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Posts posted by Shenieka

  1. 1 minute ago, mrstoyou17 said:

    Hi Gm Guys! Quick question! We submitted our civil documents in December 2019 therefore we had submitted the 2018 documents — DQ was in May.


    I have requested 2019 tax transcripts but I can only get the copies as I’m already in Jamaica and they won’t get to me in time for the interview. Is that ok? Can I carry the copy of 2019 tax transcripts For myself and my sponsor? Or do you think it’d be a problem that it’s not the original. 

    totallllly freaking out. 

    Gm I think you gonna need the original tax transcripts 

  2. 2 hours ago, Stacey Ann said:

    Good morning everyone SwanC, Unknown101 anyone else feeling discouraged, continue to hold the faith we have come a long way in a short amount of time. Back in the day immigrant visa processing would take much longer and despite COVID we are still forging ahead while some visa categories are at a complete hault. Imagine if we were in their shoes. We have to be grateful for our blessings. I'm anxious, too but also excited because I know we're in the last lap. I know the distance can put a strain on the relationship. How do you stay connected with your spouse? Do you talk every day on the phone (not just whatsapp/VNs)? Do you video chat often? Phone/Video sex? Talk thru arguments, not text? These lil things will help to keep the intimacy going. Also, have you considered to have a trip to see each other, if even for a weekend? It may help to rekindle things between you as well. I'm rooting for all of us. Stay encouraged y'all, we're going to get thru this 💪🏾🙏🏾

    Good morning On point 🙏

  3. 17 minutes ago, NNN_BP said:

    I really appreciate this site and to be connected with many of you who are going through the same things that I am. I haven’t seen my husband since November and I just gave birth to our second child without him being present. It’s tuff but by the grace of God we will reunite with our partners very soon. Keep the faith people. We could have been worst off. Some people all file for their children and because of what’s going on their process is on hold and ours is on go. Be grateful! Lord knows best. Our time is coming. Remember when we waited all those months to get the i-130 approved and it felt like it would never happen 😩 look at us now waiting for interviews!!! The hard part Is over! Take care everyone god bless. 


  4. 10 minutes ago, mrstoyou17 said:

    Okay thanks so much. Looking over the immunization record and my head is spinning as a nurse let me know that some of the shots don't translate to the same shots needed for immigration (like the MMR vs Measles and Rubella). Gonna call in a little for pricing thanks again. 

    You're so welcome. This is where my husband went and got his shots be4 the medical,and when he goes to Andrews for the medical he only got one shot..so am doing the same. And everyone that goes there is on filing..

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