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Posts posted by mawilson

  1. The numbers I posted above are incorrect. I included both federal and state taxes.

    Indeed, they didn't look right. Your effective federal rate shouldn't be more than 12-15%, unless you make > $200k.

    State and local taxes tend to be more regressive.

    So you don't pay the effective rate you suggested even on the last dollar you earn, let alone on the first dollars. That's what I thought.

    I only care about the last dollar. If I take a distribution of X dollars right now, X/2 will go to the government.

  2. Through the month of August? You work 8 out of 12 months just for the tax man? That means your effective tax rate is 66.67%. Obviously, I do not believe that for minute but if that is true, then you should seriously consider to fire your accountant.

    On the last dollar close to 50%. Federal (35%) + state (9%) + local (4%).

    On a percentage of income they pay no where near what a middle class family pays.

    That's incorrect - the effective federal tax rate for most Americans is about 10 percent - lower than Mitt Romney's (whose effective rate of 13% is pretty damn low.)

  3. Guess what, the rich don't get - or stay - rich in a vacuum. Good luck in Somalia where you will owe $0.00 in taxes to a government that doesn't exist.

    No need for such extremes - Hong Kong will do nicely. 16.5% corporate rate, 15% personal rate, no capital gains, VAT or sales taxes.

    I'm not arguing for a zero rate, just a fair rate that doesn't have me working through the month of August just to pay my tax bill.

  4. Ah, but the rules for how our version of capitalism are to work belong not just to you and your wealthy friends but to everybody equally. We get to change those rules if we want and maybe you will not be deemed to have 'earned' your millions

    And maybe I'll go and earn them somewhere else.

    That's what happened in the UK - after (then-British PM) Gordon Brown raised the top tax rate on those making more than £1 million to 50%, nearly two-thirds of British millionaires fled the country to avoid taxes, fewer entrepreneurs came into the country, and the government took in lower tax revenues than it did before the increase.

  5. You cannot keep slicing the pie giving ever larger pieces for the few and just crumbs for the many!

    It's not your "pie" to "slice". If I made $1m or $10m this year, the money is mine and mine alone - not part of some imaginary pie that needs to be shared with the poor. We don't add up my earnings and your earnings and some poor schmuck's earnings and then redistribute it in a way that Comrade Obama sees fit. That's not how capitalism works. We all pay taxes (or at least some of us do) which pay for some safety nets, but that's about it.

  6. [quote name=^_^' timestamp='1354289094' post='5848368]

    Let's just go over the cliff already. A reversion to Clinton era tax rates and a slowdown in the growth of our massive defense spending?

    I love it. A short recession is a small price to pay for that kind of reset.


    The President will continue to champion tax relief for the middle class and lower income groups

    We need higher taxes for the middle class. They are not paying their fair share.

  7. As long as we have a consumer driven economy, it is the purchasing power of Americans that have the biggest impact on the economy. And it's not just goods, but services which are needed and can't be outsourced.

    And I'm saying that American companies can do well even if the domestic economy sucks.

    Hence Obama's demand-side, trickle-down-debt economics is a failure.

  8. Which part specifically do you feel my American colleagues disagree with? Because I sure didnt get any argument except of course from you and in your case who cares about the opionons of those flag-wave for thieves and murderers who kill unarmed people then call "self-defense"?

    I know this and this is for dam sure - you're sure gonna learn how to respect other people and their property over here - LOL. No bulldozers for you.......

    Dude, lay off Islamic Jihad and Hamas Radio for a while. Book a flight to Tel-Aviv, maybe you'll realize that not all Israelis are bulldozing murderers. Sheesh.

  9. Manufacturing is down. Job creation over the last decade has happened mostly in the service sector - jobs that can't go overseas and they are traditionally the lower paying jobs - fast food, retail, hospitality. If the largest group of working Americans work in low paying jobs because that's where the jobs are, they need more purchasing power which in turn drives the economy - as long as we continue to be a consumer driven economy.

    American companies manufacture abroad, sell abroad and keep their money abroad. Unions are obsolete.

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