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Ahmed N Cheryl

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Status Updates posted by Ahmed N Cheryl

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Ahmed!! Be Safe on your Trip.

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Much Love to you and Ashraf. Hugs!

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I am so glad our husbands are here with us. Hugs Tammy!!

  5. The Twins are just adorable!! I Love the santa suits. You are truly Blessed.

  6. Thanks Laura. Tell Ashraf Hi for us. Hope all is going well for you. Hugs!!! Cheryl

  7. OOPS I just relaized I said Ayman instead of Malek. I am sooo sorry. I hope you know I meant the baby was sooooo cute. Forgive me.

  8. Oops nice to meet you and Hi!!

  9. Hi Diana I have been gone awhile and saw a post u made in my post from Sep 2007 just yesterday. Better late than never to say thanks for the info and nice to Hi.

  10. Just stopping by to say Hi. Wishing you the best.

  11. Stopping by just to say Hi. Hope all is well.

  12. Just wanted to stop by and say Hi and tell you I always enjoy your posts.

  13. Hi stopping by to see how things are going for you. I have been away for a while and was thinking of you. Best wishes.

  14. Tammy have been away for a while..I was so happy to see while I was awy your Husband arrived. You deserve the best. Thanks for all your support during my journey. I am sorry I was not here and missed your glorious day. You were always in my prayers. Best Wishes. Cheryl

  15. Welcome to VJ!! We are neighbors. I am from Alabama. Good Luck in your journey.

  16. Hey you!! How are you holding up? Still waiitng for the name correction? Hope you get it soon. Ayman is soooooo cute. Take care and Best wishes.

  17. Hi just wanted to stop by and see how everything was going for you guys these days...Hope all is well.

  18. Congrats Tam on Adam's 10 )

  19. We are fine El HamdoleALLAH thanx for asking. How are you guys??

  20. Hi Melinda how are you? Hope all is going well for you guys.

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