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Posts posted by kelzm

  1. That sounds great Kim. Even though it does change your plans a little it's nice to see that Russell's whanau are making the trip to see the two of you finally able to be married. Plus a big bash with all the family and friends sounds fun, I'm sure the kiwi contigent will love it.

    For myself, my wedding was very intimate - just the two of us and our two witnesses. We got married in California so my son wasn't able to be there, I'd promised him some other kind of ceremony that he could be at later on down the track.

    Now I'm not so sure about that, however my son is still quite adamant that he wants us to do something, so we'll have to have some more discussion around that idea at some point!

  2. Today I decided to visit the official NVC page info for my consulate. It was lucky that I did so as my consulate has changed in the last week from a standard post to appointment post processing, meaning that the form I sent to my husband with my signature is no longer correct (I'd only filled in part 1) and that I need to get all my documentation to him to send in, rather than taking it to my consulate. :crying:

    I also noted that the initial instruction page now has the following statement:

    Obtain and submit photographs that meet the Department of State's immigration requirements.



  3. I'm not sure about tracking packages... I guess so?

    I still have quite a process to go through to get it to leave there though! We're still waiting for them to receive it, once they have they'll send out two more bills, and want to collect the biographical info before it's all sent to the consulate. Looks like that part of the process is taking about 3 - 5 months for most people. :crying:

    You must be counting down the days Kim. It's March now, just a month more to go!

  4. What an awesome picture Ruby. Hopefully soon you'll have one of you and Jordan together. I agree with Kim, it's definitely time to have that talk with Mum and Dad!

    Kim - I had read on the consulate site that contact was by phone only. The other night I tried to find their info and ended up at the Wellington Embassy site which had this address for contacting the consulate: aucklandacs@state.gov

    I found that here: http://newzealand.usembassy.gov/contact_us.html

    Since that page didn't say not to email I took the chance. :whistle:

    The email was then forwarded to the IV section of the consulate who replied to me from this address: AucklandIV@state.gov

    They didn't seem upset with me emailing instead of using the ($3.26 a minute) phone line. And I think it was easier to convey my questions that way also.

  5. I hadn't seen that page, thanks Kim, very useful/

    One thing though, it says that the consulate does not answer email. I actually emailed them a couple of nights ago to ask some questions for my son around custody and parental permission, as well as if I needed to be there for his interview.

    They got back to me the next morning and asked a bunch of questions about my process as well. I told them my planned timeline, with an approval by August and they thought it was achievable. If you do have questions it's worth trying an email.

    Very prompt answers, and pleasant emails. I feel quite positive about the Auckland consulate part of the journey!

  6. Oh! Good work Kim, hopefully the other NZ couples will join in and let us know how things go at interviews. I'm very curious about the consulate and what kind of timeframes things move through there.

    I am excited to move, but I've still got lots to sort out here in NZ. The most important thing is timing my move to be around school holidays for my son. I'm still unsure how long its going to take for me to get through NVC, I really hope I get approved by August so that I can make the September trip, otherwise I may have to reevaluate and leave it till December.

    I want to bring him over for his first ever vist to the US right after I make the move, so he can see where I am, see the room that I'll set up for him and also we can have a great holiday (Disneyland!) before I get a job and end up with no vacation time. :P

  7. Hey ruby, congrats on having finished school! Must be nice to have that all sorted.

    Kim - that's great news about the deed. I know people usually complain about government systems and processes but every now and then someone goes out of their way to do something that just helps make up for everything else. When we got married the celebrant also worked for the city council and as she knew we were going to put forms in to USCIS she had our certificate processed within a couple of days, instead of a couple of weeks.

    You'll have to keep us updated with how everything goes. Sounds like Russ could be there pretty soon!

  8. Well... I didn't read all the posts in the thread as they seemed rather off topic. What I did think is perhaps people are misunderstanding what you're asking.

    If you're asking if you can file the I-130 while she is still visiting you, but she intends to leave, then yes. I myself took our application to the post office to mail it to USCIS. I then left the US to return to my home to wait for the processing.

    It's perfectly legal to get the paperwork in motion, as long as she's intending to return home (and does so), it's when she remains that you could get into a sticky situation.

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