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Posts posted by Mithra

  1. Ok I wasn't going to say anything but this is crazy. Betsy lives in KY. How is it even possible that she showed up at where the OP lives in IL? I think this is a case of the OP being paranoid. Being FB friends with someone doesn't mean they're messing around. I have FB friends who are guys that I went to school with who I do live nearby that I never see or even communicate with. Sorry but the OP sounds insane.

  2. It's hard to tell. The embassy kept my husband's passport, we were on AP for about 4 months. Just remember, AP eventually comes to an end. I know it's stressful and you want him here now but in the grand scheme of things AP is nothing. Even longish AP is nothing.

  3. My husband is from a somewhat rural area and also did not have a real address. It was a street name and building name. DHL called him to come pick up his packet 3 and then later on his passport with visa in it. Like the pp said, just make sure the embassy has his correct and most recent phone number.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here. After waiting and waiting and waiting, I felt I needed some moral support, so I found this forum.

    My fiancé and I met in 2006, and there were definitely sparks, but we did not start a relationship because I was dating someone. We try to maintain contact online, but he had very limited access to the Internet in his English was not very good writing, so it was nearly impossible.

    When I returned in Dec 2012, I was single but he was not. He, however, was in what he calls a "traditional "marriage. It was arranged. Both were miserable, and they have since divorced.

    I have some questions/concerns. We have submitted our paperwork, and we are now just waiting for an interview to be scheduled. I have noticed that some others have said that their fiancés were told they must get a second TB test. Does anyone know why? Also, my fiancée lives in a very small village in southern Egypt. He does not have a street address. When they requested documentation for packet three, they emailed it to me. I doubt seriously that they will email me to schedule an interview for him. What if DHL won't/can't deliver to his address??

    Good luck, everyone!

  4. I feel overwhelmed just reading this, I can't imagine experiencing it. I'm also a mother of 4 so I know how challenging that can be in and of itself and I don't have special needs kids. Try looking at the situation as a blessing in disguise. By the time your fiancé gets here you should have something figured out as far as child care and employment, hopefully. That way when he gets here he isn't immediately thrown into the Mr. Mom role to 4 children that aren't his own. That could certainly put a major strain on your relationship and you don't need that on top of everything else. I hope things settle for you and aren't nearly as bad as they appear to be. You're a mom, you can do this!

  5. You're welcome!

    We've been married for 8 years, long before the revolution. He's been in the US almost 7 years now.

    I feel like processing goes through phases. When we went through immigration it was taking a long time to process for some people. Then a couple years later it was going faster. Now it seems slow again.

  6. Culture and look = two different things. Culturally I am American although some would argue that Americans don't have their own culture. Appearance-wise I could look like I'm from any number of countries. Unless the comment was referring to a Native American, how does one look American? Yes, I suppose I look American because there are a lot of Caucasians from the US but looking "pretty darn American" doesn't make sense. Unless we're talking Native American.

  7. I think she means - how does one look American when Americans are largely other ethnicities either mixed or full blood but originally from other countries. African Americans tend to not look like Caucasian Americans. Caucasian Americans can have ancestors from Europe, Middle East (they are generally considered "white"), etc. My ancestors came from Belgium, Germany, and Ireland. If I don't open my mouth, an Egyptian could easily think I'm from Europe or Canada or the US. So....how does one look pretty darn American?

  8. I totally could've done without the whole sex discussion. I'm no prude but seriously that was unnecessary. Just because the OP's husband is a freak down for whatever with whomever and off of Craigslist no less doesn't mean all or most or many MENA ppl are like that. Her husband and some random Iranian lol. I love this forum!

  9. Yeah I totally don't get the divorce is not an option thing. So I'm going to stay in a ####### marriage because it's "shameful" for my inlaws. Yeah, no. No one goes into marriage thinking it will fail but a lot of times it does. Some people misrepresent themselves but it doesn't show up until later on. Some things are not fixable (infidelity and abuse). Why the hell would someone stay in that because their inlaws never got divorced? F that.

    I agree. I stay away from those groups because the minute someone expresses an opinion that doesn't go along with others it's always a cat fight. many people ask questions and start threads here supposedly wanting honest answers and opinions and when the question is answered with something they don't want to hear the OP becomes defensive. Why ask a question if you can't take or don't want to hear the real truth?

    I find it strange when someone says that under no circumstances they will never divorce for fear of being a "shame" to their family. I can tell you right now that if a man ever laid a hand on me, I would be out of that marriage faster than a bat out of hell, my family would never think I was a shame, in fact they would probably kill my husband if he ever did anything to hurt me. My husband is Muslim, one of his sisters and a brother are divorced(both remarried now), they are not a shame to the family. I understand some people stay in abusive relationships because they don;t know how to get out or are afraid to get out, they have no self esteem and are bullied into staying. But staying for fear of shame...I just don't get it. Would your family tell you to stay ignoring the fact that your life is in danger for fear of what other people in the family or friends would think of you being divorced? Perplexing...

  10. There are a few FB groups already ongoing for wives of Egyptians. I'm sure someone involved can send you the info if they read this thread. I'm not involved in any of them personally as I feel like it's a lot of blowing smoke up rear ends and backbiting while pretending to be supportive. Not to be cynical but I feel like these "support" groups and even some comments on this site are women selling each other a bill of goods. Not a whole lot of real honesty or support going on. Nor does anyone really appreciate honesty or support unless it involves things ppl want to hear.

  11. I'm always a little leery when someone insists that divorce isn't an option and that they would never do it or consider it. Egyptians get divorced a lot so it's not something unusual or shameful. Also the insisting that someone will NEVER cheat or be abusive. Actions not words. Just be cautious. Not saying your husband is dishonest or scamming you just saying that lots of guys here on tourist, work, or student visas marry Americans to adjust status. Again, actions not words. Actions long term not short term when papers are at stake. I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

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