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Posts posted by Claire1212

  1. I know there are not any news yet on this but...

    I see people saying this will possibly only affect DACA? Or work related GC?

    I want to know if you guys think it will also affect obtaining marriage GC. Do you think they will be changing to a merit based system even for marriage based GC?


  2. 11 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    Nope it's being used for the interview stage. There is not a requirement for AOS according to their checklist page for required documents. It does ask for the I-864, Affidavit of Support.




    I'd be curious to learn from others who can share a source to enlighten me. 


    "Finally, realize that if you’re just beginning the fiance visa process, I-129F, or even the K-1 visa interview, you don’t need this form. This is only required after you get married and are ready to apply for permanent residency. "

  3. 34 minutes ago, Luckycuds said:



    Are you the petitioner or the immigrant? PLEASE create your VJ timeline including where you are in the process and your country. 

    Sorry I am quite new to this forum. I am the immigrant / beneficiary, currently waiting for NOA2 (Czech Republic).

    That will be quite a lot of pages to translate for 12 months. Rip

  4. 9 minutes ago, JKLSemicolon said:

    I hear you, but patience is the key for all of us. Once it was underway, I personally found myself second guessing doing the K-1 versus getting married first and doing the CR1 instead.


    We powered through it and now are a month away from my fiancée coming to the US on her K-1. Still, all of the current uncertainty doesn't help no matter where you are and what you have filed for.


    Congrats on making things work through 5 years of a LDR. It's been 8.5 years for us. You can do it.

    Thank you for the kind words. I wish you both the best and hopefully you guys can be together soon.

  5. 23 minutes ago, JFH said:

    Everything happens for a reason.


    I visited my now-husband over 40 times during the period we were “dating”, engaged , early days of marriage whilst waiting for my CR-1 to be complete. Many times I wished I would have just stayed. We even turned around on the way to the airport once when I was due to fly home and called the airline and changed my ticket to have another week because I couldn’t bear to leave. 

    Adjusting status is very “final”. Once you’ve started the process, you have to continue to the end or find yourself in an even worse situation of having to start the whole visa process again and the possibility of not being able to visit during it (your days of VWP would be over and trying to convince a consular officer that you are not going to overstay on a B-2 when you have done exactly that before on the VWP is going to be a mammoth task). 

    Also, it leaves you without the option to properly tie up your affairs back home, bid farewell to friends and family, enjoy your last months in your homeland before you leave for good. I am glad that I didn’t listen to my heart when I was visiting and decide to stay. I’m glad I listened to my head. I enjoyed those final months in England. I spent my time traveling around the country, seeing friends and family that I would not be able to see for a long time (someone also for the very last time), went on boozy nights out with friends, ate as much of my favourite foods as I could, and really overdosed myself on all things England. When my visa came through I was ready to leave. House had been sold, belongings packed and shipped, left my job, said goodbye to everyone. I still miss England but I don’t feel I left in the middle of something, if you see what I mean. I had closed the door properly.


    I understand you can’t wait to be with your fiancé. We all went through that. But you have your whole lives ahead of you. Enjoy these last months at home - you will miss it when you’re gone. 

    With all the uncertain things happening lately, I hate to say it but I am so ready to be there with him. I've been in LDR for 5 years and I had more than enough time in my country without him. I don't mind waiting for the K1. But I won't lie and say the furloughs and embassies still closed don't scare me.

  6. Hello everyone.

    Me and my fiance have been together for 5 years now. LDR sucks. My heart hurts when we are apart. 

    I visited him in March 6, on an ESTA and stayed till June 6 because there were barely any flights available. In April we filled our K1, after finally gathering all of the required documents with the help of our attorney. Now, here is the problem. I started noticing a lot of couples decided to void their K1 and instead get married while visitting and apply for AOS. I always thought applying for AOS while on ESTA or tourist visa was hard to convince not being a fraud, therefor not worth the risk. But I guess due to the pandemic it isn't so hard.

    Now I am kicking myself in the ### for not getting married to my fiance and applying for AOS while I was there and just continuing our K1. I just want to be with him and I hate being apart so much.

    Please someone tell me I haven't made a huge mistake. I honestly feel so depressed and nausious because of it. I feel like I have missed a chance on being with him until I get green card there, and instead went back and now we don't know how long our K1 will even take.

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