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Posts posted by chiks24

  1. Hello! I've been stuck in this position and I cannot seem to find an answer anywhere.


    I (petitioner) do not have health insurance, and did not know about special enrollment after marrying my wife (beneficiary). We are currently in the process of gathering everything for AoS application.


    I do not make a lot of money to be able to afford private healthcare (easily $300+ a month). Does anyone know if it would be valid from USCIS perspective to purchase short-term health insurance (non-ACA compliant) till end of November? Maybe write a letter explaining we plan to enroll in Marketplace once this short-term insurance ends?


    I'm on a one month break from my current job since I'm in the education system. Does getting a second full-time job open up special enrollment? 


    I would appreciate any suggestions or insight.

  2. On 7/4/2020 at 1:50 PM, Spookie said:

    Sorry, I should've specified this is a checklist for the sponsor and joint sponsor to gather documents so I can give it to them. 😅


    Petitioner doesn't have health insurance but I'll get my own soon via the marketplace, she's not working at the moment. She doesn't have a US passport either so we'll go with the birth certificate.



    How are you getting the health insurance via the marketplace? I'm also stuck in the same boat. Unfortunately, don't qualify for special enrollment anymore. Did you just recently get married or get a new job?

  3. Quote

    Double check to see if your state has a special enrollment period going on due to COVID.

    Unfortunately, no special enrollment period in Texas. 



    I'm not sure if the short term plan would be helpful in this situation; I believe they want to see continuous coverage (but I haven't read the I944 recently).

    Well, the short-term plan would be till November when both of us can enroll in Marketplace (affordable insurance). Would that not be a valid explanation?



    Can you clarify why you didn't file AOS right after marriage? Has she been undocumented this whole time? I'm just trying to understand why you are waiting. 

    We got married in January 2020. We were unfamiliar with the process so we decided to seek an immigration help service which told us to gather documents for AoS. One such document (birth certificate) that she had was apparently not acceptable for immigration, so we had to get a computerized birth certificate made from her country of birth. This was late February and her country of birth was now in lockdown. We had to wait almost 1.5 to 2 months to get her birth certificate shipped to us. During this whole process, we learned that the requirements had changed (i-944) and now we have to collect even more documents, which is what we are currently in the process of. 


    Currently waiting for her degree evaluation, no credit score report, my 2019 Tax Return notice/Transcript, etc etc, figuring out health insurance issue, etc. 

  4. From what I have read and understood is that if the beneficiary does not have health insurance in the US, it is seen as a heavily negative factor? 


    Unfortunately, I (US Citizen) did not opt for employer-sponsored health insurance after finding it too expensive (and before I knew I was gonna marry her while she was visiting) and also did not realize we had "special enrollment period" after getting married. We missed that deadline too. Marketplace enrollment does not open till October/November, and we plan to file the AoS by late July/early August if things fall into place. 


    • Can I purchase travel insurance for her or does it have to be a very $$$ private insurance at this point?
    • There are also "short-term" plans offered by United Healthcare. Are those seen as a positive till we can enroll in Marketplace end of the year?
    • Do I also need to show health insurance for the "positive factor" or is it mainly for the beneficiary?


    Thank you!

  5. Also confused on this one - they ask almost the same thing in I-130, i130A and i-485.


    My wife was brought up in UAE --> then she went to Pakistan for med school --> then she returned back to her home in UAE --> came to the US and stayed somewhere else for almost two months before we got married and she moved in with me. 


    Does anyone know how to list this in address history. There is a physical address first (which I write as our current address), then a physical address 2 (would it be her home in UAE?), and then last address outside the US (again, UAE?)

  6. I (USC) am sponsoring my wife and we are working on the AOS.


    1. Should I be including all of these in the AoS packet? 

    • I got paid for a 2018 contract job in 2019, which is why I had to include it on my 2019 Tax Return
    • I have held a part-time position at an organization for over a year where I would pick up shifts when available (Jan 2018 - December 2019)
    • I started my job as a teacher in August 2019 but had to quit after a month due to personal issues
    • After that, I was driving Uber for a month or two till I found a full-time job in December 2019 (did not make enough to get a 1099 but got a summary)


    I did some consulting based on my expertise (in cash) and I showed this in 2019 Tax Return. Do not have any documents to prove this. Any issues with this?


    2. Could my case be possibly rejected if I have not had a stable check for all of the past 12 months?

    My Tax Return for 2019 shows I'm above 125% Federal Poverty Guidelines and my current income since December 2019 puts me at or above 250% of FPG. 


  7. On 6/11/2020 at 1:02 AM, Bayanoparker02 said:


    To answer all your questions, let me first tell you that the I-944 form is new to everybody- even the officer still getting into it as they don't know much about it so it's from time to time that everything will be clear about that form.-

    1) According to me, it is possible to add her in anything but not as a primary holder. Like for example the banker will propose to add her as a 2nd beneficiary. She will just have to have a valid ID.

    2) for what I know, it's impossible to have a Credit report without a SSN or ITIN so she will just have to write a letter and let them know that without a SSN she can't provide such thing. Others said you can add her under your bank informations and then print out the credit score history but I'm not sure if it works- You will have to discuss with your banker for any possibilities.-

    3) You can get a private health insurance at your ease( lower cost or higher cost )

    4) I don't know.

    5) switching jobs are never a negative thing because you follow what's good and more beneficial for you and your family.

    6) It is at your ease to send them as you want but it cost less money to send concurrently as you won't have to pay for certain applications like work permit or Advance Parole as they are free. Or if you choose to send them separately you will have to pay for both of them. Concurrent Filing is much more better.

    7) YES if you filed them separately.


    Good luck

    Thank you so much for your response. I am so glad to hear that work permit or Advance Parole is free with the package. I was stressing out about paying almost an extra $1000 for them!


    I have added her as an authorized user of my credit card today based on what I've read on this forum, so hopefully that would show some credit when I call up a couple credit agencies 2-3 weeks later. Meanwhile, I will go to my bank to see if they allow us to have a joint bank account.

  8. Hello, good people! 


    We were about to file AoS for my wife back in early February but turns out only a computerized birth certificate is allowed from her country to file for any immigration visas. This delayed our process long enough for the new i-944 requirements to take effect, and then lockdowns happened across the world, and now here we are trying to decipher what is acceptable. I hope y'all will be able to answer some questions/doubts. New to all this and appreciate any insight.


    Quick info about her (beneficiary):

    - graduated med school in her country in 2019 (never been employed)

    - studying to take medical licensing exams here, which have been delayed due to Covid-19

    - has visited the US in 2019 to do two clinical electives

    - has a valid B1/B2 visa that expires mid-2021, but just entered the "overstay" category in June 2020

    - no SSN or ITIN

    - no name on any lease/car insurance/utility bill 

    - no credit card or credit score

    - unfortunately, we also did not renew her travel insurance which expired in March


    Quick info about me (USC):

    - make between $40k - $50k at a non-profit (above 125% FPG in 2019 Tax Return, and above 250% in the new career in 2020)

    - bachelor's degree

    - less than $25k student loans, $6k credit card debt

    - no health insurance (employer-offered plan was too expensive). Marketplace will not open till November ☹️

    - credit score: good (700+)



    • Is it possible to add her to anything (lease/bank account/utility bill/credit card) without having SSN or ITIN?
    • Have any of y'all had success with getting a "no credit score report" without SSN/ITIN? 
    • Should I get private health insurance for both of us ASAP?
    • Will $6k credit card debt and a not-so-great checking account be a negative factor? Would I have to show a healthy bank account and hence get financial deposit help from my family till the green card is approved?
    • Is switching jobs seen as negative? If I find a better employment opportunity, should I jump on it or would it be seen as unstable?
    • Is there any advantage to filing the forms concurrently versus sending them at different times?
    • Will I-131 (Advance Parole) add an extra $575, and I-765 (Employment Authorization) add an extra $410 to the cost of Adjustment of Status application?
    • If she has given the TOEFL in 2012 and all her education has been where official language of instruction is English, does she need to still prove her English proficiency?
    • Do we need to get her British-education high school diploma and Asian-education medical school degree evaluated? 


    P.S if anyone knows a company in Texas that does not take away half my income in private health insurance, please recommend! 😅

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