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Posts posted by moon1968

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place but I do need help with info on the affidavit of support... My husband signed to sponsor friend from Nigeria to the US. He was already here on a K-1 visa and married his wife. Her parents were his original sponsor however the pulled out at which time my husband agreed to become his sponsor. Now the problem... His wife has turned out to be mentally unstable and an acholic and has been thrown out of every home that has been provided for them until he can start work.... She has been locked up twice now and police know her by name. They are completely homeless at this point and are in a motel until friday which then all they have is a car..... She is so messed up she is unable to work and does get some money (very little) from disability. Our fear now is will we be held liable to support the both of them?. we have tried our best but because of her mental state there is nothing we can further do to help them. what should we do?

  2. Wanted to drop in and say Hi! Its been a long time since I have been on VJ.....I see alot of new names......Just to let all the ones that remember me know, My Husband and I are doing wonderfuly well......He has been a year and half now. Working study hours. Which is very good thing. We will be filing to lift conditions in Dec. so we had a little break with Immigration and now we are returning...LOL... :wacko: Starting that roller coster ride all over again......Im doing all the research I can but still find myself getting nervous.....I just want to be done with this whole thing....Anyway at lest he is here to help me......I will start dropping in more often looking up info on Lifting conditions....Just want to say that I hope everyone is with the one they love soon....Keep up the hard fight......It is so worth it in the end.........

  3. Hi Everyone!!!

    Sorry its been a long time since I have posted anything but I do still come on and read everyones posts.....Anyway......This March 13 marks a year that my husband has been here in the states.....It has been a wonderful time....My family adore him and he loves them...Even extended family that thought I was crazy now think that him and I were brought together for a reason.....He has been a blessing to my whole family and they see how he treats me and my mother and they love him for that......The whole year that we have been together really living as husband and wife we have had no real problems to report.......Sometimes I am a little afraid because things are to perfect.....When we do have a problem it always gets solved by talking about it and ending it with a kiss.....Even if it is that we agree to disagree......We do share the same faith so with that we do keep Jehovah God in our marrige. It is true 3 cords are stronger then 2 and with Jehovah in a marrige the problems will be few..Again he has adjusted very well to life here.....He has many friends and keeps us busy with a busy social life......He Loves Disneyland.....And his favorite food is Pizza.......

    This has been a wonderful Journey.....I cant wait to see what this next year has in store.....Everyone take care......The Journey continues........

  4. Hello,

    So sorry its has been to long since I posted but I have been having trouble with my computer but now I think its ok.......Just to let everyone know that My Husband and I are doing great.....We have been married going on 3 years and this march 13th he will be here a year.....We are more in love now then before.......Things are going so wonderful I cant belive it......Just wanted to let you know that there are some that are for real and not all are scammers....Thanks for listening.....

  5. Hello to all on Visa Journey,

    Things are going wonderful with my Husband and myself. He has been here in the states now for 6 wonderful months. At times I cant belive that he is here......He is such a wonderful man.....Anyway.....The one problem we are having is finding work for him.......He has been employed with Mervyns and has been working there since June, However due to their money problems they have cut hours and for the last two weeks he has had no hours.....We live here in Cal. and Jobs are not easy to find......What seems to be the problem for him is that when they see he is from Africa they dont want to give him much of a chance......we are trying to hold on until Dec. then he can start with the temp angency......... Has anyone else had this type of experience???.....

  6. Im sorry its has been to long since I last posted but I have been without a computer for a while now......Just now got it back up and running........Anyway want to let everyone now that things have been so wonderful......My husband has his SSN, Drivers Lic. he is working and has a car......We opend up our checking account together just about a week ago....We experienced Disneyland together for the yesterday........He loves it very much......He was really over whelmed with everything but all in all had a wonderful time......We went late so it was darkand he did not see much.....So we are planning another trip soon.....Anyway He is truely a wonderful man.......We are doing very well.....

  7. Hello again,

    Just to let you know, My Husband is here with me now in the United States....... He arrived March 13 of this year........His trip to the embassy was filled with so many different feelings......Very excited but yet nervous.......we had been put on Ap for about 6 months and then finally he was reinvited back to pick up his visa......as I said before......if you are waiting and anything expires while you are waiting make sure yo get it renewed such as medical and police report.........Ok?? If you have any questions feel free to email me.........

  8. Hi Everyone...... Sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted......These days I am very busy with my Husband and My Mother.....And work.....Anyway, Want to let everyone know things are going very well....It will be 2 months since my Husband has been here with me in the states......He has adjusted very well.......I could not have asked for a better Husband......Doing the CR1 has been a blessing for us.......With in a month and two weeks he had his Social Security Card and recieved his green card....He has been looking for work.......He has a job waiting for him as soon as he gets his Drivers Lic. We will be working on that this week......We have no more fees until it comes time to Lift conditions..........In the mean time he is abel to start work.....That is something he is anxious to do.......Along with driving..LOL ......He is so very happy here with the food and everything else.....Really there has been no adjustment problems.....So far with the two of us we have had no problems or disagrements at all.......When somthing happens or something is bothering us we are able to talk about the situation and come to and understanding that is acceptable to the two of us.......I think talking on the computer as much as we did helped prepare us or gave us very good communication skills......Anyway.....That is enough for now.....I hope everyone here is doing well and getting along fine.......I hope that with everyone on this Journey finds their way to the other side.....Once you get here It makes everything you have gone through and waited for worth the wait if you just dont give up......trust me I have been there.....Love to all.......

  9. Im so sorry its been such a long time I have posted .......Have been busy with work and my Husband. I want to let everyone know that my Husband is adjusting fine.....Everything has been wonderful......It has been month and he already recived his green card and we are expecting his social security card this week.......He is already looking into work......He loves most everything I cook and make him to eat.....No trouble with the food at all........His favorite so far is pot roast..........after that is mexican........So far its the little things that he does that lets me know he loves me......Taking walks and watching the stars and moon......Our talks before we go to bed.......So far he has been more then I ever dreamed of.........I love him with all my heart...My family really have fallen in love with him and love how he is taking care of me ......well I will close for now......hope to post again very soon ....byee for now

  10. Hi everybody

    sorry its been a while since I wrote.....Have been busy with the new Husband.....He is adjusting well and all my family adore him.....Took him to the movies for the first time and wow......He did not know what to think.....The shoppig malls and the grocery store.......It is all amazing to him.......IT has been wonderful showing him all the things that he has not seen before........I feel so blessed to have him in my life........

  11. A wonderful congratulations to Efia06

    Her Husband picks up his Visa On April 4th......Interview was a success.....She is with him now now in Ghana.....She is very excited and happy so everybody lets do the happy dance for her.....She will give us all the information when she gets back on the 24th I think........Zee she asked me to ask you to update her on the list....LOL LOL ........Byeee for now....

  12. Hello everyone,

    Sorrry you have not heard from me for a while but here I am.......I picked up my Husband from the airport on thursday. His flight was late and came in at 11 pm thursday.......Will update you later on the point of entry.......We have been so very busy getting to know one another again and introducing him to family and friends.......It was a wonderful reunion......It feel so very good to be back in his arms.......I want to asure you know that once you fight the fight and get your loved ones here and they are in your arms.....everything else is forgot about......It feels so good to be with them once again.......the ones that are still on your journey ......Keep fighting, Keep moving forward.......It is so worth it in the end.....YOu will get there sometime sooner then you might think.........I will say good buy for now but willl keep you updated from time to time......Love to all .......

  13. Time to dance in the streets.....

    My Husband just called and has his visa in his hand......He will be on the next flight tomorrow flying Delta.....It leaves Lagos at 10:25 am his time arrives in Atlanta at 6:30 our time .......then next flight will leave Atlanta at 8:30 pm and arrive here in Ontario Cal. at 10:30 pm..........Our Journey is over and my Husband is on his way.......Im going crazy .....My stomach is all nervous and tied up into knots........Have not seen him in about 2 years.........Ohhhhhh !!!!! we have a lot of making up to do........Thank to everyone on this site that has helped even if was only just kind words......I hope and pray that all of you just starting out on this Journey make it through soon.....For all of you still waiting and fighting......You will get there.....and when you do it will be so sweet........Thank you thank you thank you..........Ohhhhh By the way Zee you can change me from AP to Visa Granted.......LOL LOL LOL

  14. Hello!!


    yes he needed it.....they were a bit surprised that he had it....They were going to send him away and tell him he could come back when he had it.....He said excuse me but I have it here with me now......She said really?? He said yes and gave it to her......Im so gald we got that and he had with him.......

  15. Hello!!!!!!!

    I want to thank everyone for their kind thoughts......It has truely been a roller coaster Journey.......We just got done taking our last twist and turn.......Im so glad and relived that it is over.....I am so thankful I found Visa Journey....It has made things alot better ......I have met and made many new friends ....I will continue to keep everyone up to date and I plan on taking pictures at the air port when I first see my Husband again for the first time in over a year and half.........will post a little later about what happend at the embassy ...Not really much to tell but if anyone has any questions feel free to contact me any time......I will get some much needed sleep tonight.....talk with every one later......byeee for now....

  16. Ohhh My!!!!

    Just got the phone call......My Husband will pick up his visa next Wed.......Then will be on a plane Thursday mor....and home with me Late Thursday night.......Ohhhh I cant belive it.....He is finally comming home.....Now I really cant sleep...LOL LOL LOL I dont know what to do with myslef.....LOL LOL LOL ....

  17. Ok......

    Im going insane right now....My husband is at the embassy right now .....Im waiting for the phone call praying that he will tell me he has the visa......Did not sleep at all last night so now tonight my body really wants to sleep but my mind wont slow down enough to let me ....It has been an hour since they opened......Ohhhh I pray I hear something soon......Will keep you posted....

  18. Thank you everybody........

    I will keep everyone up to date on what happens.......as the time gets closer and closer My heart is racing even more......Its so close and I can see it just cant touch it yet.....OHHHHH!!!!!! so much pressure.....It helps to read everybodys posts...Thank so much ...

  19. Hello VJ family,

    The count down is on and my nervous are about shot.... :blink: .....Im going to work today for about 5 hours...will home by 7 pm Cal time.....I then am off the next 2 days.....I will know weather or not my Husband will get his visa...He has to be at the embassy by 7 am his time....which will be 10 pm tuesday cal. time.......He did get a new police certific if they ask him for one and his medical is still good so I think we have all the bases coverd........The next 2 nights I will not be sleeping...LOL LOL ....I am praying that this is the end or our journey.......I cant wait to be with him....I have missed him so much! I get all teary eyed when I think of him.....I have not or should I say I have tried real hard not to imagine what it would be like to pick him up from the air port........Im to afraid to let myself get all excited and set myself up for heartache.......But just giving it one quick thought my heart racess and beats 100 miles a min.........Ohhh my goodness I pray this is the end.....will keep you up to date and will be back on line after 7 pm cal time tonight.........Hope I can make it through the next 5 hours at work...LOL LOL.....take care all ......Update commig soon ......

  20. As everyone knows my Husband has been invited back to the embassy on wed March 5th after being on AP since Sep of 2006. I kept e-mailing the embassy every week and it was only at the last min. Was told that if the medical and the police certific was expired we would have to get a new one..........I was not even aware that this was going to be a second interview....I was told by the state Dep. that they considered his interview a success and that all we were wating for was the security check to complete the AP......So I did some checking and found out that his police cer. expired in Jan.....He is going to try and get a new one or a renewl of the first on on monday.....Im not sure how long that will take ......Or if he even truely needs one......What do you think????

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