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Posts posted by EnyoEk

  1. 7 minutes ago, JeanneAdil said:

    i will get backlash over this but i am going to try to think like a CO 

    many K1 USC women get pregnant and still denied /  many young american girls sleep one time with a man and get pregnant

    a baby does not prove a real relationship (at times ) /  it means 2 people slept together


    The CO is not looking for you to prove even the marriage

    they are looking for you to prove the relationship is real / that you took the time to get to know each other 

    love does not always last /  getting to know each other and that you like the person and you can successfully be day to day and night to night with them is different 

    many things can break apart a marriage


    other family interference

    difference of cultures

    difference of likes and dislikes


    but you still do not know what the denial is about

    you need to know that to accomplish your evidence to support your marriage

    you are going to have to prove you can last and last and last

    i know this because we had to do an appeal and worked 6 years to get my husband's visa

    some people just give up

    so,  to make more trips to be together

    and prove the embassy wrong with evidence that will back up whatever issues the CO has come up with

    Good luck to you both

    6 years? I’m in tears as I read your post, but at the same time I’m confident that we will make it through just like you and your spouse did. 

    I’m naturalized American, but my husband and I have the same culture and traditions as we both are born and raised in Togo. We are in our early 30’s and We are working on starting a business over there since it seems like his relocation to the US is taking more time than we expected. Just as you said, we will do everything possible to prove the embassy wrong; meanwhile, I will keep on traveling back there at least once a year to spend time with my husband in order to reinforce our relationship. 

    Thank you so much for awakening me with your testimony and information. I appreciate your time ! 

  2. 1 hour ago, JeanneAdil said:

    about 6 months after the case reaches the US office,  you will get either a NOID or NOIR

    A NOID is a letter issued by USCIS when the officer determines that the applicant has not demonstrated eligibility for the requested immigration benefit. ... Your NOID response is likely your last chance to convince the USCIS adjudicator of your eligibility. NOIDs differ from Requests for Evidence (RFEs).


    For NOID you need to rebute the issues that will be listed and have STRONG evidence showing that the issues are incorrect

    you have only 30 days to respond to a NOID


    Salvaging a visa petition after receiving a Notice of Intent to Revoke (NOIR) is difficult, ... USCIS can issue a NOIR for any type of visa petition: immigrant petitions .... provided to the you in the NOIR, you will have a strong argument on appeal.
    appeals can take a year or more /ours was over a year and marriage was declared bona fida and we were told to reapply
    As for the Congressman ,  he/she can not be much help/  he /she can get only a copy of the correspondence sent to you 
    they do not control immigration which works on our fees not under a Federal budget

    Thanks a lot for your explanations. What can be prepared as STRONG evidence to support that we are in a bona fide marriage? Do you think trips to Africa to spend time with my husband can be convincing? 

  3. 3 hours ago, Ahmed&Freda said:

    Some cases take at year or more at USCIS once returned.  Since your case arrived in October they may still be working on it.  You can contact them (USCIS), and ask to speak to a tier 2 officer to attempt to get more information on where they may be with your file.  You can contact your congressman, state representative and ombudsman as well.   An attorney would not be much help at this point.   You will receive  a NOIR from USCIS when they are complete their review.  Depending on what it says that may be time for a lawyer.  Hopefully you and your husband have some idea on why it may have been returned and have already compiled evidence to rebut as USCIS will only give you 30 days to respond to the NOIR with your evidence.

    Thank you for all the information. I just contacted my district congressman, I will file the privacy waiver and they will look into this matter on my behalf. I will you keep you updated. 

  4. Hello guys, 

    I got married to my spouse in December 2016 and filed for a CR1 petition. Everything went smoothly and quickly until his visa interview day in February 2018. After replying all the questions, the officer kept all the documentation without the passport. He was given a paper where it said we will be contacted in 30 days. He was called to come in for a second interview and on that same day I was interviewed too on the phone. They contacted other family members for more verification. In September 2018 he was called by the consulate and all his original documents was returned to him. They also told him I will be contacted by the NVC or USCIS. Until now, I did not receive any mail from these offices, I called they NVC and I was informed that our file was returned to them, which they transferred to the USCIS in October 2018. 

    Please, have anyone here gone through this kind of scenario? 

    What can I do at this point? Would a lawyer help? 

    Please I need your advises. 

    Thank you all !

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