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Status Updates posted by RT&MB

  1. Just wanted to make sure I read your review correctly regarding the embassy visit.  You accompanied your fiance to the K1  Visa interview at the US Embassy in Manila?  I had read on a several occasions that the petitioner wasn't allowed to join.  Did you do anything special to be able to join?  

    1. Presbo


      Yes, the petitioner is allowed into the embassy for her interview. There were a few other petitioners also, not just me.  They even allowed me to stand next to her while they conducted her pre-interview, where they confirm all her documents are in order. I just stood off to the side while they questioned her and didn't say anything.  When she was called in for her final interview I stayed seated, but glad I was there because the interviewer called me in (when my fiancé told her I accompanied her) to help clear up a couple questions regarding my previous marriage and my residency status.

    2. RT&MB


      Thank you!!!

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