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Posts posted by Nimo

  1. 6 hours ago, geowrian said:

    Adoption isn't going to work here for multiple reasons. Age is just one disqualification here.


    There's really 2 possible paths for him to immigrate in the "near" future from a technical standpoint:

    1) She enters on the CR-1 visa and immediately files for him. If he is under 21 still he may be able to qualify under F2A. ETA: ~2 years currently (and certainly may change by that time). If he ages out into F2B, expect closer to 5-7 years.

    2) Divorce (it must be finalized and both be free to marry) and do a K-1 visa. He qualifies as a child still so long as the visa is issued before he turns 21.*


    *this a very highly irregular path, let alone all the disadvantages of K-1 and any possible questions that may arise about the relationship (although personally I'm not as worried about that...the circumstances can be explained).

    The main issue here is a quick google search implies the timeline for a divorce in India would likely mean he turns 21 before the K-2 visa would be issued. If so....or if that is even a reasonable possibility, then this option is moot.

    My daughter and I got K2&K1 visa in February.we were to travel on 16th April our government grounded all outbound and inbound international flights on 23rd march.Our flight were canceled.my daughter will be turning 21 years old on may 8th. What implications does this have on her turning 21 yrs on getting residential documents.

  2. 15 hours ago, Captain Ewok said:

    The trump Administration is planning to pass an Executive Order in the next 24 hours to suspend immigration to America.  While it's unlikely the President will change their mind on the general policy, we believe they may consider a narrow exception for immediate family members of US Citizens, including fiancés.  We've started a petition a the White House which requires 10,000 signatures to get attention and 100,000 signatures to get a formal response.  Please join us by signing the petition at the following link.  We should have the membership to make a solid run at getting enough signatures!



    (note the petition was changed to include fiance visa language... please verify you signed the updated petition if you signed earlier)




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