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Ahmed N Cheryl

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Status Updates posted by Ahmed N Cheryl

  1. Hey Hey wonderful news we got our interview date from NVC today. Our interview is February 11th 2008. Cairo mailed the packet 4 today.

  2. Hey Girl!!! We got our Interview Date today. It is February 11th 2008 at 0730. Hope you hear soon. I called the NVC today and they told me. Cairo had just sent the packet 4 out today. So we should get a letter from DHL tomorrow.

  3. Thanks for the Congrats. We appreciate it. May God Bless you!

  4. Thanks for your Congrats and Good Luck wishes. We appreciate it. God Bless You!

  5. Thanks for your COngrats. We appreciate it. May God Bless You.

  6. Thanks for the good luck wishes. We appreciate it. God Bless You!

  7. Thanks for the kind words . We appreciate it. God Bless you.

  8. Thanks so much for your congrats. We appreciate it.

  9. Thanks Melinda for all your support and prayers. Hopefully you will be close behind us. Take Care and keep me posted.

  10. Welcome to VJ. If youneed anything just ask.

  11. Thanks Melinda. We need all the prayers we can get and hugs too. All we can do is wait. Emailing is not helping and neither is calling. So we are praying and waiitng. Thanks for all your support and kindness. Hugs back.

  12. Hey Girl just thought I would stop by and see how you two are doing. Hope all is well. Keep in touch.

  13. Hey, thanks for your support and prayers. It means alot. I know you are getting nervous and excited only 11 more days until ur SO interviews. Let me know how it goes. Inshallah all will be fine. Good Luck. Hugs.

  14. Well somehow I overlooked my comments lately!!! I just saw your Dec 30th comment. Sorry. Thanks for the prayers. Keep them up. We still have not got an interview date.

  15. Hey girl! how r things going? Just a few more days and your husband will be there with you. I am so excited for you. Take Care! Hugssssss!!!

  16. Woooooo Hoooo!!! Congrats on the Visa. Hugssssss

  17. Thanks, Inshallah you are right. I think we will hear by the 8th of January if not sooner. :D

  18. I agree Cairo is never consistent. NO interview date yet. That is what I told Ahmed if they looked at it close enough to pick what they wanted and send rest back they could have put the interview date in there too. LOOOOL No such luck though...we are still waiting.

  19. I do not think you messed up......everything says copy except the passport so we are mailing the original too . Ahmed said he can get another one in one day if he needs to. But I read the instructions several times and it does not say copy of passport it says passport. Than the embassy site says passprt also and not copy of passport. So I agree it should be the original. Good Luck to you.

  20. I am glad I was able to help. Ask anytime. God Bless you.

  21. wanted to send you a big HUG Faith. Hang in there. You are in my prayers.

  22. Congrats Tam!! I am so happy for you both. I will keep you in my prayers that he will get his visa this week and you will be together again soon.

  23. Congrats!!!! Ahmed and I received our the day before. So lets celebrate together!!! Whooooo Hoooooo!!!!!

  24. I am sorry to hear about your story. May you find happiness. I have heard that many middle easterns do this and play roles until green card is issued. I am sorry you experienced it first hand. God Bless you.

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