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Posts posted by KathB

  1. 2 hours ago, minnie mo said:

    Thank  you- I have looked through- looks like it might be cutting it close- however, looks like no interviews were granted for June at all, so there does not seem to be a pattern anymore.

    It really is a mysterious process - but you will get through to the other side! Wishing you good luck and congrats on your new arrival too!


  2. 19 hours ago, lilac-trix said:

    Hi, I'm new to VJ but have been lurking for a few days now :) 


    We just feel so lost and overwhelmed by the visa spouse visa process. My fiance is a dual US and British citizen and has been actively looking for jobs in the States, things seem to be progressing well and he already has an interview lined up for next month! We are due to get married in May so are trying to get our ducks in a row to submit the I-130 form. However, with the way things are progressing with my fiance on the job front, would it be wise to wait until he has received a firm job offer before petitioning so that we can expediate the process, or should we just begin as soon as we get our marriage certificate? Would there be a way to request an expediated application after we have started the process and he then gets an offer?


    Also, because my fiance currently resides in the UK how would we go about submitting the I-130 from the UK? Of course we do not have a US address yet, but he does have family that live out that and who we will be staying with until we get on our feet. So could we use his uncle's address? 


    Any advice on where and how to begin this process or even words of encourgement, there just seems like SO much to do - its so overwhelming.

    Hey! I have been in a somewhat similar situation to you, and we have recently made it over to the US after getting my spouse visa. My husband is a US citizen (a dual UK/ US). We met and married in the UK. I am Irish. His job (which he was doing in the UK but for a US firm) was moving him back to the US. We had to figure out the visa situation ourselves. We started last March and filed an I-130, filing direct to the USCIS in the US. The USCIS consular office in the London embassy was just closing then, so we had no option but to file directly with USCIS. Later down the line we did apply for an expedite, but no response. It took us just over 10 months from the first filing to me getting my visa in my hand - which is actually pretty quick, but it felt like a long time as there is very little communication during the process so you are very unsure how long it will all take and it could easily have taken a lot longer.


    We had been married for well over two years when we filed, have lived together for ten years and my husband has held his US based job for a long time, so that probably made our case a bit more straightforward. Upon request, we did have to supply extra documentation that my husband was intending to restablish domicile in the US after living so long in the UK, so anything you can do to prove that is helpful. We could show US banks accounts, have property here, and he had a US drivers license, etc, as well as his job confirming that his postition was moving to the US. That all helped.


    For the actual filing, we did it from home, ourselves - most is online and we also had to post in hard copies of some forms to a USCIS address in the US. We used my in law's US address, so I am sure using your soon to be Uncle - In - Laws address will be fine. There is a lot of information to read through on the USCIS site and help pages available there for the forms, take your time, read them all several times and take it step by step. Mostly it is done online. Then eventually, after quite a few steps, forms, fees, waiting and filings, you will get called for your interview at the US embassy in London!


    I would look on the USCIS website and read up on the I-130 forms, read up on and gather all the paperwork you will need, you can print out the forms and see what you need to fill out - just get as ready as you can before you apply. With your initial filing, you will need a lot of supporting documentation (that you send in as scans and then bring the originals to the interview) and that can take some time to get together and scanned. Finaincally, someone will need to sponsor you - either your husband or another person - so read up on all that is required for that, and if the job offer needs to be in place before you can apply or not (depending on your other financial circumstances)


    I spent a LONG time reading through so many of the forums here - which really helped - and gave me a good idea of the process, the steps and how it is looking during the pandemic, which of course has changed things greatly. It was a lot of effort, research, time and digging but it really helped.


    We needed to move as quickly as possible, but there was no response to our expedite process. One thought - it might be possible your husband may need to go ahead of you to the US to start his job, and you follow afterwards when you get your visa, if his new job require him to start asap. We were lucky and my husbands job being patient - along with Covid lockdowns - meant he could stay in the UK as we waited, but it was not certain that he could and we were prepared for all eventualities.


    GOOD LUCK! You've got this! And congratulations on your upcoming wedding!


  3. 5 hours ago, kjmaiwen said:

    I can't believe I'm writing this BUT...I've just received my passport!! So interview Monday morning, passport received Wednesday morning. Unbelievable turnaround.


    It doesn't include a social security number. Does anyone know if/when you get that? 


    It also says it expires on 30 June 2021. Is anyone aware what that means should I need to come in and out of the US if you don't have a physical Green Card, which apparently can take up to six months to arrive?


    Still in shock that it's here! 


    I just received my social security card in the post, it took just over a week to arrive from when I entered the US. So now just waiting for my green card to arrive too - I paid my fee before I left the UK. I am impressed how quickly they are processing things! Congratulations on getting you passport back - it's such a relief!!

  4. 3 hours ago, Blanca777 said:

    How long is the wait for your passport back from the embassy after your interview? A day after my interview the status changed from ready to admistrative processing and it's been like that for a week. Could someone kindly share their experience when waiting for your passports?

    Mine took just under two weeks recently.

  5. 13 hours ago, Sm4598 said:

    Hi, bit of a panic here. 


    The ACRO police certificates list “date of creation” and “date printed.” Which is the date used to calculate the beginning of the valid period for the police certificate? I know they’re only valid for 12 months, but the “creation” and “printed” dates are three months apart.


    The first one is 2/2020 and the second is 5/2020, so ours would be valid for our 3/2021 interview only if the second date is the start of the validity.


    Also, weirdly, the US Embassy site for the UK states that the ACRO certificate needs to be issued within the past *six months*, even though the actual visa requirements state that they’re valid for 12 months.


    We’ve been waiting for an appointment for five months and the police certificate took three months to arrive after requested (as evidenced by the three month gap between the dates above), so how on earth could anyone’s be issued six months before their medical? 

    Oh gosh, that is a weird one having the two dates three months apart. I just checked mine, and it was created and printed 7 days apart, back in March 2020. I honestly can't work out which date they would use either - but I really hope someone here can give you an answer. Might it be worth applying for another police cert now, just in case you need it? I think, from memory, mine took a couple of weeks from my application to it being delivered.


    My friend is getting his US visa through Hong Kong now, and his HK police cert was out of date by the time he finally had his interview last week. They approved his visa at the interview, but won't issue it until he supplies a new, in date police cert which he is sorting out now.


    And I saw that same 6 month validity on the US embassy webiste, but it's defo valid for 12 months. I had my interview in London in Janaury 2021, and my March 2020 police cert was accepted.



  6. 37 minutes ago, more00 said:

    Can you please let us know how long did you interview take and what questions did they ask you please 

    The interview was very quick, just a few minutes. They asked how we met, where we lived at the time and when was I planning on move to the US. I was in and out of the embassy in less then 40 mins.

    17 minutes ago, Zeppeli said:

    Dropping in to say that I had my interview this morning and I got it! Super easy, the interview itself was about 3-5 minutes and she just said "it'll be with you in 1-2 weeks!" I was asked how did you meet? Why are you moving there instead of him coming here and if I had read the immigrant rights leaflet. (which i had been given previously)


    Thank you so much to everyone here, you've been such a good help and for those who are nervous and waiting, the interview was honestly the easiest bit! It'll come soon!

    So super delighted for you!!!!

  7. 6 hours ago, corntop said:

    As far as I'm aware, the airlines have to comply with the country-specific rules, not their own rules. USA is accepting antigen (rapid test) or PCR (1-2 days test). I'm getting the antigen one in a couple of weeks for Heathrow > Chicago.

    Thank you!! I also think the rapid antigen test is ok for the US too, I am just going in circles here and really appreciate hearing your thoughts. It's such a stressy time! Good luck with your trip and thank you again.

  8. Has anyone travelled recently from thr UK to the US with BA? I am trying to establish what is an 'acceptable' covid test - I can get a rapid antigen test or a PCR test, but the price difference is HUGE! I am hoping to use the rapid antigen test taken the day before travel at a clinic that can process the results within 15 mins and provide the official results. I just wanted to ask if anyone has and any issues with the airlines being particular about which test was taken. Thanks!

  9. 15 hours ago, ergreenwell10 said:

    Hello Everyone!


    Our Interview appointment is this Wednesday (February 17th) and I was wondering for people who have had their interview in London recently - how long did it take for you to receive your passport back after the interview? Would 10 days be enough? We are looking to book a flight for maybe the 27th or 28th and Delta has waived all change fees which is awesome but just wanted to see how long people were waiting for their passports first. Thanks!

    I forgot to say at the interview, I was told it would be 1 - 2 weeks for my passport / visa to be returned. Mine was still within that timeframe, even though it took a bit longer than other peoples to be returned.

  10. 12 hours ago, ergreenwell10 said:

    Hello Everyone!


    Our Interview appointment is this Wednesday (February 17th) and I was wondering for people who have had their interview in London recently - how long did it take for you to receive your passport back after the interview? Would 10 days be enough? We are looking to book a flight for maybe the 27th or 28th and Delta has waived all change fees which is awesome but just wanted to see how long people were waiting for their passports first. Thanks!

    I had my interview in London on the 21st Jan, was aprooved at the interview and received my passport back on the 2nd Feb. Others have had it back sooner. There was no obvious reason for my delay, but it still happened.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Wuozopo said:

    The embassy takes US and UK holidays. See calendar https://uk.usembassy.gov/holidays/?_ga=2.68189590.667022531.1613050989-1145201663.1613050989


    The interviewing officer will always be American. Other staff such as the document collector, whose window you are first called to, are often British. They are merely preparing your file for presentation to your interviewing officer.

    This was exactly my experience at my interview last month - a British man took my documents, finger prints, etc and an American lady did the interview. Both were friendly and professional. It was such a smooth, efficient process.

  12. 3 minutes ago, JPC_LNW said:

    Hi all, my husband had his interview this morning (originally scheduled for 20th of January, rescheduled to 9th of February). It went smoothly except that they requested he re-upload copies of his birth certificate and our marriage certificate because the images they had were too low quality. We've uploaded the files now but could someone pass along where you can track the status of your visa? @KathB could you maybe point us in the right direction? We're on the CEAC website but can't see the statuses you've mentioned in your post.

    Oh great news on the interivew - so glad it went ahead without any further delay! If you log into https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx  that should do it, if not, just google CEAC status tracker. Really hope it processes fast for you - let us know how you get on!!!

  13. 26 minutes ago, amyarella said:

    Just wanted to update, currently in the air on the way to Arizona. Homeland were fine about me flying but the check in guy wanted my marriage cert and wife’s passport. Homeland didn’t ask but they did. I took all my papers with me thankfully. Just a heads up for anyone traveling you may want to carry them with you 

    Ah that is great to hear you are almost there! Bravo! And really helpful to hear about what documents were needed - thank you. When you get a chance, please do let us know how it goes once you land and how clearing immigration goes!! My passport and visa are back with me now - I am all set to head over in a couple of weeks! Enjoy getting there and congratualtions!!

  14. 3 minutes ago, Charlie87 said:

    Were these documents uploaded at the I-130 stage or NVC stage? I uploaded these too but at I-130 stage

    I think they were at the I-130 stage alright - God it all seems like a million years ago now I am struggling to remember : ) But yes, I think it was at the beginning, to prove our relationship was legit to be able to progress with the process.

  15. 10 hours ago, Muso303 said:

    Did anyone who was interviewed get asked WHERE their spouse was? Did any of you have them with you in the UK or were they stateside? 

    I met my US citizen husband in London, where we both lived at the time. He has lived in the UK for long time so our entire relationship has been in the UK. Now we have to move to the US with his job. He did not come with me to the interview (due to covid restrictions) and I was asked how I met him and where we were both living at the time. In my uploaded documents, I had provided our lease agreements, house purchase documents, joint bills, etc as we have lived together for nearly 10 years.

  16. 1 minute ago, johebert9 said:

    Congrats @KathB!! to everyone out there waiting for their interview email, you're not alone. Slowly dying over here! Trying to seriously lower my expectations so I don't go crazy. (DQ'd 28 Oct) 

    Thank you! It's a crazy roller coaster of a ride we are on alright - hang in there!! Really hoping you all get your interviews scheduled very, very soon. It'll all be worth it in the end!!

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