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Posts posted by Dzev

  1. Company policy that they would not recommend an individual under their brand name. Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft and others. It’s quite industry standard and nothing suspicious about it. Why would a brand put their name on an individual?

    All managers are happy to sign the letters though.


    I have no idea how this process works and I’m very stressed. All I want is some guidance, ideas and better understanding from others, to make sure what I have been asked is normal. Otherwise how will I know? So I’m asking. not sure why the criticism.


    thanks for everyone, sorry I bothered you. You can close or delete this thread to avoid some more assumptions blaming me like I’m criminal.

  2. Sorry my bad, I didn’t explain myself google enough.

    I totally understand that I need to provide proof about my specialty, which I have 11.5 years verified by previous managers. The companies I worked would not put their brand name on this document so it’s the manager recommendation.


    the question is more about the degree which I don’t have. I do have many certifications relevant to my role, but not a degree. The lawyer said that any degree would help, even in history- how degree in history will make me qualify to IT field? 

    Do you think the degree is must to have or else the lawyer just wants as much as possible evidence?


    My lawyer will send my work experience and my certifications to qualify for equivalence of a degree - but my concern is what if this isn’t enough?! Or if the evaluator will require company logo on the papers? As mentioned none of the companies will agree to put their name on such a recommendation (Google, Microsoft etc) 

  3. I’m not complaining, I’m trying to understand if what the lawyer is asking is valid rather than to trust on them blindly 


    I don’t have 1000 papers, I don’t really know how this is even possible because you need to provide 6-7 types of evidence.  

    Can you please share what type of documentation he/she provided? Maybe I’m missing something and can learn from you

  4. Hi all,

    Sorry for the long message, I’m just in a very bad mood because of this and thought to ask here - hopefully someone know the answer

    I’m considered by my company as a specialized software developer. I have been through a long process of internal hiring to the US. My company paid to an external lawyer to apply for me with L1B visa.
    I have many certifications acquired over the years, however they haven’t been taken in university. It was self study and exam by pearson vue. 
    I don’t posses a degree, simply because I invested in my career which is so far very successful without a degree. Not mocking the university system, it’s just my view and decision that I took

    The layer said I must have a degree (in any subject!) or verified by previous manager with high recommendation from over 10 years of experience in the field. And then send it to evaluator
    It’s quite hard to get it because I switched 4 job in the last 15 years.

    from what I read, there is no requirement for a degree for L1B visa! Why they lawyer do this to me? is it a new requirement or else they just want to cover themselves for an easy application?

    thanks in advance

  5. Hi all,


    I’m working for American company in the US since 21/07/2019.


    I started an internal discussion with a US manager and interview by him.

    it looks like they will offer me the job. However, I’m working in this company 11 months exactly :( and not 12 yet.


    will it matters difference of few days? (I guess it will take my company some time before they process it with USCIS) 


    thanks in advance.

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