Sweetness...

    What's done is done...no need worrying over things that may have been. Mind yuh nuh vex Roga going crazy ova wan next yout yuhseemi? Your kids can feel way more than you give them credit for...trust me. If your ex-husband really wanted the marriage, he would have done what it took to keep you happily in love. Wanting someone after they have checked out is just being selfish in my opinion. It didn't matter to him when you were still trying to make it work...it didn't matter when you sat at home crying over whatever foolish thing he did...but when you finally got peace and wanted out...now he wants to cry about wanting his family and his wife. Please! Next!

    You don't believe you deserve the happiness you have right now...so you are cross examining everything. Take every day as a new day...a new adventure and a new day to feel in love all over again.

    I try to tell my hubby how much I appreciate him more and more every day...because the next minute is not promised. I'm not a lovey-dovey person with men...so it's hard for me to open up and let my guard down. I'm constantly on guard for somebody to try and eff over me...and for me to show "mi nuh easy". It took A just patiently showing me that he feels special when I tell him what he means to me...just like I like to hear it...so does he. If I continue to show him mi back broad...it just makes it harder for him to reach me.

    I'm staying busy at work...and missing A like crazy when I get home. I know soon come soon come...but it is never soon enough really. :blush::crying:

  21. Wow;

    Here we go again --

    Is this really what this thread has come to. See why one has to be careful with how much information they share with people. Some of ya'll wonder why I remove my pictures from FB (people always have something to say)....

    time a come; mi no ready fi bust dem out yet...

    ummmmmmmm nice try...did you really think people were going to give you information on me and you're a total stranger in Jamaica (in my DISTRICT) even though the man you were travelling with is a Jamaica;

    like I said, nice try --

    Q; I really don't know what it is, but let's say I show up in your neck of the woods and start asking questions about you and your family and such...then, I saw a picture that you posted a while back and in the caption (auntie house)...damn I would be so bold as to go up to her gate, tell your aunt that you and I are good friends and if she would mind renting us a room for a few days since we have business in the area....

    now, mi know seh mi a madooman...but no man a more dan dat

    This is seriously crossing the line. This is the exact reason I only respond with St. Ann when people ask me where mi from. I know a woman that had a "friend" go all the way to Jamaica to sleep with a man she put up a picture of....searched him out and gave up the pums just because...man please. Treachery! Tre I would beat that trick in her throat until she spit out her damn tonsils!

    yo deze birds iz wildin son

    ow mi yankee hokcent soun'?

    rollliinnnn....I love it Bunz! You will fit right in... :thumbs::devil:

    this was all a plot by grover

    she made up this story to break the mundane talk



    :rofl: :rofl:

    is wha happen in yah today? :lol:


    even funnier! :rofl: :rofl:

    smaddy summarize jawi post fi mi nuh

    i'm worded out

    i can't read more than 4 lines at a time

    eeehhhnnn. :angry:

  22. Hey peeps! I've been missing in action on VJ for a minute or two.

    I must admit, I've seen that one simmering for a little while now.

    Finesse, I totally understand what your husband is feeling. My mom tried to label my husband because of the terrible mistake my sister's husband made. She thought he was following the same path because he went to visit his sister in NY right after we got married. I just calmly told her that she can't do that because she wouldn't want to be guilty of something someone else did. I know she still thinks all Jamaican men suck...but I can't worry about that.

    As for not being able to resist the Jamaican man...that is an all out lie. I'm not knocking my Jamaican brothers...but in my opinion...there are not many that I would consider handsome (I know I know...they may not consider me beautiful either). I don't understand why foreign women have mystified Jamaican men so much. I had one friend telling me that Jamaican men were too smart for her. The accent is no different than that of a Jamaican woman...so why no alluring mystism around them too? (I won't lie and say that Vybz Kartel doesn't make me HOOOOTTT when he lowers the octave in his voice...but he is the RARE exception...welll except for Capleton when he goes into his high deciphel chants...wait a minute...this isn't about me...I digress).

    I have always thought it was a load of bs coming from a bunch of women that are attention starved in their own country. Now before you try to curse me, I'm not saying you can't get a man in your own country...but even having a man here doesn't mean you will get attention from him (outside of wanting to screw all the time). I personally think a lot of American men are spoiled because we have allowed them to be...we are so willing to settle for just any piece of man...that a man doesn't have to be a true gentleman anymore. If an American man felt confident enough to approach me by telling me he wanted me to be his woman on the side because he was married and would never divorce...but he would pay ALL my bills...we have a huge problem in our society. This line obviously worked with someone...or he wouldn't have been so brazen to try it with me. My oldest son's father admitted to me that he rarely if ever has to approach a woman he is interested in....he said he doesn't even remember how to do it because American women take the lead now. So, this is what I mean by attention starved.

    Then, along comes a Jamaican man telling you all the things your male counterpart in your own country won't say because he just doesn't have to...he doesn't believe it...or he thinks it will make him look weak or pum whipped~~BAM...you are all strung out on Jamaican wood...with a man with two teeth and one crusty toe talking about his accent is so sexy, and he is so exotic. Please!

    I also think that if American (I'm speaking of the only country I have lived from my own personal experiences) men stepped up their game, there would not be so many women flocking to Jamaica or any other country in search of acceptance, attention and real male companionship. A woman should never have to pay a man for his attention or love. I thought it was sad that DaDa or any other woman felt the need to even include that disclaimer in her love story...but I just shrugged and kept reading. Jamaican men have just honed their craft...noticed the increased demand and decided to amph up their supply...simple economics in very hard times.

    I'm with my husband...not because he was Jamaican or has a sexy accent...but because we cultivated a true friendship and the friendship blossomed into more over time. I'm not attention starved so I'm perfectly fine with walking through town with my Ipod blasting to ignore the gigs calling out to me. I have turned down waaaayyyy tooo many men to count here and there...so unlike what another woman told me "that is the best part of Jamaica...why would you WANT to tune that out?"...I just don't believe the hype.

    I have also been pretty diverse in my dating experiences...I have dated White men...Cuban...Indian (middle Eastern)...Black men and Jamaican men. I know that I was never trying to be of that race or nationality simply because I dated one.

    My true love affair is with the island of Jamaica and the Jamaican culture because it gives me "roots"...stability and a sense of belonging that I never found in America. So, even if my marriage doesn't last...I will always be a true yardie at heart. It's not a fly by night thing or the latest happening trend/fad for me to try. I immerse myself in the culture because it is no less part of me than if I had been born and raised there. I still have a lot to learn...but that's what life is anyway...a series of learning lessons.

    I can always tell the women that love Jamaica because of the man/men that they met while vacationing...and those that truly love the island and culture. I have been to Jamaica a few times with no more than $50 in my pocket and no money coming in...so it's not a love affair because I'm vacationing in a nice resort far removed from the daily struggles either.

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