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Posts posted by Catherine2030

  1. 6 hours ago, M2r13 said:

    After DQ and Before the interview at the consulate, we uploaded and submitted our documents that we updated (e.g. police certificate, 2019 tax transcript, my husband's employment certificate). As for our I-864EZ, we only brought the updated version on the interview and did not upload it on ceac just to be prepared. However, In our case, the CO officer didn't ask for a new I-864EZ at the interview. 


    The documents we uploaded at ceac after DQ remained on "submitted" status even after our interview. My interview was approved and I already have my visa on hand. I was interviewed at Sydney consulate. 

    Thank you very much for your advice!

  2. 1 minute ago, Quarknase said:

    It's recommended to upload everything to ceac ahead of the interview, yes. Good CO's review their IV cases for the day to make the actual interviews faster, so it will help them to dot some i's and cross some t's if it's already there :)

    So I can upload it and hit “Submit”? It’s okay that my documents won’t be approved yet at the time of the interview? 

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