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Everything posted by TheJs

  1. Ohhh update! Our AOS was approved just now, no interview! 😍
  2. Received today an “action was taken on your case” email with no updates to our IOE # or USCIS account. I keep checking for good news but an Emma agent just said he can’t see that any decision has been made so I guess it’s a glitch. Dang. I really got my hopes up 😂 Filed Aug 17, Denver.
  3. My husband came here on a K1 visa and we were married in June, filed for AOS in August
  4. My husband had his biometrics yesterday and today his EAD status changed to Card Being Produced! 🥳 We filed AOS on Aug 17 and haven’t expedited anything.
  5. It was all online, neither of us were asked for any proof. I am in Colorado so we use a state health marketplace instead of the federal one but I assume it’s pretty much the same process. It asked for my husband’s marital status, immigration status (adjustment to LPR), US income and SSN. The marketplace then gave us a list of insurance companies and policies to choose from. Generally in our AOS process, the only documents we’re ever had to show to prove immigration status are the I-94, marriage license and I-797 (which is the NOA1 for AOS). However I didn’t have to show any of these for insurance, the healthcare marketplace verifies identity through social security numbers.
  6. I know this a bit of an older post so idk if you found your answer, but I was able to create a healthcare.gov marketplace account for my husband and I (I’m the US citizen) once he had a SSN. After that, I was able to purchase us joint health insurance that was actually cheap and pretty amazing coverage because of the tax credits due to marriage and him not having income. I am also self employed FWIW so this was our only option but it’s worked great. He had healthcare coverage before we ever even applied for AOS! Also, all you need to get an SSN for her is to take her unexpired I-94 and marriage license after she crosses with her K1 visa. My husband actually got his before marriage even, but you probably would want to go after if she’s changing her last name.
  7. The category is (c)(9) - some people type it as (c)(0)(9) - same thing You are filing as adjustment of status, you have already completed the k1 portion of your immigration so that part is no longer what applies. It’s a different category, so if it’s approved, it would be valid until you receive your green card.
  8. We got our biometrics notice! PD: 8/17/2022 Biometrics: 9/15/2022 is it safe to assume we won’t get an RFE now? Edit: we also never received any sort of notice with an online access code, should we try to pursue getting this or just be patient it still may arrive?
  9. This happened to us and unfortunately our package was sent back, so I think you should probably keep your eyes open for a return package. It took about 2-3 weeks for the package to come back. The second time around our money was deducted in less than 48 hours after it was received.
  10. We sent back our AOS package on the night of Aug 17 and the money was deducted from our account yesterday so it’s not getting sent back again at least, yay!
  11. Sadly our AOS package was returned this week which is super frustrating! We couldn’t really understand why either. The 797 notice lists that it was an outdated 485, as well as missing signature but we used the 7/15/22 version of the form (most current) and the signature is definitely there. 😩 So frustrating! Printing it all out to send again today and double checking everything but it’s really annoying that the reasons they listed don’t seem to apply to us at all. Does anyone have insight on this? the other thing is we included 3 copies of our certified wedding certificate in the original package (one each for 485, 131 and 765), and we don’t have that many extra certified copies anymore. Can we reuse the ones we sent in the original package? They have the barcode stamp on the bottom now is all - but could use white out or something. Any thoughts?
  12. Just sent ours in finally today! 🥳 Hoping it’s not an insanely long process but prepared for the worst case scenario tbh
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