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Posts posted by gkyhdjr

  1. 21 minutes ago, AndyD said:

    I've received an email that my fiance's petition had been approved and is being sent to an embassy in China, where my fiance has been residing. The problem is - my fiance has to leave back to Russia in s few days as her Chinese visa is expiring, so I need to have NVC send the petition to an embassy in Russia instead, but I can't get thru to anyone at NVC

    The prompt just says that all agents are busy, please try calling back at a later time, and hangs up. 

    I tried emailing the via the public form on NVC web site, but it's been a week and I haven't gotten and response back.


    Any ideas? Maybe a tip on good times to call NVC?

    You might just need to keep calling. I called them around 2:30 pm one day and I got the same message, and I kept calling back every ten or so minutes. I think I finally got through to them around 3:00. But then I also had to sit on hold for 2 hours, so also be prepared for that. I would say you might just need to keep calling as much as possible, and hopefully one time you'll be able to get through. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Daymellow said:

    I asked again, and he said he doesn't want to go ahead. I guess if someone was sure if they wanted to marry you they would make it happen.

    It's the sad truth but the more I hold onto the hope of it happening the more it hurts so it is time to just let it go.



    It's very sad.. 😞 I spent a whole year, if not more planning this whole thing. 

    I can't do anything about it anymore.




    I'm so sorry to hear things didn't work out, I can't imagine going through so much stress only for things to end. You will be in my thoughts.

  3. Hello! So our case has been stuck at the NVC for awhile, and I've seen a lot of people who submitted theirs after us get through to the London Embassy because of that lawsuit that happened until around beginning of June. I'm just curious, is there anyone out there who's petition has gone to the London Embassy recently who wasn't apart of that lawsuit? It feels like everyone who has gotten through has been apart of it, and it's making me nervous/anxious/worried/etc. 

  4. How exciting for you! Here's a list of things I sent in for proof:


    - Photos of us together, especially any I could find with other people we know (friends, family, etc)

    - Receipts from buying plane tickets to see each other

    - Copies of plane tickets/flight plans 

    - Photos of text messages talking about wedding plans


    Here are somethings I would suggest:

    1. Quadruple check everything. On my fourth look through my petition I noticed I had misspelled something. If possible, have someone else look it over as well, as they could see something you couldn't. 

    2. Try to date things as often as possible. Write dates on the back of photos, write dates of trips to and from on cover letters, underline dates, anything.

    3. As someone else suggested, pictures of gifts is probably not necessary. There isn't a way to prove they really got those for you, and also it doesn't really prove a relationship. You really need the hard hitting stuff, like text messages, photos, etc. 

    4. I used https://www.visatutor.com this site a lot, he writes a lot of good info

    5. Make sure you know every form that goes into the petition. Research as much as possible about what needs to go into it. By the time I was done I had a whole, large binder full of things. So just make sure you are very up to date on everything.

    6. Make sure you have the most current, updated forms. You mentioned you already printed the form, but for all you know they could update it before you start filling it out. Make sure to check before so you don't send in an out-dated form. It's unlikely, but it could happen.



    And lastly, just be aware that, unfortunately, things are very vague. There will probably be many times during the process that you will be unsure about what to do, or where this is going, or where it is at, etc. Just know you aren't alone, and that I would say pretty much everyone has had that happen. There just isn't a lot of detail outside of the general process on official government sites. So if you ever have questions, try to reach out to someone. 


    I wish you the best of luck! 

  5. 5 minutes ago, powerpuff said:

    A need for a NOA2 scan comes during AOS when you need to include a copy of it in your application. However, a search on VJ indicates that people have overcome this by including other things as a replacement.

    What other things, if you could give me some examples? On the USCIS website they have my petition as "approved", could I take a screenshot of that? Or would that not be good enough? 

  6. Hello! I posted a question similar to this, but there wasn't any answers on it, and I've also had some updates since then. I am just curious, how important are the Notice of Actions? I lost my NOA2, and I thought I had scanned it in somewhere, but it is no where to be found. I contacted the USCIS and they gave me a link to a form. The form wasn't necessarily for getting a second NOA2, but it was general form for receiving things - if that makes sense. However, the filing fee for the form was almost $500. If the NOA2 is really, really important to have to send to my fiancé then I will pay it. But if its just something to send to your fiancé for record keeping or something like that, then I won't bother. So my question is, is the NOA2 important for something after a petition leaves the NVC

  7. Hello! 


    So I recently noticed that my NOA2 paper that was mailed to me is gone. I've looked everywhere, but I have a feeling my mom maybe scooped it up with some of her papers and threw it away. Regardless, I can't find it anywhere. I thought I scanned it onto my computer when I first got it, but I also can't find the scan anywhere, which admittedly is an oversight on my part. Now I am panicking because I don't have it to send a copy to my fiancé when our petition finally gets past the NVC, and I also don't remember to exact date for when the petition expires. I just remember it was sometime in June. I put in a request on the USCIS website to see if I can get another one, but since they are so busy it will take until around the 5th of June to hear back. 


    So I'm just curious, has anyone lost there's and been able to get another one? 


    And also, a semi-related question, since the petition expiration date is coming up within the next month or so, who do I call specifically to renew that? Would if be the NVC since it is there currently?

  8. Hello! So I just received our NOA2 - super exciting! But I just had a few questions on it, as well as about going forward.


    First, I know the timeline is that now it gets forwarded to the NVC. But on the NOA2 it just says it is being forwarded to the listed consulate. So, is it still being sent to the NVC? It just feels weird that they wouldn't put that on there, but I also don't know why they wouldn't send it to the NVC. Or is the NVC a consulate? I'm not entirely sure of the difference between an embassy and a consulate, so I suppose that is another question.


    Second, also kinda having to do with the thing above. It says it is being sent to the "listed consulate", but for the life of me I cannot find anything "listed" on the NOA2. Is it just talking about the consulate/embassy (if they are the same) that I listed on the petition?


    Thirdly, from here, is it just more waiting? On the timeline flow chart thing it states that you can contact the NVC after 2 weeks to see if they've gotten the petition, but on the NVC website It lists a whole bunch of stuff that needs to be done? Like creating an account, paying some fees, etc. I just would like to know the exact next few steps.


    And lastly, not really a question, but If anyone else is doing a fiancé visa from the UK to the US, I would love to hear how the process is/was for you. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, JFH said:

    If it’s for a non-US company and can be done remotely, why are they “excited to have someone in the US”? Sounds like the job has to be done in the US or is for US-based clients and without a work permit he cannot work in the US. 

    If working as soon as he arrives is a priority, the K-1 is the wrong visa. Get married and file for a spousal visa and he will be able to work for this or any other company as soon as he arrives. Why muddy the waters with a K-1 and a very gray area with remote working? 

    I'm not sure of the exact details, but I believe they have some clients in the US, so perhaps you are correct that without a work permit he won't be able to do that.


    And it's not necessarily a priority, I already planned for everything with him not working in mind. I was just curious if that is something he would be able to do or not, since this was a new development. Thanks for the answer!

  10. Hello! First time poster here. Me (USA) and my fiancé (UK) just submitted our paperwork at the end of May. I wasn't sure of this question had been asked before, as I looked for it and couldn't find it, so if it has I apologize.


    Basically, my fiancé is a website and software programmer, so he can work remotely. He also recently got a job offer from a non-USA based company which would allow him to work pretty much completely remotely. In fact, they were actually excited that he would be moving here, since they wanted someone in the US. So my question comes when he actually gets here and isn't allowed to work for those first months. If he already has a job and works remotely, and for a non-USA company, will he still be okay to keep working? He told this new job offer that he would be willing just to do volunteer work when he gets here if so, and then go back to being a paid worker once we get all the required things done. However, that's not the best situation and would be pretty financially hard on me. Hopefully this all makes sense.


    Long story short, does the "not allowed to work" thing only involve getting a job here in the US, or for all work even from their original country? Thanks for your help!

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