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Posts posted by leannelee

  1. Hello everyone! We had our interview last week, May 26, Wednesday, and was approved for a green card on the spot. It took us more than 11 months.



    A little background: I went to the states on February 21, 2020 on a B2 visa from the Philippines to visit my then boyfriend, now husband. He proposed a week before my trip was set to end (my flight back to the PI was on the 16th of March), but by then covid was making its way to the US and many countries were beginning to close their borders. We decided to get married and file for an AOS instead. We married on March 25, 2020.


    So, eleven months later we arrive in downtown SD at 11:30AM. Our interview was for 12:30PM. We walked on over to the USCIS building along Front St. and was in line at 12:10PM. Went through a TSA-like security then proceeded to the fourth floor where we waited for more or less 30 minutes before getting called in to be interviewed. We were led to our IO's office and my husband (petitioner) and I were asked to take an oath. She asked for our IDs, interview letter, and my I-693.


    There was a tablet propped up to the side of her desk and we were told that she would be asking the questions from the other room. Her first set of questions were addressed to my husband. She asked for his name, his birthday, my name, my birthday,  whether he was born here in San Diego (born and raised), our wedding anniversary date, our home address, who we live with (we live with his mom), his occupation, where he works, whether or not I have a job atm (still unemployed). She then proceeded to asking me whether I've ever had any other name--I initially answered never, but she asked me about my maiden name. I corrected myself and dictated my maiden name. Next, she asked where I was from, how many times I've been to the states (three times on a B2 visa) and how long each visit was, whether I've been married before, have children, and the rest of the I-485 questions regarding military training, being jailed, ever been a member of groups etc and whathaveyous. After my set of questions were done, she told us that the next set were for either of us to answer. We were asked when we first met and how, when we decided to be in a relationship with each other, when it became serious, whether a proposal happened or if marriage was just something we simply talked about and decided to do. She came back in and asked for our tax returns, our joint bank account and health insurance, then left the room. When she returned, she congratulated us and told us that she's approving our case and that I will be receiving my green card in the mail within a week! She had us sign some papers and that was it!


    We're so happy to finally be done with the process and we hope that everyone here receives the same positive outcome as us. Thank you for everyone's advice and support on here. We couldn't have done it without this forum.


    See you all in two years for ROC!

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